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They reach Seonghwa's house.

Seonghwa helped Wooyoung get out of the car and into the house.

"Hwa, is that you?" Seonghwa's mother came out and asked.

"who are they hwa?"
Seonghwa smiled and said that they were his mate and son.


Seonghwa pulled his mother. "I'll tell you later, where is yeo?"

Seonghwa's mother nodded and called yeo.

Then Yeosang came down the stairs looking messy but also cute and adorable. He was still in his pyj and holding his big teddy bear.

"mummy?" Seonghwa hugged Yeosang and asked Wooyoung to approach Yeosang.

"woo baby this is your new brother yeosang"
Yeosang saw Wooyoung now was really awake and his eyes were big.

"brother?" seonghwa nodded. Wooyoung held out a handshake but Yeosang pulled Wooyoung to hug and started sobbing.

"Thank you mummy! I will love him " said Yeosang, making Wooyoung hug Yeosang back.

Then hongjoong cleared his throat and caught seonghwa's attention and then knelt down in front of him.

"Park Seonghwa I know we just met last night but that night you have proven to me that I can still love someone other than my Wooyoung. Will you marry me?"

Hongjoong said pulling out a silver ring.

Then, Seonghwa sat down and knelt with him.

"You know I have no choice but to accept you we are already mating that also means you are mine and I am yours. Yes I will"

Hongjoong smiled and put a ring on Seonghwa's finger and gave him a kiss on his lips and forehead and hugged Seonghwa and their two omega babies.

♡ At Seonghwa Park. ♡

The new family sat on a blanket they laid it on the grass.

"Hongjoong met this my moonlight yeosang he is 10 years old but he's still my baby," said Seonghwa.

Hongjoong saw Yeosang but the boy clutched his mother's shirt embarrassed.

"hey angel you look so beautiful you don't want to see your new father?"

Seonghwa let go of Yeosang and put his angel on Hongjoong's lap. Hongjoong holding both hands of yeosang makes the boy stare at him.

"hey what do you think about me?" Yeosang saw Hoongjoong's face. And touch his cheeks and hair.

"Sweet! Strawberry!" all of them are then cooed at the little one and Hongjoong was then shocked by the contact at his lips.

"Mummy always kisses me because he loves me now I kiss daddy because I love my daddy!" Hongjoong's smile then laid Yeosang on his chest while looking to the side.

Wooyoung's head lay sweetly on his mother chest while Seonghwa patted the boy's head gently.

Hongjoong took Seonghwa's hand and kissed it.

"I love you and our child"

"I love you all too".

♡ at Seonghwa's house ♡

The marriage will take place a week after Hongjoong proposed to him. Because Hongjoong wants it as quickly as possible.

"yeo what did you bring to our new house?" Wooyoung asked hugging him while Yeosang put his art equipment and camera in the box written "yeo's".

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