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"Yeosang?" Woo look into the kitchen but no one there. He had go to his room but no one in there. So he look to Aurora room, seongjoong room but Yeosang wasn't anywhere there.

He walk to the living room, then notice a blanket and a pillow on the sofa. "Yeosang?" he walk to the glass door at the conner and open it.

"Yeosang?" he saw a figure of someone back sitting on the ground , he was near that person before freak out. "Yeosang! What are you doing?!". Yeosang look back and smiled.

Woo panics as soon as he sees his hands are full of cuts and a few spikes,but when he looks to the front he freaks out even more, where Seonghwa favourites rose bush are destroyed.

"Yeosang what have you done?" Yeosang stand up and near Woo who still freaking out. Woo look at Yeosang sleeve stain with dirt and soil gripping the edge of his shirt with something hang in there.

"They fall from the tree– look how pitiful and weak they are~ '' Woo looked into the bundle and found a whole nest filled with baby birds. Woo was too stunted to speak. "Wha-wha-how?"

Yeosang point with his head, "there a orange cat on the tree, when it's saw me it's jump and accidentally kick their nest, the cat is fine, it run to the neighbour open window through the roof but the nest fall into the bush, so i help them. Sorry for the flower"

Woo shakes his head and lifts up to rub the other nape. "Curse you Milo," he muttered under his breath. "It's fine stay here, i go get a ladder and after we got them up there back, then i'll treat your cut"

Woo ran away to get the ladder but as soon as he came back he saw Yeosang was digging into the ground, he hurriedly put down the ladder at the tree and stopped Yeosang. "Hei, what are you doing? Your cut is going to get affected!"

Yeosang gently took Woo's hand from him and picked some of the rose from the shaft and planted it into the ground he dug right beside the bush. "Rose are the one of the plant that grow easily and also easy to taken care of, as long you give it enough love, everything is going just fine"

Woo stun just by looking at him. He shake his head and pull Yeosang up as soon as he done, put him inside and close the door while he put back the nest where the cat won't able to reach but also save for the birds.

"Meow~" Woo looked to the side and saw Milo the orange cat sitting on the window frame looking at him. Woo gives a middle finger to the cat before hurrying to climb down when the cat hisses at him.

He just put the ladder beside the door and walked inside. Got to the kitchen and get fast kit and towel also a plastic bowl filled with warm water and bring all that to the living room where Yeosang sit still.

He put the bowl under him and dip Yeosang feet into it. Yeosang was shocked and was about to stop him. "Wait-" "did you even feel pain when you step on any rock from the outside? Why don't you wear slippers? sss~~ look your feet got red! Next times please wear cover for your foot"

He dips his dirty feet into the warm water as Woo massages it gently. After moving the bowl away he wiped his feet with the towel he bought. Then he moved to sit beside Yeosang and pulled his hand to be treated.

"Hei, it's fine i could do this by myself" Wooyoung smiled. "But I owe you very expensive things that I can't rewind to give to you," Yeosang shook his head. "No need, i won't need it, if you want something back from me, i got nothing to give you"

"But that is not what i mean" Yeosang tilt his head, "huh?" "i own you my time, my caring and my trust" Wooyoung done put some bandage on few cut on his hand and taking out spikes, brush his thumb on the back of Yeosang hand.

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