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" Remember we only have 3 days before the competition day, we have done half but we still need to do our best!" The voice from the other side sounded so serious but the one hearing just hummed from the time to the time.

" i know sannie~~ don't need to be so nervous, our parents surely love it!" Wooyoung said as he kept chewing a soft candy inside his mouth.

" yeah, how can they love it if they are not even coming!" San's parents leave separately as his mom and little brother live a few cities away from him and his father, they are not divorce just his parents need to work at a different place.

" shit! I forgot to tell my parents about it! Bye sannie! I love you! "

" wait! Woo! Love you-" -beep.

Wooyoung ends the call as he takes his council program brochure, and runs out from his room.

'I can't wait to perform in front of mummy and daddy!' we excited, his school are holding a talents show as they done their exam. He hurry walk to the living room as he saw his parent with Yeosang.

He is near them. " Mummy, I got into the competition ! Daddy you will come to my performances right? " yeosang ask while showing his big doe eyes. " of course! we promise to go for it baby, i can't wait to see you!"

Seonghwa said and kissed Yeosang forehead, and agreed to go to his special stage.

" great! Because i join it too!! " Wooyoung walked beside Yeosang and give his card. Hongjoong take the card and read it and knit his eyebrow.

" this both is a different competition" he said " and?.." Hongjoong's eyes wide. " both at a different location and both of your turn are at the same time!"

They all fall silent "b-but you two will come to my performance right?" Wooyoung voices start to shake. " but you two promised to go for mine right?" yeosang said back

Seonghwa and Hongjoong look at each other as they both shallow on their saliva.

" we are sorry Wooby, we already promise to go for Yeosang's performances, but next year we will look out for it okay?'' Seonghwa said a little guilty.

"But i can go to yeo's and mummy can go to woo's right?" hongjoong suggest but yeosang start to whining and tug Hongjoong's shirt refuse it.

Wooyoung nods as he leaves them and goes back to his room. He shut the door and leaned back to it holding on his sudden hurt chest.

" its fine "


Wooyoung walked down to the kitchen as he saw seonghwa with Yeosang on the table, he overheard their conversation.

" good boy! You eat your salad! Who is the mummy one and only good boy? Raise your hand!'' Seonghwa said and Yeosang happily held his hand up.

Wooypung turns back as he tch at the cringe moment. He got into his room and picked his sweater and put it into his bag along with his other things.

Don't get it wrong, he does not like to run from the house, he just goes out to the dance studio for practice.

He just dash out from his room and or from the house. He takes his phone and calls San.

" San meet me at dance studios in 15 minutes"

' what? Woo i cant right now, '

He said, " What, why?"

' I'm going somewhere else, okay? Are you there already?'

" no, I'm on my way "

' I'm sorry, but we will have practice as usual this evening, okay? '

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