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"Yeosang?" "Come in!" Yeosang looked back to see the person entering the room. He rushed to his feet when Hongjoong walked towards him. "Hey! Are you busy? "Yeosang shook his head and asked." Why? "

Hongjoong gave him a smile. "I just want to ask, do you want to come with me to the hospital? there are many people who want to meet you after they hear the news, just for your information, everyone there may really miss you. "

Yeosang tilted his head. "May I ask?" Hongjoong nodded giving all his attention. "What's the greatest thing I've ever done before that made everyone know about me ?!"

Hongjoong smiled. He took the photo frame from the table and showed it to her. "Tell me what you saw?" Yeosang look at the photo.

"myself, but younger, just an ordinary boy in the picture," he said and looked at Hongjoong. The older Alpha just smiled and nodded. "Right, it's because of you, not seeing anything special in yourself but in others you are full of miracles''

Hongjoong stood up. "dress modestly" then the older one walked out of the room.


"Doctor Kim! You're coming ?! "Hongjoong looked back and smiled at his friend." Yah Hyunsuk-ah I think you're on vacation? "The man who approached him chuckled lightly and shook his head." They lacked hands in the operating room and I had to help them. "

"How about you? I remember they locked your office because you refused to take your leave? " Hongjoong laughed. "I have a spare key, you happen to be here, meet my son, Yeosang he came back to the hospital after so long"

Hyunsuk gasped as he looked at Yeosang in amazement and extended his hand to shake. "Oh my god I heard about your case I watched it live! I apologise for your situation. Know that you are a legend among the people in this hospital "

Yeosang gasped "right?" Hyunsuk nodded, "I think we'll do a little tour, but before that, let's prepare one thing"


"So, how?" Yeosang looked at Hongjoong through the reflection from inside the mirror. "I don't know," Hongjoong nodded.

"You smell like you're excited maybe it brings back some memories so don't panic there if you get some deja vu, you often come here and that coat is one of them"

Yeosang saw the name tag embroidered on the chest pocket on the doctor's coat he was wearing. "Did I in the past want to be a doctor?"

Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders. "You just said you want to learn how to help people you didn't specifically mention, but mostly you just do what you love"

Yeosang nodded and walked to Hongjoong. "I am ready"

Hongjoong patted his head before they walked down the hall. "This is part b where most of them know you, let's go in''

Yeosang nodded and pushed open the door. He observed several nurses treating patients from one bed to another. He walked a few steps forward trying to recognize the scene he saw.

"My lord, is this a sign that I don't have much time? Angels have come to us! " Yeosang was startled by a sudden scream, then a nurse held a middle-aged woman as the woman nearly fainted.

Yeosang decided to approach the woman. He held the woman's hand. "Aunt, do you know me?" he asked. The woman placed one more hand on it and shook her head.

"I can't believe my eyes that you are here! Of course I know you lil Yeosang! already I know that you will be an angel soon! is it time for me to go? "

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