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Wooyoung ready himself for school, today he is going to have Yeonjun, Taehyun and San come for a sleepover. It's been a while since they actually met and had fun together.

Wooyoung finished with himself. He got everything inside his bag and took Nero from the bed and out of his room, walked to Yeosang's room. Take keys from the wall beside the door and unlock it.

Nothing inside the room was even moved out or placed in a different place, even when Yeosang was still alive this room was already recognized. He walks to the bed and slaps the dust off a little before sitting on it.

Put Nero right beside Neko the white cat. Seonghwa have fix Nero, but still the black cat still have a large sewing mark on its belly. He stand up and take some tissue from his bag and wipe a bit Yeosang's portrait, kiss it's frame before put it on its place back and walk out and locked the room back.

"Another day without you"

Aaron just sits at the table drawing some stuff on a piece of paper he got, waiting for his father to come back from work.

*bang!* Aaron startled when the door was kicked open and slammed to the wall behind it. Mr. Kang is standing at the door, forgetting he has a child in that house, now looking at Aaron who has eyes wide.

Well Aaron are not stupid to not know the gun inside his father hand, looking at his father with horror expression when a fresh blood stain on his shirt are making the atmosfera smelling so bad.

"Aarie- appa can explain.." As he takes a step to Aaron, the boy hurriedly jumps down and runs to his room. Mr. Kang throw his gun to the floor and chase his son's.

He opened the door slowly, seeing the little boy at the corner of the room, curling himself. Mr. Kang goes to his room first, takes off his bloody shirt and takes some random t-shirt and goes back to Aaron's room.

Approaching the little boy slowly. "Aaronie, appa can explain. Apps won't hurt you just let appa explain'' Aaron nod and follow his father to sit on the bed. "Aaronie, i forget that you don't remember anything after the accident"

"Well appa is a bad guy, but appa promise appa won't hurt you! Appa promise!" Mr. Kang said then sit on the floor, let out a pinky finger.

Aaron links his little pinky finger with his father's finger, trusting him. Mr. Kang smiled. "What bad job did you do?" Mr. Kang scratches his nape.

"Appa just bring someone to some place, but one of appa co worker being so bad and

kill appa friend, appa got mad and kill him back" Mr. Kang explained. Aaron nods and holds his father's big hand.

"why don't appa stop doing it?" Mr. Kang sighs heavily. "I can't just do that pumpkin~ those bad guys on me won't let me go because I have been in there since I was born, and if I did they would kill me and us!"

All the little boy can do is just nod his head to his father's confession. "Hei pumpkin! Yubin and Mono will come home soon, why don't you go continue your drawing, appa will change and go buy your stuff"

Aaron nod and got back to front and continue with his drawing. His father said that he homeschools, since he is small , because afraid those bad guys will take him away if he was at school, because he a male omega. Omega are mean to be protect.


Yubin and Mono just come back from school and come to the house with some snacks so they eat first before deciding to play at the playground near the market.

And then they got hungry again and wanted to buy some snacks from the market. A stall with dalgona candy caught his eyes and the two didn't complain and ran to the stall with an old woman behind the stall.

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