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I swear please don't come and attack me (╥_╥)

Like always Yeosang will follow Hongjoong to the hospital but this time Wooyoung is coming too because Seonghwa is having an appointment there. And Wooyoung keep following Yeosang non stop.

"Why did you keep following me woo~" Yeosang said, putting a few boxes of food on a trolley and pushing it to the patient room.

Yeosang is wearing a white long jacket, hand gloves and a face mask. It really makes him look like a real doctor, just shorter. Put every box on patient tables for lunch.

"So i have a question for you~" "hmm..."

"What is between you and San?"

"Friends" Wooyoung groaned. "What if there's more?"

"Brothers' ' Wooyoung just sighs. Yeosang won't tell him the truth, if that is what he thought.

"Nothing more?" Yeosang turn to face Wooyoung. "What happen between you and San?"

"Nothing" "lied~" Wooyoung groan again, in someway Yeosang always with when it's come to private conversation.

"He is just having this type of contact with someone I don't know, '' Wooyoung finally confessed. "That person is you right?"

Yeosang gave the last food box to the last patient and gave the trolley back to the nurse before pulling Wooyoung to somewhere with less people, the bathroom.

Yeosang hold Wooyoung hand, try to share some comfort to Wooyoung. "Listen if there is something between us it can't beat how strong is the relationship between you two!"

Wooyoung nods, hugging Yeosang close.


Wooyoung was about to follow Seonghwa back to the company but Yeosang was asking if he could come too, Wooyoung could careless and let his twin come with him.

Yeosang got to Seonghwa and whispered something that made Wooyoung curious. Seonghwa then bring them to one room in that building.

"Honey, did you remember when you said you wanted to be like the model inside those magazines right?"

Wooyoung nods when Seonghwa opens the door. Wooyoung was amazed when he was looking at the stage in the middle of the hall. A stage where models will do their runaway and show off their clothes.

Yeosang pulled Wooyoung onto the stage, standing at the start of the runaway floor. "What do you think about walking on top of this stage?"

"How should I know!?" Wooyoung giggled, looking amazed at the stage white glowing floor.

"Come on let try it!" Yeosang slowly pushes Wooyoung to the front and Wooyoung carefully takes a few steps on it like if he makes a mistake step the floor will shatter and he will fall down into it.

He enjoyed the experience of walking on the runaway until he got to the end of the stage, as he was about to turn around he was surprised with a big banner at the other side of the stage where Yeosang stood. He read the banner.

"Happy ^early Birthday Wooyoung!!" Wooyoung put hand in front of his mouth as he gasped widely.

Wooyoung ran to a few staff he recognized holding a few boxes of presents. Hugging them one by one.

"I forget about my own birthday!" Wooyoung said, still jumping looking at Seonghwa. "Well then you should be thank you to Yeosang for planning everything for you"

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