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"Hei come on, I will bring you to your room." Yeosang didn't notice someone talking to him. He was to focus on his pain and didn't even notice someone have picked him up and brought him to his own room.

San carefully walk up the stairs to Yeosang room. He open the door and push it open with his back.

He walked inside and put Yeosang carefully on his bed. Take some tissue and wipe Yeosang wet face.

"leave......." San look at Yeosang "what did you said?" Yeosang turn his body so his back fancing San. "leave me alone please....." San nod and pat his hair before walk out of the room.

Yeosang just staring into the unknown space until he felt a pain stab on his stomach again.

Yeosang stay in his room all day and no one ever tell him to get out. Yungi already told seongjoong what happen but end up mingi get scold for be the reason everything start.

Seongjoong just help Yeosang with bring him lunch and dinner to his room. And they didn't ask wooyoung what happened and let him settle with their feelings first.

It continued until the next day the twin was not meeting each other at all. Not talk about each other or sometimes even act like not knowing each other.

Yeosang kept feeling a huge pain attack him but always said that he have a stomach ache.


Seonghwa put down his knife he use to cut apple because Yeosang ask for it and go to the door.

He opens it and meets 2 young boys. "oh hello what can i help you two?" Seonghwa greeted them nicely.

"we are wooyoung and Yeosang friend im San and this is taehyun we come to play with them." San said "Play!! With sangie hyung!!'' Taehyun jumping in excited behind San made Seonghwa cooing at him.

"come inside they inside their own room, wooyoung is brown door and Yeosangs white door and give this to Yeosang he craving for it" Seonghwa gives a small bowl of cube apple.

They nod and walk up to the stairs. San got inside the room and found Wooyoung laid on his bed with earphone plug on his ear. San crawled up the bed and laid beside wooyoung.

Wooyoung didn't flinch even though he was surprised to see San in his room. He just wrap his arm around San and laid on his chest as he kept watching some mv on his phone.

"Give me one" San take one of the earphones and wear it to hear the songs from the mv. "what song is this?" "Butterfly by BTS" as they hear the song San notice how deep the lyrics are.

"Why hear this love?, you know it just makes you more sad," Wooyoung put down his phone on San tummy and hugged him tight. "i just want to get into the mood"

"don't you have more songs that aren't sad at all?" San tap his finger on wooyoung arm as his other hand are under wooyoung body.

"im listen to hala hala for an hour...." "what?" "nothing" wooyoung avoided the question and just dug his face in San neck.

"Yeosangie hyung?" taehyun open the door found Yeosang on his bed holding a box on his lap.

"Taehyun? Why?" Taehyun put the bowl on the nightstand and jumped to the bed just to hug him.

"Sannie hyung tell me everything yesterday so i came to visit you!" taehyun take the bowl back and shove one to Yeosang mouth and one for himself.

"this mine taehyun!" "aaah~~~cant we share?" they just laugh at themself and taehyun open the box Yeosang holding.

"what is this?" "a box" taehyun glare at him and Yeosang laugh again. "oh! you mean inside? It just polaroid i take before this i can't throw it away it just to precious"

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