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"Mr. Kim! She's lost a lot of blood!" The nurse rushed over and gave the bloody woman a breathing supporter machine.

"What about her husband if he is all right?" hongjoong asked. But the nurse shook her head meaning they lost her husband.

"there's nothing we can do now we need to help her!" hongjoong said ready with a sleepy dose but the woman who was in the edge of life stopped his hand before he could do it.

The woman looked at her. "No doctor .... There's no use anymore .... Please ... take care of my child ... His name ... Woo ... Young .. wooyoung..omma loves you .." then the woman closed her eyes.

"Doctor Kim, our patient's low pulse we will lose her !!" the nurse said beside him but hongjoong just raised his hand signaling to her that they cant save the woman.

"No ... We can't save her .... She's gone and that's what she wants ... We can't do anything." hongjoong said and as he sat down and a 5 year old boy ran to the lifeless woman.

"omma? Omma? Can you hear me ?! Omma please don't leave me!" The boy calls his mother but is confused because there is no answer.

The boy keeps patting and shaking his mother's body wanting a reaction but no he gets nothing.

The boy is crying and keeps calling his mother's name saying that he doesn't want his mother to leave.

Nurse tries to say that his mother is dead but boy refuses and says his mother is alive she is just sleeping.

she will wake up ...

He said that he believed his mother was just playing around.

Hongjoong picked the boy out of the patient room and ran to the park and sat on the grass.

Still holding the crying boy.

"hey boy .... don't cry .... your omma must be sad if you don't want to let your mother go" hongjoong tried to silence the boy.

"No, you take omma from me! Omma doesn't want me to go ... My dad is gone I don't want omma to leave me!" The boy hit Hongjoong's shoulder.

"hey boy ... your omma tell me that she cant be here anymore or she will just get hurt again and she wants me to take care good of you ..." said hongjoong pulling out the boy from his neck while looking at the wet face of the boy.

"Did she say that? ..." The boy looked at Hongjoong with big eyes. Hongjoong nodded.

"Omma definitely wants Wooyoungie to be a good child and stay with me" said Hongjong giving an entertaining smile.

"I smell you now and you smell like omega ... Are you?" asked Hongjoong and Wooyoung nodded.

Hoongjong smiled and let Wooyoung sneak up on his neck so Hongjoong could spread the alpha scent to make the baby omega relax.

After one hour, baby Omega slept soundly on his arm.

And hongjoong decided to take them home.

Hongjoong himself went to Wooyoung's old house and packed his things and went back to his own house.

Wooyoung who is still in his dream, and Hongjoong plans to make food for his baby omega.

The food is finished being served at the dining table and wait for the baby omega to wake up.

Within minutes there was a faint cry from the bedroom.

Hongjoong rushed into the room to find baby omega curled up on the bed crying on his knee.

He brought himself closer and sat beside Wooyoung.

The omega baby smell the older alpha and quickly gets up and hugs the alpha tightly.

"hey honey are you okay? Why are you crying?" the alpha asked patted the baby omega back.

"I thought everyone left me alone!" Wooyoung said duck his head to the inside of Hongjoong's neck trying to smell the comfort scent of Alpha.

"No, no, no dear .... No one will leave you anymore ... Hey my name is Hongjoong and your mother said your name is Wooyoung that's a silly name .... Now you are my son maybe you can call me daddy?"

"How?" said Hoongjong want Omega baby to feel safe with him.

Wooyoung nodded and muttered "daddy ... Daddy's Youngie" and smelled the addiction scent of alpha.



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