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wooyoung at his room waiting for yeosang back from his class but it takes longer that he knows.

He feels his tummy growl so he gets down to the kitchen. Saw seonghwa munching on his heart shape biscuit.

" mummy can i have some?" Seonghwa nods and picks him up and put him on his lap.

" Mummy I'm bored! ''Seonghwa nod he was also bored, he didn't even know what reason he stayed home today.

" why don't you play with yeosang?" " he has class, mummy, " wooyoung pout but seonghwa gets more confused.

He take his phone " but at yeosang schedule it's said the class is for 2 hour now almost 5 ?! " wooyoung take a look at the phone and yeah it's write that yeosang should back at now.

" Maybe his teacher wants to do it longer? " " no!~ " wooyoung looked again and shook.

" miss Jung is his teacher? She was absent today! " "i call the headmaster" seonghwa dial the number and call in.

" hello? "

" Mr. Bang! I'm sorry are you still at the school right now? "

" oh, no I'm already home since the school will shut early today at 5 p.m "

" Did you check every room before you left? "

" i did, no one was left after me "

" Mr. Bang did you see my son yeosang?"

" I don't why?"

" he still didn't come home yet! I'm worry "

" Maybe he followed his friend to their house?"

Then Seonghwa felt a tug on his shirt and look beside him.

" i call Taehyun and yeonjun hyung they didn't see him after the rest time. Perhaps he still at school?"

Wooyoung said and seonghwa end the call with the headmaster before call hongjoong to wait at the school gate.

Seonghwa wear them a jaket before dash out from the house. Since Hoongjoong bring car with him they are going to run to the school.

They are finally there and Seonghwa finds the guard. " I'm sorry but can you open this?"

" I'm sorry but we can't the school already closed" " BUT MY SON IS STILL IN THERE!!" Seongjhwa hit the gates and felt frustrated.

At the other side wooyoung got a message from the school group chat. He opened it and saw a voice message.

It's from an unknown user. He clicks it and hears a yelling of the boy. He knows who voices right away.

He ran to the guard. " who it's the last person out? " the guard thought before said.

" the headmaster of course! " " who come out before the headmaster?! "

" a group of boys and girls there are rude! One of them kick the flower vest before she got out "

" What does she look like?" the guard think again and answer " kinda tall, strong, tomboy, blue short hair "

Wooyoung gasp " ryujin?......" them hongjoong came. " what's wrong?!"

Seonghwa kept telling the guard to open the gate and finally the guard did. And give them a torch light.

Seonghwa told Hongjoong to call an ambulance in case anything happened.

Wooyoung leads them to the music room and tries to open it, it's locked.

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