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Wooyoung opened his bedroom door silently he walked to Yeosang's room but before he could hold the doorknob Seonghwa caught him.

"Woo, what are you doing?" seonghwa said he look at his mother crossed his arms.

"I want to see yeo yeo please mummy!" Wooyoung said but Seonghwa shook his head. "It can't be dear, Yeosang is receiving his punishment"

"But why? Yeo Yeo is always a good boy" Wooyoung said and Seonghwa knelt in front of the baby Omega .

"Baby, mummy needs to punish him because yeo made a mistake and wasted his money"

"but he only buys toys!"

"But baby, the toys are so expensive!" Seonghwa said but Wooyoung still didn't understand. So he asked how much.

"Yeosang uses all his monthly pocket money to buy it and I hope you don't do the same, okay?" Wooyoung gasped because he knew how much it costs, he nodded and pulled Seonghwa's sleeve.

"Mummy, can we eat cake before going to sleep?" Wooyoung pleaded with his big doe's eyes. Seonghwa nodded and Wooyoung followed Seonghwa to the kitchen to get a slice of cake and two glasses of milk.

Seonghwa carried it with a tray and Wooyoung quickly ran to Yeosang's room and opened it.

"yeo yeo !!" Wooyoung saw Yeosang who had a stretch book on his bed and cat stuff beside him

"Woo what are you doing! You can't be here if mummy sees you he will-" "It's okay dear, I'll let woo be with you" said Seonghwa as he put the tray on the nightstand and kissed both omega heads.

Wooyoung climbed into bed holding the plate and spooned it and held it in front of Yeosang's mouth.

Yeosang just accepted it and lowered his head because seeing Wooyoung made him sad.

"Why did you buy it yeo?" Wooyoung asked but Yeosang did not answer him so Wooyoung put the plate back on the nightstand and pull Yeosang to straddle his lap.

"yeo yeo please answer me!" yeosang still silent "please! yeo yeo beautiful. please answer me. I know you use your money but why?" Wooyoung asked as he raised Yeosang's head to face him.

"That's because I really want Wooyoung to have it! I hate to see you sad because you are my twin and also my treasure! But what kind of twin would I be if I can't take care of you properly" Yeosang sobbed and Wooyoung hugged him.

"but it's very expensive!" Wooyoung asked and Yeosang play with his finger "because if I don't want to pay, I can't get it for you"

Wooyoung smiled and hugged Yeosang. "You did it for me, and all I did for you was hurting you again. I'm supposed to protect you" smiled Yeosang as he hugged Wooyoung tighter.

"Come on, let's drink milk and cuddels!" Yeosang said as he carefully took milk glass and gave it to Wooyoung.

They drink their milk and put it back on the nightstand.

"Yeo, I'm sorry, okay? Don't be angry anymore, "Wooyoung cup Yeosang's side face and Yeosang lead into his touch. "I'll never be mad at you or anyone because I know it happened because of me"

Yeosang said but Wooyoung shook his head. "no, please it's not your fault. Then if you are not angry, then don't be sad I will always protect you"

Wooyoung lay him down and Yeosang let Wooyoung lie on his chest. "Thank you woo, you will always be my sunshine" Wooyoung looked at him. "and yeo yeo will always be my moonlight!"

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