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"I can't believe this is like yesterday. I sent you for your first day of school and now I'm going to send him to his first middle school prom.'' Seonghwa rolled his eyes and just kept focusing on doing Wooyoung hair.

"can you do anything else instead just standing there and crying about your pity little life" Yeosang who just come just shake his head when his daddy drama cry and walk out the room.

"Mummy, how do I look?" Yeosang asks to twirl his half skirt to only cover his back to his side. Seonghwa near him and crouches down to fix the outfit a little. "So pretty, both of you, shining like a pearl, i'm so proud of you"

"Come on let mummy do your hair" seonghwa pull Yeosang to sit front the mirror and start to do his hair, while Wooyoung take seonghwa makeup tools and sit on Yeosang and do the make up.


"Are you sure you don't want to come with me bub?" San asks him, still doing his tie. "I can go alone, hyung! Come on, I'm not 5 anymore, don't call me bub!" the younger alpha whined.

San smiled, they only meet each other once every year, since they live far from each other. But he can't help but baby his younger brother. He is the most precious person he has.

"Okay Jongho, but make sure you are coming. I don't want you to just sit in your room and just play games, come and meet the outside world bub!"

"My introverted self said, ''No thanks. '' But I'll go for this time only!" San nod taking his jacket and bouquet he brought.

"Good bye Choi Jongho after this night you will be the happiest person you have been than the most days you had before, dismiss" and walk out from the room after slamming the door shut.

Jongho rolled his eyes, got up and went to the wardrobe and took out the black suit that was covered with plastic wrapper. "Thank you omma" he got into the bathroom to change.


San stood at the front of the door and was about to ring the bell but stopped when someone stood beside him. He looked to his right.

"I'm sorry for who you come to?" San ask already eyeing this guy up and down. "Yeosang" "rude" "none of your business bro"

San figer was about to push the button but he spoke up. "If you are planning of something bad over them better sure to prepare yourself, i won't hesitate"

*ding dong*

Hongjoong open the door looking at two young alpha front him. "You must be jinwoo the one who asking my son Yeosang!" jinwoo bow.

"Hi San! Have been a while since our meeting, how are you?" hongjoong pull San in leaving jinwoo at the door welcoming himself.

"Im fine appa! How are you?" San and hongjoong keep talking to each other ignoring the other person among them.

"Mr. Kim my i ask where is Yeosang?" hongjoong stop talking when jinwoo asking him question. "Just wait, if you asking me again i'm going to cut you piece of piece as my experimental!" he warn.

"I'm going to be late! Mr.kim please!" hongjoong sign. "Boy can you wait outside? Just make sure no one come in okay?

Jinwoo gets pissed and walks out the house waiting outside like hongjoong said. "He's rude, how can Yeosang want to go to the prom with him? '' San complained.

Earing agrees from the older alpha. "Maybe Yeosang didn't see this side of him yet, San" "yes appa?" and focus on him. "Watch him over" "yes appa,"

"San!" Wooyoung ran down the stairs just to hug San. "Hei sunshine~ you look so beautiful" and give woo the bauget of flowers.

"Why do I feel so nauseous now?" both look at the stairs, Yeosang walk down elegantly through every step. San near the end of the stair and holding his hand guide him down.

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