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"Yeo yeo are you done?" Wooyoung shouted from outside Yeosang door. Today they are going to school and it's the first time for Yeosang to go to a public school.

And of course Wooyoung wanted it to be special so he picked out clothes for them.

(yellow skirt is wooyoung and brown skirt is yeosang)

"I'm done but are you sure this is allowed ?" Yeosang said from the other side

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"I'm done but are you sure this is allowed ?" Yeosang said from the other side. "yes just open the door I want to see it !!" Wooyoung knocked on the door and when Yeosang opened it he immediately squek to see his cute twins.

"Is this okay? I mean, can we wear a skirt to school,we are boys, "said Yeosang hesitantly, squeezing hem of his sweater .

Wooyoung came closer and held his shoulder. "Of course we are allowed because we omega we are no different from girls! And look, you look so beautiful !! " Wooyoung cheered and Yeosang smiled.

They took their school bags and walked down to the kitchen. They sat on the chairs and were amazed when Seonghwa put two plates of macaroni for them as the breakfast.

"Eat now! My babies needs to have enough energy for school! And Aww you both wear matching clothes, I love it! Eat, mummy wants to meet your daddy!"

Seonghwa kissed the two of them on the crown and walked upstairs. Yeosang and Wooyoung eating their breakfast as Woo keeps telling Yeosang that there's nothing to worry about.

They ate peacefully until Wooyoung's phone started ringing. He takes out his phone from his bag and looks at the caller id.

"Yeo, this is San !!" Wooyoung quickly greeted the call and saw San's handsome face on the screen. "Hey sannie !!" Wooyoung waved at the screen and moved the screen to let yeosang be on the screen for San to see them.

"Hey Woo! Sangie! Are you done?" All San and Wooyoung nodded. "We'll go there when we're done eating!"

"okay just know I'll be waiting for you two at the gate! Love you Woo! And sangie you too!" San said and waved and Yeosang and Wooyoung waved back.

"Yeo, Woo, are you done, we are going now! Finish your breakfast and we go" shouted Seonghwa from the stairs and the twins took their last bite and put their plates in the sink, took their bags and ran out of the house.

♡ skip ♡

"I'm going to school. So many places to go. So many people to meet. Big school! Woo help me, I'm nervous!" Yeosang felt like he was going to have a panic and Wooyoung calmed him down by putting Yeosang's head on his neck letting him inhale the scent to relax.

"It's okay, did you forget? I will protect you. Nothing will hurt you if you are with KIM-PARK WOOYOUNG!" Wooyoung said and it helped Yeosang a little because he trusted Wooyoung more than anything!

"We're here, now say goodbye, kiss, and good luck!" "Bye mummy! Bye daddy!" Woosang said it in unison as they kissed their parents on the lips and Wooyoung opened the door and went out.

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