24 ♡ PREVIEW ♡

430 27 1

" just stay with me!"

" he lost a lot of blood!!"

" Too many broken bones!!"

" We can lose him, hurry!! "

"i will wait for you.....

I- i promise!...

Just don't leave me!

don-don't leave.....us!"


They hurry to stand up and face the Doctor Who coming out from the surgery room.

" How is my husband doc? " Yunho held his hand together.

" the patient having a very bad muscle tissue loss, bleeding, broken bones and collision in the brain skeleton to the supporting nerves, " the doctor explained and they had their blood run cool.

" at first we thought we can't save him but it's very shocking that the patient himself try to fix himself, and thank to lord his on his stable condition "

" it's a good news right doc?" Seonghwa asked, but somehow the doctor looked down.

" we can't say the patient is fine....

They gasp,

..... The patient shut himself after using a lot of energy more than the level of alpha itself have , but we think the reason is because of the damage in the inside."

" but for this time, we need to put him in a coma"

" How long is he going to sleep?" hongjoong turn to ask as the doctor thinned his lips. " we don't know yet, all we can do it's waiting"

♡ skip ♡

The doctor let them visit mingi but seongjoong instead went to see yeosang state.

Yunho sits beside of mingi's bed holding onto his hands and cares his hair.

" It's just a few hours and I miss you already. How can I hold it if I need to wait for a month?!" Yunho softly sobs.

" it's okay, take your time, i will wait for you to come back....

Yunho kissed Mingi's hand as a tear fell down his cheek.

....Come back to me "

♡ skip ♡

" joongie, i think what happen to mingi have thing to yeosang don't you think?" Seonghwa asked, laying his head on the alpha's shoulder.

" i think the same, the doctor said, mingi use lot of energy than what he supposed to have and yeosang's energy suddenly gone "

They look at yeosang who sleeping in wooyoung's arm on the patient bed afront the couch they sit right now.

" yeosang try to help mingi even if it hurting himself " hongjoong patting seonghwa's soft hair.

" we have a very special kids, ya'kno?" seonghwa nod

" i just pray everything gonna be just fine"

Hongjoong smile.

" it will "



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I told you, i miss him so much

I told you, i miss him so much

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He still cute as usual and he much more handsome than before

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He still cute as usual and he much more handsome than before

(or it just me who forget how cute his smile is T_T )

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