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"Aaron ah don't push her!" Mr. Kang yells, earning a nod from Aaron as he goes back with patting the soil into the hole he makes after he puts a seed in it.

"Aaaa!~~ appa!" Aurora ran and hugged his back. "Appa! Help!" Mr. Kang laughs when Aurora runs around him to avoid getting caught by Aaron.

"Come here! I want to tickle you!" Aaron got to hold her hand so he hurriedly picked her up, laid her on the grass and tickled her tummy making the girl laugh so much.

*dok!dok!dok!* Mr. Kang perks up at the noise, so he takes off his gloves and apron, gets into the living room and opens the front door, revealing an officer man.

"Oh! Hello! What can I help?" he greeted the officer. "Hi sir, i'm here for patrolling and i was told to check every house in seoul for something or maybe someone" Mr. Kang eyes wided. "Oh really? Well come in i'm sorry if it was a little messy, it's the kids play time before bath time"

The officer nodded and stepped into the house after taking off his shoe. He looked around the house and saw a frame of a picture.

"This is your family?" Mr. Kang looked at the officer and nodded. "Oh yes the picture was taken so long ago, when my wife was still living with me" the officer looked at him. "Since when did she leave?"

"8 years ago when my daughter is 4 but last year my daughter leave with her to somewhere else"

"Where is your other child?" Mr. Kang put on the apron and his gloves back. "At the back yard, as i said it's play time!" They go to the back yard.

The officer looks at Aaron and Aurora playing together. "You said your daughter is with her mother?"

Mr. Kang cuckle, "well this is my other youngest daughter, she lives with her mother before she chooses to make me take care of her. instead, my oldest daughter followed her for a better life, she was 17 at this time and my son is a year younger".

The officer nodded and suddenly the two ran around the officer.

"Appa! Buggie!!" she yelled as Aaron held a bug in front of her. "Ocang bad!!'' She hugged the officer's legs and started to sob.

Aaron hurries, throws the bug away and picks her up. "Oppa sorry!~ baby! Sorry!" he said, patting her back to stop her from crying.

"Ocang bad!!" she slapped her hand to his shoulder. Aaron sits on the ground and picks a flower from his father's pot.

And giving it to her. The officer walks near them and kneels beside them.

"Hei! Mind if I know your name?'' The two look at the officer as Aaron nods. "I'm Kang Aaron! I'm 16 in 2 month!" The officer couldn't help but smile as soon as he saw him.

"And this pretty girl?" the officer asked. Then Aurora looked at him with her eyes, "what is your name?" she smiled, "Kang Ora!!" she jumped as said her name. Then she struggles to make a finger and ends up making a tree digit up.

"me two!" the officer smiled at her cuteness. While the two are having fun, Mr. Kang comes to them.

"I'm sorry, Mister Officer but I think it's time for you to leave," the officer looked at him suspiciously. "Why? Am I making you uncomfortable doing your work?"

Mr. Kang bow a little, "well it's bath times and i would be uncomfortable if a group of police decide to brag into my house thinking i might do something you if you gone for so long"

The officer nod, "it's fine, i forgot we having time limits, i'm sorry then i'm taking your daughter with me"

Mr. Kang's eyes wided. "Wait, why?!" The officer opened up his phone and showed him a picture of a young girl.

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