chapter 36

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I was still laying in my hospital bed when madem Pomfrey came over to me and looked over me again this time I felt less pain then I was in before.

I tried to stand up but I fell back down I was still full of pain well less than last time but still full of pain.

madem Pomfrey just gave me some more medicine to help the pain and swelling go down.

I just laid in my bed and waited for anyone to come and see me.

while I was resting in my hospital bed still the great hall was filled with students "welcome all to the end of another great year I'm happy that none harm has come to any of you this year well this year the house cup goes to a special team so here are the scores slynern is in last place with 510 points Hufflepuff is in third with 702 points, Gryffindor is in second place with 906 points and in first this year is Ravenclaw with one thousand points so congratulations to Ravenclaw this year i'm so proud of all our students and I hope that everyone has safe travels and enjoys the summer I will see all of you next year" he said.

he then left from his post as the feast started and everyone cheered for one another.

I was laying in my bed still when I heard someone walking near my bed.

I turned my head and saw my uncle walking towards my bed "Katie" he said. "what do you want now" I snapped back, "woah I just said your name why are you so mad" he asked. "hmm why am I so mad hmm let's see you tried to take away the person I am so why are you here" I asked, "well all the other students are gone and madem Pomfrey has gone so it is just you and me for the summer again so your going to have to deal with me" he said. "fine but I don't like it" I said, "will you at least tell me who you were in a fight with" he asked, "hmm if I tell you, you will get mad" I said, "no I won't Katie I promise" he said.

I then looked down at my hands and saw that my uncle was holding them with his own "okay fine it was with tom riddle" I said. "what how is that possible how do you even know about that name?" he asked. "hmm I read and his name pops up a lot in the books as a a student that got expelled along with my brother but I know who tom is really to this day he is my uncle" I said. "yes I figured you figured that out a long time ago about your other uncles past but I'm wondering how it can happen he's long gone" he said.

I then put a hand into one of my robes pockets and brought out a book that was burned ot it's core "what is that Katie" he asked, "this is how I was able to see tom" I said. "okay please explain more" he said, "okay I was eeting with Harry and his friends when he gave me a book one day then when I was feeling sad one day I wrote down my feelings in a book but every time I wrote something down it disapeared but a few minutes later someone's handwriting would coe up and we would starte to write back and forth until I was pulled in" I said. "hmm I see well that explains why you saw tom riddle and why your body is in so much pain right now, well I guess you'll be healing for a while" he said, "you'll be taking care of me won't you uncle" I asked. "of course I will don't worry Katie I will make sure by the next year you wil be all healed" he said.

he then set some medicine down for me to take as he watched over me.

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