Chapter 19 (love or not)

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I came out of the portal happy to be back now but sad to have left my friends but I know I will see them again someday. I walked out of the cave from behind the wifferfall and saw him, my love maybe.

I walked slowly and quietly so I could sneak up on my prey hehe. I made sure I was making no noise as I moved closer but then he ruined it by turning around. "Dammit Lui you ruined my sneak attack," I said, "I knew what you were up to and I was not letting you spook me," he said.

He then got off of his rock and walked over to me "Lui" I whispered, "yes Katie" he said, "stop making me feel this way" I asked, "I don't know showco why do you make me feel the same" he asked. "Lui I don't want to hurt you but I also don't want love," I said, "I love you with all my heart Katie If you don't want to be together it's fine I love you," he said. "Lui I want to be with I promise I just don't want to love and get my heartbroken," I said. "Katie I would never hurt your heart," he said.

I then kissed him on the lips for a second but then pulled away "Lui I love you can we try and be something" I asked. He then smiled at me as I blushed "of course Katie we can take it slowly" he said.

I then went in close and wrapped my arms around and held him close to me "Lui don't let go" I said, "I would never strange" he said. I and Lui just stayed there like that all night.

"Katie.. Katie..." someone said, "what is it who is it," I asked, "Katie listen," someone said. I then opened my eyes and saw who or what it was speaking to me "Goldie what is it" I asked, "we need to have a talk" he said. "What kind of talk," I asked, "you Lui lovey Dobey," he said, "oh go fuck off cant I be happy," I said, "yes but you don't like love," he said.

I then sat down in front of gold wolf feeling like I was about to cry for some reason "Kate what's up with you" he asked, "I don't know when I see you and talk about love I wanna cry for some reason" I said.

He then came closer and wrapped his body around me "hey it's okay you can have love wild one but I don't know how long it's gonna last since you don't love ever" he said. "Goldie locks can't you just give me a chance like I'm giving Lui, I mean I pushed him away for so long I was even with phi," I said. "Oh, Katie what am I going to do with you you can love as long as your tiny black heart desires," he said, "thank you, Goldie," I said.

The next morning I woke up sleeping next to Lui my Lui. I moved close to him and hugged him then got up and went to my cave behind the wifferfall. I went into my bag and grabbed out a pen and my notebook and started to write a letter to my dear sweet Lui.

I then ran out and set it by him but then ran back again and tried to figure out which world I would go to next "Hmm Goldie where shall I go next to help the world" I said, "hmm how about the one that's glowing and vibrating" he said.

I then looked around until I saw a portal glowing and vibrating "oh yeah let's go for it" I said.

I then ran to it then jumped in happily ready to have some more fun wherever I was going hehe.

While I was blasting off to have some fun Lui was waking up and probably looking for me haha.

He looked all over but couldn't find me but then he found a piece of paper next to him. Oh, Katie where have you gone now we just finally got together.

He then opened the letter and started to read "dear lui, I am sorry I left you, but I promise I will be back I will see you, my love, just waits for me. I promise I am not breaking up with you already I love lui shirosagi with all my heart and will for a long time, and I had a great time last night it was super fun haha -Katie." He read. Oh Katie showco what am I going to do with you, well don't worry I have a life too so I'll just call or text you when we can meet again my love.

He then walked away to start his day.

A/n: Hi guys I hope you enjoy I finally showed my colors and spreads my wings and flew to my true love haha.

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