chapter 17

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"what are you doing," he asked, "what do you mean I'm trying to come up with a plan to stop Harrington and endi," I said. "okay well have you figured out anything yet," he asked, "no I have not, well maybe I might just take them out when they are about to take action and try and destroy our home," I said, "okay makes sense," he said. "are you going to say anything else or just stand there and watch over me like a hawk," I asked, "well what do you want from me Katie I am just a frightening scary creature," he said. "no your not you are a great friend," I said. "so do you still need my help," he asked, "yes you will be apart of my plan for their doom," I said.

while that happened someone was nearing my home. no not my home in fosters no it was my home back home my waterfill. "Katie! Katie!" someone shouted. They then picked up their phone and tried to call me.

I was still thinking of something to put together for a plan, but I might just go with the flow and let time tell what goes on. I was doing that until I heard my phone buzzing. who da hell is calling me.

I grabbed my phone and picked up "hello? who is this" I asked, "it's me Katie" he said. "oh hello me I'm me" I said, 'Katie quit it" he said, "no now what do you want I'm busy" I said, "you said three days by the waterfall, well I'm here and waiting where are you" he asked. "wait, wait, wait you are already there haha you are hilarious" I said, "why am I hilarious" he asked, "its hilarious that you think I said in three days" I said. "well what did you say" he asked, "I said 6 days" I said. "what no you did not" he said. "haha you almost fell for it that's hilarious" I said laughing. "Katie stop it you said three days so where are you," he asked, "not telling, so buh bye," I said. "no don't you dare where are you and when are you coming home," he asked, "soon you shall see my sweet love," I said.

I then hung up as I blushed at what I said. I then hanged up and went back to my scheming hehe.

Lui was at the wifferfall still waiting for me as he heard the phone connection go away "oh Kate what am I going to do with you you drive me insane but I don't know what will happen with our relationship" Lui said.

Lui then just sat on a rock and waited for my return.

I was still upstairs when I thought of an idea.

I got up and ran downstairs "hey guys" I shouted as I ran. I was running until I felt I was at the bottom, well maybe I tripped and fell down a few stairs as well who knows, cause I am sure as hell don't haha.

My friends met me in the entryway as I came down the stairs "hey Katie what is this about" Mac asked, "well I have some news to share if you guys will listen" I said. "of course we will come down here" Witt said, "hmm okay" I said.

I then walked down the few last steps and walked over to my friends. "okay well I have bad news" I said, 'what kind of bad news" blu asked. "hmm harrington teaming up with endi to take granny out" I siad. "what!" all my friends shouted. "what I told you it was bad" i said, "yes but you did not say it was that bad" blu said, "well sorry I should have said something else to calm you" i said. "okay well what are we going to do" witt asked, "I'm thinking that katie has a plan, dont you" ham asked, "yes I do have one if you will let me say it" I said, "si of course katie you are the greatest" edwardo siad. I blushed at what he said. awe edwardo you are the sweetest. "well I'm thinking we just play it as they are attacking oh and I forgot to mention they are also having terrance join them" I said, "what really and that's your plan" Mac asked. "sheesh sorry I cant think what to do, since oh yeah I dont know all the details and dont know what the rest of their plan is, so excuse me" I said. "coco coco coco" coco said, "she's right we don't care right guys as long as we do it as a a team and stop these evil doers" witt said. damn coco is right as long as we do it as a team we are unstopable and will be able to stop endi, terrance, and harrington. "awe thanks guys your the best" I siad, "so when does this battle take place" Mac asked, "three days or two, I dont know wait probably two since I learned this information yesterday" I said, "ok so that gives us some time to find clues right" witt asked, "right" Mac and blu said, "coco" coco said, "si" edwardo said, "okay well then lets look" I said. My friends and I were about to start searching when I heard My name being called "oh no sorry guys granny needs me, you guys can find the clues we need right" i asked, "yeah" Mac, blue, and witt said, "coco" coco said, "si" edwardo said. "great dont you worry I'll be right back" I said.

I then ran upstairs to see what granny was up to.

I ran upstairs to try and find granny "granny! granny! where are you" I asked, "I am in funny bunnies office," she said. oh shit no.

I then ran into the office and saw Harrington with another person that was not and I mean in no way was that my granny. "wtf where is my granny" I asked, "you'll find out soon don't you worry" he said.

I was then hit in the head with something very hard and knocked out.

I was now knocked out and couldn't see or hear anything. "we got her now let's drag her to the hideout and then start our plan," she said, "great with me," he said. Two bodies then dragged me away.

what in devil's name. wait where am I.

A/N: hi guys how are you, I'm fine kidding, not my life is full of shit, stress, and business. Really, truly honestly I have tried to write but with my schedule so booked up with homework and work that I barely have any time to have fun. I mean I just bought new books and I can't even read them for crying out loud. I won't be able to do any fun until summer, well maybe I can read during one of our breaks hopefully. Well anywho enough about me let's just see what comes next in my life and hopefully, all of your lives are going better than mine. haha but hey I'm still the same old crazy wild insane wolf loving person, who thinks a lot about boybands and anime. I hope you enjoy what I have to put out for you guys. bye for now :) XP

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