Chapter 55

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I ran in as the door slammed behind me as I looked over at raven and lui they were playing some board games I had bought over the years.

They looked up at me but I didn't want to see any kind of guy no friends or boyfriends my brain was in crazy killing mode.

I ran to my area of the small cabin I called my room as I stared up at the stars in the area I sawed a hole in.

I closed my eyes as I went to the only place I loved right now my mind as I laid in the river of blood waiting to die like usual "Katie get out of that river now" he said, "no Goldie I'm staying here to die I don't know what to do my heart is in pieces" I said. "Well get out of there and come over here I can help you," he said, "no you can't no boy can help me I wish I had a girl in my life to help me get through this but all my friends aren't around this time of my life since were all living our own life's so fuck off all you boys," I said. "Come on Katie everything will be okay your okay Katie there's nothing to hide or fear from your friends," he said, "no Goldie I wanna die I can't think I have no idea who to love anymore all I know is this world is filled with many many dark things and I can't escape anything I will always be lost in the darkness," I said.

I then just kept my eyes closed as I felt someone was moving me it was probably Goldie even though I wanted to die badly because there is nothing left for me in this world.

I opened my eyes and looked at Goldie locks man I hate that he's such a great friend but who else would be there for me when I feel like shit. "Goldie why are you so good to me and why can't I just end my life," I asked, "no you may not what have I told you many times before you have a lot of your life left to live and who else would be willing to live with and deal with your ass," he asked. "Your so right Goldie but I don't know what to do all I know is I don't know who to love and who I'm in love with lui or phi," I said, "what about raven," he asked. "I figured him out a long time ago he is only a friend but phi and lui pull my heart in two different directions," I said, "well then choose the one you have to decide," he said, "I did decide but then phi came back into my life and now my heart is on wack," I said.

He then came and sat by me as I laid my head on his fur "Katie you just have a stubborn mind and your dark heart doesn't like to make decisions so you need to figure out who to love and who is just a friend before you lose both of them or you don't have anyone to love" he said.

I just laid in his fur as I stayed quiet hoping something else would come besides my terrible love life man I need to go on my next ad ven tour soon.

I then opened my eyes as I felt someone shaking me awake I wonder who oh wait either lui or raven.

I opened my eyes from being in my mind with Goldie wondering what they wanted since I was having a very crappy day. "Katie are you okay," lui and raven asked.

I just looked between the two of them with my eyes that had bags underneath them wondering what they were thinking and why they would wake me. "What do you want and y did you think it was a good idea to wake me up," I asked, "well you seemed dead so we wanted to check on you to make sure you were okay," lui said. "Hmm you both are asses y would you wake me I wanted to be left alone with my stupid thoughts," I said, "wow what got you in such a bad mood you seem more dark than usual," raven said. "Well I'm sorry that I ran into an awful person and now I feel like shit so y would you bother me," I said, "who did you run into, " lui asked, "you don't want to know that information," I said, "well I sure as hell want to know so tell me," lui said. "no not in a thousand years so back off," I said, "no tell me I am your boyfriend and I deserve to know every guy if it was guy that is in your life so spill," he said, "no I will not and what you deserve is a slap across the face," I said.

I then got up and slapped him across the face as I ran out of my small cabin to find a new place a place away from boys like them.

I ran inside the cave as I wanted no one to see me and how crazy I was acting seriously I was being a bitch about nothing I don't know why I was acting like I don't know my mind acts like this sometimes but sometimes it does and I don't know how to get out of it especially when there are two great guys for me. I don't know who to choose who is the one for me all I want is a friend one that is not a guy because I don't think raven will understand how I am acting.

I looked over at some of the portals and saw one that was glowing I guess it was time for my next ad ven tour hehe.

A/n: hi guys I'm back with another wild ride chapter I don't know why but for some reason my mind wants to put myself in these kinds of positions but I just love to do it for some reason even though my life isn't this crazy I love t make up this kind of stuff hehe.

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