chapter 31

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I woke up again thinking it was all a dream but no I was actually in the wizarding world still just like gold wolf said.

I then went in my head "goldie" I said.

he then appeared in front of me "yeah Kate what's up" he asked, "I hate that you brought me here but i'm also glad you did when you did" I said. "why are you happy I mean I know why your mad but why are you glad" he asked, "hmm you took me from lui but I had nothing left in my world to do, my life is here and I will be happy with luna and magic" I said, "okay well I'm glad you are happy and I'm sorry about lui" he said, "and i'm sorry I ever had feelings for lui" I said. "I know you are I don't know how you did when you don't like guys," he said, "well maybe these next few years will be better than I think," I said, "yeah now get up and get ready the year begins today," he said.

I then got up and got into my robes and grabbed Heywood and headed out.

after I exited my bedroom I saw my uncle but someone was next to him "um dumbledore who is this" I asked.

he then turned around and saw me "oh Katie I brought a familiar face who wanted to see you" he said, "who uncle" I asked.

he then turned around and saw my face it was him my brother back to normal "Katie" he said.

I just ran into his arms and hugged him tight "brother I'm sorry what happened to you" I said, "Katie there is no need to apologize it's alright i'm back in your arms now and Voldemort it has gone," he said. sure he is, not haha.

I then heard as our uncle left then I pulled apart from my brother as he bent down and looked into my eyes "Katie what is wrong" he asked, "are you sure your okay and he's gone" I asked, "oh Katie, of course, he is now I hope you have a great first day of second year" he said, "what about you what are you going to do" I asked, "I'm going to go back to my job at the ministry call me anytime you need me" he said.

I just nodded as he brought out his wand and left me as my uncle reentered the room "are you ready for today Katie" he asked, "ready as I'll ever be uncle I'm just wondering something" I said, "and what is that" he asked, "can I go back to learning with the class" I asked. "well you see Katie you are so high up there even though your only a second-year you would either join one of the higher up classes or you would just be by yourself" he said, "hmm I'd rather be by myself so let's get this day started" I said.

he just smiled as I said that then we descended from wherever we were in the castle to the great hall to see all my old friends and enemies if I had any haha.

we walked in as professor dumbledore went to his area as I went to see my fellow Ravenclaws and my love luna.

I walked over to the table when she got up and hugged me so tight it felt like I couldn't breathe but also blushing at the same time since she made me feel so happy "luna!" I said happily. "Katie! how was your summer mine was great I did a lot of fun things with my parents and spent a lot of time outside with nature and animals" she said. "well kind of bad but in the end, it was good because I saw my brother again" I said, "wow more fun then mine" she said.

I just blushed and smiled as she said that.

we then turned our attention to my uncle as he was giving the traditional speech after the hat sorting sorted all of the first years was done. "welcome back returning and new students I am Albus dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts, welcome enjoy yourself's and have a great year at Hogwarts myself or my colleagues will be speaking to the first years later about the rules and anything else, for now, please enjoy seeing friends and the feast" he said. we all then dug into the opening feast. well, here's to a new year I guess I hope it is better than last year.

I followed luna and the other Ravenclaws to the Ravenclaw common room where I went to my window seat and looked out at the moon and stars like usual "hey Katie what are you planning to do" luna asked. "hmm nothing why do you ask" I asked, "well I and some of the other Ravenclaws were gonna go watch some quidditch if you wanna join" she asked. "sure sounds like fun let's do it" I said.

we then walked out of the commons and went down to the training grounds and watched Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff.

I was sitting in the stands cheering on my fellow housemates when I felt a few people sit down next to me "may I help you" I asked.

I then looked to my left and right and saw harry's friends "oh hi Ron and Hermine what's up" I asked, "Harry wanted us to talk to you" Ron said, "about what" I asked. "he wanted to know if you wanted to join us for an outing to Hogsmeade tomorrow" Hermine said, "sure I'll ask my uncle if I can go and get a permission slip from him" I said, "sounds great well will see you later enjoy the game" Ron said.

Ron and Hermine then got up and walked away as I scotched closer to luna and hugged her tightly as we watched our team win since the speaker had caught the snitch.

I woke up early the next morning so I could go speak to my uncle. so I went out of the Ravenclaw common room and went to a painting of my uncle with all the teachers at Hogwarts.

I went in and saw my uncle in our "little living area" I like to call it "his uncle" I said. "Katie what are you doing up early," he asked, "I needed to ask you a question before going to class for the day," I said, "what kind of question," he asked, "can you sign my permission slip to go to Hogsmeade with my friends," I asked, "haha, of course, I can," he said.

I brought the slip out of my pocket and handed it to him as he brought out a quill and signed it. he handed it back to me as I hugged him "thank you, uncle, very much I'll see you later" I said.

he just smiled as I left to go back to my common room to start my day like normal.

I walked in and saw everyone else was up and eating breakfast or I like to call it brick fest so I grabbed a plate and ate until I was full then I went to my first class of the day one of my favourites charms.

A/n: hi guys I'm here and now and now I'm gone but wait i'm over here no I'm down where am I who knows I know I don't know where I am I just know I am somewhere but right here. am I in outer space? am I under da sea? am I somewhere else who knows I know nothing since my brain is stinky and I need everyone to spill the beans about everything so I know everyone's little secrets!!

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