chapter 43

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I was well-rested in the morning wondering what my next task was not I was just very excited since I made my best friend happy I don't know about luna I just know she was having a good time with some other friends.

I got out of bed and went to my closet and put on my robes then ran out of my room and went past the commons then went to the dining hall where I saw all the other Hogwarts students and then I saw the other participates from the other schools and their schools.

I sat down next to luna and raven as my uncle walked up to the podium and started to speak "good morning to all I hope all of you had a wonderful evening today we start the second part of the tournament today the quest is you will try to take a golden egg from the dragons that protect them, accomplish this and you will move on" he said.

Everyone cheered as he said that "so go on our 4 champions and let's see what will come" he said. Everyone cheered as I and the other contests ran out to where the dragons lived and protected their eggs.

I looked up and saw all the dragons flew around the school.

I brought out my wand and my broom then flew up to where the dragons lived and flew up as everyone gasped hoping I was okay and not get hurt by any of the dragons I cast the freezing spell as the dragon I was aiming for froze as I went for the egg and grabbed it.

I unfroze the dragon as I flew on my broom as fast as I could as the dragon sped after me trying to get his egg back it blew a giant ball of fire at me as I raised to get back to the crowd as the bottom of my cloaks and my sleeves were burnt.

Everyone cheered as I returned the other three did the same as me but used different spells and charms as they used their way to grab the egg from the dragons everyone had some trouble like I did.

But we were all able to get the eggs and advance to the next round.

I walked into the courtyard as I sat down by the fountain as I felt someone come near me "R is that you" I asked, "how you know" he asked, "who else would come and see me" I said. "yeah that's true so how do you think the second challenge went" he asked, "don't you mean the first since the ball was not a challenge at all you know that" I said, "yeah well you had fun right" he asked. "yeah I did I got to share some time with you and had fun now I'm ready for challenges and ready for battle" I said, "what do you mean by battle there are no duels" he said, "don't you mean do hells and yeah there is none so I don't know what I'm talking about" I said. well not yet I'll see you soon uncle. "well anywho what did you need," I asked, "well I was wondering if you wanted to talk about strategies for the next round I mean the final round later since your probably going to do two challenges today," he said. "raven are you trying to ask me out on a date," I asked, "no not at all," he said, "liar I told you I don't want to date anyone I just want a friend R you are my best friend and I would like it to stay like that and if you can't accept that then I'll be on my way," I said.

I got up and was about to walk away when he grabbed my right hand "no K I'm sorry I want to be friends I don't want to push anything on you it just you are so beautiful and you make me feel so many things that I want to be more than friends" he said. "Raven I'm glad I make you feel that way but you saw how I was 2 years ago I was crying so bad from that last relationship it's just I don't want to go through that pain again I don't want my black heartbroken," I said.

he stood up and held both my hands looking into my green eyes "Kate you are amazing witch you deserve the world and if you don't want a relationship I can respect that but I can't respect that some jerk hurt you and that you want to be with luna" he said. "haha silly R don't be jealous red is not a good colour on you" I said.

I then slapped my hands out of his as I ran for it to the black lake where everyone was gathering for the next challenge.

we were all standing by the black lake when professor dumbledore stood in front of us again "okay this challenge is to test your time management and speaking skills something has been taken from you or your items and was put into the lake you have one hour to find this item and be able to complete the task and go to the next challenge if you cant then you will not advance" he said. wait a minute uncle what do you mean what did you take from me.

I then felt around myself then I felt around my neck and I knew what was missing.

I cast the bubble over my head/breathing underwater charm and dived in I didn't care if there were lake monsters and mermaids that were evil but I was gonna come back out with one thing only my special necklace my evil young uncle gave me as a gift.

I swam down as I saw merpeople going by but they didn't bother me and I didn't bother them so I still travelled deep down into the lake until I could find what I was looking for, I soon found it but I also found R? What was he doing down here.

I didn't care so I just grabbed on to him but as I was about to grab on to both of them when I was attacked by gringylows but I was able to get past them by using the fire burning spell that was very affected. So I just went with the flow and grabbed both and went up to the service where I saw Cedric and victor but not fleur. I just went and waited by the other champions to see if she would come up yet.

I turned my attention to raven still wearing my necklace "can I have my necklace back now" I asked, "oh yeah sorry sure here you go" he said. he then took the necklace off and handed it to me "are you okay R" I asked, "yeah it was just hard to breathe down there and those monsters tried to attack you" he said. "hey it's nothing I can't handle I would save you no matter what raven your my best friend" I said. he just smiled as I said that as we just waited for the last 1'champion to come up.

time had flown by and it had now been past an hour and fleur had come up with no sister of hers the gringylows had got to them and she was unable to save her so she did not earn full points were like me and the others gained some points.

it was now dark out unfortunately so I and raven walked to the forest to have a nice chat while everyone returned to Hogwarts to eat a meal or go to rest.

I sat down as Raven sat down next to me "so how do you think today's challenges went" he asked, "too easy for me I mean I got hurt and burnt which was fun but there were some parts that I think were to easy for me" I said. "so you are saying it's not challenging enough for you" he asked, "no it's not it needs more traps more magic spells to guard it" I said, "okay well thanks for saving me" he said, "of course how did you get down there anyways" I asked. "well you see first dumbledore used a charm to take your necklace while you weren't looking then he used another to bring me down there with it so were you scared for me" he asked, "what kind of dumb question is that, of course, I was scared you were going to drown or get eaten" I said, "so does that make us more than friends" he asked.

I then got up and looked into the forest "I swear if you ask me that question again I will use my force to move you to the other side of the earth" I said, "what is that" he asked, "nothing just stop asking me that question I will keep telling you no" I said.

he then got up and held my hand "okay I'll stop I swear I don't want to see your dark side or your mad side when your angry I don't want to break our friendship" he said, "okay then we are both in the agreement you will stop this re dick u Los ness and will just go on friends" I said, "yeah I'm just glad you were able to save me" he said. "i'm glad I saved your life too now can we plan and train for the final challenge or task of the tournament" I asked.

he just nodded as we just sat down and started to plan think about the last task and what would await us in the maze even though I already knew what was coming.

A/n: hi guys I'm back and don't worry no dark things have come yet hehe and I haven't used my force but whatever don't temp me or make me angry cause I will use it hehe. But I hope you enjoy it and if you don't know what comes next unlike I do it is something very big but you don't know what will come next hehe.

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