Chapter 52

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I walked out of the cave and saw raven as I was about to turn around but his hand caught mine "Katie where have you been" he asked, "hmm ad vent touring" I said, "okay and why didn't you take me with you" he asked, "hmm how I can I put this I like you a lot I can't get my emotions and feelings straight and I want to protect you at all costs" I said.

I then slapped my hand away from ravens as I ran into the cave but unfortunately he had to follow me so when I went into the portal he came after me.

I opened my eyes as I heard a lot of noise "hello" I asked.

Someone or something then came over to me "Hello who are you" it asked.

I looked up and saw him oh my god it's Dylan "oh hi it's so nice to meet you," I said, "who are you and what are you doing here," he asked, "what do you mean am I not one of your siblings," I asked.

he sniffed me but he didn't smell his family scent on me whatever that meant "well you don't smell like us but you are like us so you must be family, hey mom can you come here," he asked. wow me a dalmation I wonder where Raven is.

I looked around until I saw those brown eyes he was wondering what was going on till he spotted me haha and came over even though I didn't call red rover red rover to send Raven right over. "hi Raven" I said, "Katie where are we no wait what are we" he asked, "hmm well I told you not to follow me yet you did and now we're on an ad ven tour in the land of 101 dalmation street" I said. "what on earth is a dalmation" he asked, "well you see it's a creature like a crup but it does not have two tails and it is white with black spots all over" I said. "okay so what does that mean for us are we stuck or something" he asked, "yeah but only for a while you can live with it come on you said you wanted to have an ad ven tour with me so let's do it" I said smiling.

he just looked at me weirdly as I couldn't wait to have a blast with my favorite 101 dalmations.

we just waited and stood there for a few minutes when Dylan and his mom came back over to us "are these the two you were asking about son" she asked, "these" he questioned.

he then looked at me but saw raven next to me hehe bet he didn't think that there was two of us "yeah mom" he said, "well welcome to the family" she said, "really mom you're just gonna let them stay" he asked, "yes why not they look just like us so they can just join us so welcome you two" she said.

I just smiled as I was close to raven but not two close "okay well thank you ma'am" I said, "please just call my mom what are your names" she asked, "I'm Katie and this is raven" I said, "okay well have fun kids I gotta go to work" she said.

we just smiled as Dylan just stood with us "okay welcome I guess" he said, "thank you so what can we do to help" I asked, "help?" he asked. "you know to help the little ones" I asked, "oh no we don't need any help" he said, "Dylan I'm hungry" someone said.

we looked and saw a little diesel "don't worry it's almost lunch now if you two excuse me" he said.

ow, that was a mistake Dylan you said lunch which then all the puppies pile on top of us "haha puppies" I said, "okay everyone let's just eat" he said.

he then went over to the automatic food feeding machine as I saw dolly go to the food bowl machine as both started to spit out 103 bowls since hehe now there were two more mouths to feed.

raven looked over at me strangely "what is it R" I asked, "what is this" he asked, "this is food" I said.

He kept starring at it until he heard his stomach grumble and went towards the bowl and ate it, haha he finally gave in.

I then finished mine and walked over to see dolly "hi," I said.

She looked up at me in a questioning way "hi who are you" she asked, "oh sorry I'm your new sister Katie Dylan can tell you all about it" I said, "no-no it's cool to have another older sister" she said, "well, you want to have some fun," I asked.

she just smiled as I said that then we ran out of the door.

While I was doing that raven was wondering what to do next since and I quote "he's not from this world so he doesn't know what to do for fun"  so he just started to walk after he found out and looked for himself that he had four legs until he bumped into Dylan. "hey buddy what are you up to" he asked, "hmm nothing Katie went off with your other sister I think so I'm trying to find something to do" he said, "well what do you like to do for fun" he asked. "Hmm well, what do you like," Dylan asked, "hmm I like to do magic a lot what about you," raven asked, "hmm I don't know about magic but I love space and dinos," Dylan said, "Hmm okay let me see what this or these things you like are," raven said.

Dylan's tail began to wag as raven walked away with him to the backyard while he left one of the other oldest puppies in charge of half of them that stayed hoe the rest were with us.

"Woo, wee Woah" I shouted as I rode on the skateboard with dolly "Woah Katie you must like having fun," she asked, "yeah I love to have fun what's next on our fun tour of the park," I asked, "now we check on the pups," dolly said.

I just nodded and went over to dolly's family and saw all the pups "awe there so cute" I said.

dolly then made sure everyone was okay "hey wheres Dorthy," I asked, "she's over there chewing on a stick," dolly said. ooh are we in the boom night episode I love booms. "okay wanna keep having fun" I asked, "no we have to go home so says Dylan" dolly said, "so it's boom night" I said, "come on Katie" dolly said.

I just nodded as dolly said home time but Dorthy wouldn't let go of her stick so we had to pull her home.

when we got home Dylan and raven were talking for some reason I guess he made a new friend as I saw our new mom counting heads as dolly screamed to get out to hang with her friends.

I walked over to Dylan and raven "hi guys what's up" I asked, "hi Katie Dylan and I have been hanging out and now I know a lot about space" raven said, "cool are you ready for boom night" I asked, "what's that" raven asked, "wait for it" I said. "red alert red alert lockdown boom night is at large" Dylan said.

everyone then lined up as mum and dad counted us and gave us safety helmets to protect us from the boom "all right kids be safe me and your dad have to go" she said.

mum put her paw up to the paw scanner on the door as she and dad left to patrol the city.

after they left Dylan made sure everyone was accounted for in his cute little bunny helmet haha it's so funny and it was pink a girls colour as all the pups went up for bed as dolly found a boom protection outfit out of bouncy balls as Dorthy watched her as I was watching Dorthy get into mischief as I followed her as raven went to bed awe poor raven he must be tuckered out from all of Dylan's nonsense.

I walked up to the roof as I saw Dorthey she wasn't afraid nor I. "hi Dorthey" I said.

she just giggled at me as she was ready for the boom boom it was fun to watch the fourth of July every year and this time I get to see it with my dog family.

I was watching up above as Dylan went out to find dolly since he found out dolly had left to hang with her friends but then I saw dolly and Dylan run all around looking for Dorthey. I love how much fun we're having here maybe I'll hang out with Dante tomorrow he is my third favourite character in this world but I love all 101 dalmations the same hehe.

I and Dorthey were on the roof as all the dalmations rushed up to the top to save Dorthey and me from the boom but they were too late but after everyone arrived they fell in love with the boom as I loved it. we all then just sat in awe and wonder of the pretty big lights.

A/N: Hi guys I'm so happy I love the new dalmations show and I also love that I thought of some great new ideas for some of my books. I can't believe I am at 30 works of book I love the great work I have accomplished over the years. I can't wait to find out what I will write next for now I will be writing this awesome advent tour that I call crazy and weird

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