Chapter 49

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I looked all around the cave but it was just me and raven "Katie?" He asked, "yeah R," I said, "where are we, what happened with Voldemort, where is everybody-" he asked.

I stopped him by hugging him "raven I'm so happy you here with me" I said, "okay and where is here exactly" he asked, "we're in my home the birthplace of where I came from" I said. "Okay so how do we get back to Hogwarts exactly," he asked, "well in my world to get back to yours you see we're kind of in a different dimension and for you to get home you have to live a life like mine that means to get a job live a life in my shoes," I said. "Okay so what your saying is I'm in your world now does that mean I can love you now," he asked, "haha nope can't happen I have a boyfriend," I said, "don't tell me it's that jerk that hurt you" he asked, "Hey I forgave him even though it was my fault?" I said, "okay so can we still be friends then," he asked. "we will always be best friends raven you can stay at my cabin if you would like but I'm gonna keep ad ven touring," I said, "can I meet your boyfriend?" he asked, "sure if you can be cool just raven make sure to stay safe and keep in contact with me?" I said, "okay but how do we do that," he asked, "I'll stay with you tonight and I'll help you get set up tomorrow," I said.

He just nodded as I brought out my phone snd texted lui my lui e! He makes me feel what I don't want to feel. "Okay he'll be here soon so let's go wait outside by the wifferfull," I said.

He just looked at me strangely then we got up and went to wait outside for my sweet lui.

A few minutes later I was waiting with the raven when I saw someone running towards me my love in this very dark world here and that's the way I like it.

He ran into me as he hugged me so tight I was gonna die hehe "Lui!" I said excitedly, "Katie I'm so glad your back from your journey," Lui said.

He then put me down as he looked from me to raven "hey Katie who's your friend" he asked, "this is my friend raven he's from another world like you lui he's my best friend" I said.

Luis smile then faded "hey don't look like that I'm not replacing you lui your my boyfriend and always will be R is just a friend" I said.

Then his warm smile returned as I smiled back happily "well what do you want to do," I asked, "what do you have to do around here," raven asked, "let's go to a restaurant," I said, "is that like the three broomsticks," raven asked, "sure," I said sarcastically.

I then grabbed both of them by the hand and ran into town hehe this is going to be fun well in my dark demented mind it will.

I walked into the restaurant well it was Wendy's hehe I love eating there with my family.

I walked in with my two friends well one friend and one boyfriend, boyfriend I'm so not used to saying that. I guided them to a booth "okay what do you guys want" I asked, "what do they have" raven asked, "burgers, chicken, sandwiches, fries, desserts, drinks" I said. "Hmm okay just get me whatever," raven said, "what about you lui," I asked, "just a burger and a water" lui said.

I just nodded as I left the two boys by themselves hehe that will give them time to talk hehe I love being evil "so why'd you break Katie's heart," raven asked, "it was not me it was her she had so many feelings for others that I didn't know what her heart wanted and who she loved most," lui said. "Okay so how long have you been together," raven asked, "a while now how did you meet Katie," lui asked, "we met in the woods one day she was all alone and wanted a friend since she hated her uncles so much and I wanted a friend I never had one as close as Katie," raven said. "cool so what are you doing here in this world," lui asked, "trying to work my hardest to get back home as long as I know me and Katie will always be friends I'll be fine going back," raven said. "Are you okay with me and Katie you know being together?" lui asked, "sure I'm fine it's just she makes me feel so much for her but I know she has a boyfriend and you seem like a good guy for her wild person she is" raven said. "Yeah she's crazy but I love her to death even if we brake each other will always come back together in the end," lui said.

Raven just nodded as I returned with a tray of food for me and the guys "hi guys I'm back did you guys have a nice chat while I was gone are you, buddies, now hehe" I asked.

Raven and lui just nodded as I handed lui his food "I just got you chicken strips and fries if that's okay raven" I asked.

He just nodded as I handed it to him, I then took a seat next to lui "so are you having fun so far R" I asked, "yeah Katie I am I can't wait to see what your world has to offer" the raven said, "cool I'll show you tomorrow more of my world" I said.

Lui then gave me a look "don't look at me like that lui he's my friend and I'm gonna give him a tour so just eat your food" I said.

He just continued as we all enjoyed each other's company as we ate together.

We walked out of the restaurant after we cleaned up well I ran out while lui and raven chased after.

I ran out of town back to the forest while lui and raven chased after me as I jumped into the wiffer hiding from the boys hehe I wanted to play a round of hiding and squeak, "where did she go lui," raven asked, "I don't know raven," lui said.

I then felt the presence of both of them near me like I usually do now when I know some near I then jumped out and splashed water at them hahaha. "Katie!" Lui and raven shouted.

I then started to run as they chased me haha I was having so much fun as I laid on the ground now laughing with the two tackling and tickling me to the ground "ah haha please haha stop hahaha " I said laughing, "say you surrender Katie showco" lui and raven said, "never!" I shouted.

They continued to tickle me as I grabbed my bag and brought out my lightsaber as they backed away "ha got yah now who surrenders" I asked.

Both lui and raven put their hands up as I put it back in my bag "okay time for sleep I'm tired thanks for the fun day guys" I said.

Lui came over and kissed me on the cheek as h3 waved goodbye to me and raven "come on R I'm taking you to my secret base hehe" I said.

Raven just rolled his eyes at me as we went to my cabin in the woods, my gone away from home.

A/n: hi guys I'm back and I just realized something I'm so board board board at home I hate being sick so I realized there's nothing to do. I know I have my writing but I don't want to write 24/7 people should know how that feels and there's nothing to watch half the time on Hulu or Netflix. So please dear god help me get better and back to life

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