Chapter 10

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I was now walking all over with my new friend's mac, blu as I like to call him since that's what it is in Italian, Witt, coco, and eudwardo we were walking through the halls of the big maze house that blu and mac have gotten lost in so many times. until we were now back where we started "and that's fosters how do you like it Katie" Witt asked, "I like it and I think ham likes it too don't you" I asked. "yeah I wanna go play and find some new friends" he said, "haha okay but don't forget to take some time for me remember were partners in this" I said, "okay bye Katie" he said.

he then ran off while I stayed with my new friends "okay so what you want to do now" I asked, "well you wanna play" mac asked, "sure what game" I asked. "how about we play hide n seek" mac said, "haha sure I love that game as long we leave out blu" I said, "Okay, hey wait a minute" blu said, "haha" everyone laughed.

we then all ran off well I went off to find the one person I sought to kill so I could save this world and move on to the next fun world. "ready or not here I come" I heard mac say. now I was running and trying to find things before mac found me.

while that happened back in my world reyo and Jimbo were now home from their work having dinner "hey reyo can we talk" Jimbo asked. "sure what about Jimbo" reyo asked, "you know I love you and there's an us right" Jimbo asked, "haha of course who else would I love more than anyone in the world" reyo said. "um you liked Katie like I did" Jimbo said, "yeah but everyone she knew loved her at first but we all worked it out and found our true loves like you and me" reyo said. "well do you think we could take it to the next step, like what Katie and phi did" Jimbo said.

reyo then kissed Jimbo on the cheek "haha, of course, we could try anything to make you happy Jim" reyo said, "haha but I also want you to happy as well R" Jimbo said, "I will be happy if your happy" reyo said. "okay well when do you want to" Jimbo asked, "how about after this" reyo said.

Jimbo smiled and kissed reyo back on the check "haha okay I love you so much reyo" Jimbo said, "and I love you the same" reyo said.

reyo and Jimbo then finished their dinner and went to have an incredible night by having sex.

phi was at his house having breakfast finally with his family finally after steeve came down and said good morning to his mom and Danny then they got up and went to do their chores "father" she said. "yes what is it Danny" he asked, "I am done with my chores" she said. "okay let's go cheek to make sure you're not lying about anything even though you don't" he said.

phi had a rule for his kids after they were done with their chore they had to check with him to make sure they weren't lying at all about it. he went with his daughter to cheek and everything was in order "okay now you can go do whatever you want to do" he said, "thank you sir" she said.

Phi then went to the best place in his house the library, while phi just went to sit in the living room and saw it was just him and the kids since his wife had to go to work today and it was his day off.

he then just went to the smaller bookcase that was in the living room and grab a book to read until steeve would come to him and tell him that he was done as well.

Back at fosters
I knocked on a door and it opened up "yes who are you how may I help you" she asked, "down here ma'am" I said. she then looked down and saw me "oh hello who are you," she asked, "Hi my name is Katie I'm a new kid came to play i'm gonna be coming back each day like mac," I said. "hmm oh well welcome I am anti," she said, "oh I know," I said, "well okay do you want anything else you snobby kid," she asked, "no just wanted to say hi now I gotta run," I said.

I then ran off before mac could find me, unlike everyone who probably had easy hiding spots like edwaurdo. "gold wolf how am I gonna get her and mac's brother alone together" I asked, "you'll figure out a plan I know you will" he said, "okay whatever you say" I said. I then continued to run until I made it to the front steps and hit behind them.

a few hours past and I heard the clock chime, so I grabbed my phone from my bag and looked at the clock it was 5 o'clock. well, I guess its time to go home wherever home and hopefully this father in this world is different than the one in Beyblade world since I killed that one, I wonder what sunny is doing now since my so-called mother left our so-called father.

I came out from my hiding place and went to the door and saw granny "oh hi miss foster" I said, "going home deary" she asked. "yeah sorry I didn't see you much" I said, "its quite alright deary just make sure to come back tomorrow for ham" she said, "are you kidding I would never leave my friends behind" I said, "goodbye now' she said.

I then opened the front door and left towards wherever my house was.

I walked outside until I got to the gate and started down the sidewalk towards the apartments where mac lived.

I then looked at the ID I gave mac earlier and looked at the address on it and it read someone near mac's place.

I was in my thoughts until I heard my name being called "Katie!" someone shouted. I then turned around and saw mac "oh hi mac what's up," I said, "are you going home," he asked, "yeah I am what about you," I asked, "yeah i'm heading home you wanna walk together," he asked, "sure that sounds fun," I said. mac and I then walked side by side to the area of the apartments where I heard my name maybe I really didn't know, I just knew it was a Katie. a man then ran towards me and mac "oh thank gods Katie there you are I was so worried I thought we lost you" he said, "well I guess that's your dad I'll see you tomorrow great hider oh and watch out for my brother Terence" he said. I then took the mans hand and walked towards wherever my apartment was at.

we walked for a few minutes then got to the apartment duplexes and he brought me in and locked the door "get in there" he said. well that answers my question I have another stupid fanculo su padre, I thought "um sir" I said. "don't talk unless you are told to now go to you and your sister's room and stay there no food again for you" he said. again? what da fuck kind of life did this Katie live, I thought. but I just obeyed unlike the rebel teen I am and went onto another room and saw what it looked like to be an older version of me she had the same brown hair and green eyes but hers was light like my sister or real mom back home.

I went towards her but she slapped me "hey what the hell was that for" I asked, "what are you saying" she asked. oh, shoot I forgot this is a children's show. "I mean why did you slap me," I asked, "cause you are a stupid brat who is a crybaby and runs away from mom and dad all the time," she said. "okay so let's pretend i'm not me and I don't know what your name is and why mom and dad hate me," I said. "okay stupid i'm Haley your older more beautiful sister and daughter and mom and dad hate you cause you weren't a boy and you don't follow anyone's rules and didn't turn out perfect like me," she said, "okay thanks sis," I said, bitch please your not perfect the whole world and every person on it is not perfect.

I then climbed up the ladder of the bunk bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket then sprung for the winder and opened it then went out to the balcony and slept there for the night. looks like another terrible family, but who cares I sure don't, I'd rather live out here under the wonderful stars.

I then went to bed for the night hoping tomorrow would be a much better day and I would hopefully figure out what next part of my master plan was to destroy the evil in this world and save it.

A/n: hi peoples i'm sorry I haven't been updating much. I have been writing but I haven't been editing so I haven't been updating. seriously I have 4 chapters of one of other books ready to upload but I just need to edit, but I also need to make time to learn my Italian sometime this summer. but I have so much to write and I have this crazy brain that just wants to read and write. i'm serious I haven't even updated the last chapter. someone, please help me I really need to make a schedule that tells me when i'm gonna read, write, and learn. I think I should just cut my reading down a little, or maybe do reading and writing in one day. since some don't take that long, look now i'm just rambling and holding a knife haha :) XP

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