Chapter 59

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I ran outside as my eyes glimmered with excitement as I saw his black wings as I ran to him as I almost tripped and fell in the wiffer as he caught me in his arms as I smiled "are you alright my child" he asked, "thank you, daddy devil, hehe" I said.

I just stayed in his arms as we starred at each other until he sat me down next to him "so tell me my dear why did you have me come here" be asked, "I needed to see you I want you to turn me into a vampire make me your daughter please" I said.

He just looked at me strangely but then grew a smile on his face "haha it is true what they say about you, you are very dark well if that's your wish then I will grant it for you my child" he said.

I just smiled as he brought out his teeth and bit my neck as I felt my skin go paler as the fangs came to me as I felt so happy "are we linked as one daughter and father" I asked, "of course my dear would you like to visit the underworld" he asked, "no thanks just promise me you'll be watching over me always I want a father that will be there for me when I'm sad or feel like dying all I want is you there with me" I said. "So do you want me to stay with you is that what you want because you know I have to keep track of hell you know," he said, "I know I can't keep you to myself I just love you so much," I said.

He then just put his arms around me "well anytime you need me just call my name out loud" he said, "okay daddy I love you" I said.

I just sat there in his arms as dark came and I was beginning to sleep. Sleep well my child I will see you soon.

He then put something by me as he disappeared back to the underworld hehe.

When I woke up I felt burns on me kidding that's not true about us vampires the sun just stings but it doesn't kill.

I got up and looked around my daddy was gone and there was something for me on the ground.

I picked it up and ran into the cave behind the wifferfull as I saw Goldie locks as I looked at the thing that was probably from my daddy hehe I love calling the devil daddy I looked and saw it was an Apple, I sucked out the red then ate the apple hey I can't resist apples.

I looked from Goldie to outside I ran out to see how my guys were doing and what they were up to hehe.

I ran to my small cabin in the woods as I closed the door behind me as I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing phi and lui were on the couch watching a show together I wonder where raven was at. "Hey, guys what's up where's raven at," I asked, "oh I dropped him off he had an interview to go to how was your adventure," phi said, "good I met my dad and I got to be a goddess hehe," I said, "but you're already a goddess" lui said.

I just blushed I loved how sweet they made me feel "so did your wife take the news, okay I mean she's probably mad about the divorce," I asked, "yeah she was mad at me but then she understood that even though I moved on in life with her she knew I would never stop loving you so were okay and she gets to keep our kids," phi said. "Oh, that's good that means I don't have to deal with little versions of you," I said, 'why don't you want kids," he asked, "yeah but not kids that are exactly like you phi I want them to have a little bit of all of us in us," I said, "okay sounds good well what do you want to do were just doing nothing," lui said, "I want to do nothing but snuggle with my two favourite fancies, by the way, did you guys pick a day," I asked, "yeah we picked your birthday to get married," phi said.

I just smiled as I kissed both of them on the cheek "that is a perfect idea can I sit between you two," I asked, "sure," phi and lui said.

I then sat between them as they snuggled closer as I smelled their blood but I don't drink human blood I only drink the colour so I'll have to buy some red stuff. I just closed my eyes as I felt their warm arms around me.

The next morning I woke up and opened my eyes to look around and saw phi and lui snuggled next to each other it was so cute so I took a picture then I looked around a little bit more and saw raven he was sleeping on the floor so I got up and went over him and out the door to the wifferfull hehe off on another ad ven tour.

I came to the cave aching in pain but I held it back so Goldie locks wouldn't see it but it was hard to move for a few minutes before I got up as he appeared in front of me "Kate you need to be more careful your gonna hurt yourself" he said, "I'm fine I just need to stay out of the sun with the new powers that daddy gave me" I said. "Well do you think you wanted these powers cause you love the sun a lot I mean not the hot weather but you like being outdoors so maybe you should ask him to take them back I want you to be happy and safe at the same time so do whatever you want I guess just be safe," he said.

I smiled as I went over to Goldie locks and hugged him "maybe I'll ask him to take them back because you're right I just wanted to be something special to him but can't I go on one ad ven tour before asking him," I said, "hmm fine but you know you don't have to be anything special to be recognized by someone your beautiful the way you are," he said, "awe thanks Goldie your my best friend," I said.

He then went back in me as I ran into another portal to go explore again haha here we go again.

A/n: just know I had no idea what's going on in this chapter all I know is my brain was in control like usual and then it went on from there so I don't know what was happening here all I know is I was being crazy. I hope you enjoy it anyway cause I sure as hell don't know what happened but I was probably being crazy that's usually what happens at this time and all day.

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