Chapter 41

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I walked or ran to find the person I seaked "raven!" I shouted, "haha hi Katie how was your godfathers," he asked, "good but I missed seeing you but I miss him a lot too I haven't seen him since I was a baby and I think I won't have enough time with him," I said.

He then squeezed my hand "hey I know you want to save everyone but you will have more time with him, Katie you aren't going anywhere this year right" he asked, "yeah I'm not don't worry I'm staying here how was your summer you know mine" I said. "Of course well I didn't do much since I spent it looking for you, you know Katie I never gave up and never stop looking for you," he said, "you are a great friend raven," I said. "Katie do you have someone special in your life right now," he asked, "yes I do but you are my best friend raven and you always will be," I said.

I hugged him as I got up and walked away to go to bed for the night and waited to start my fourth year.

I woke up the next morning and got up and put on my robes and went to my favorite place to wait for luna to get up since it was one of my only favorite places left "goldie are you still in my brain" I asked, "yeah katie i'm still here what's up are you okay" he asked. "yeah I am did you feel that nightmare I had" I asked, "yeah I did looks like you'll going to have to make a dession soon and that doesn't invole me" he said, "but I don't want to choose unless its with you" I said, "I know but looks like it willl come down to that" he said. "are you ever going to leave me goldie" I asked, "no becasue if I do you will end up killing yourself like you always want to do" he asked, "yeah I guess your right I won't stop trying and you willl keep fighting back" i said. "yeah your right are you ready to get back to your normal hogwarts adventure" he asked, "oh goldie there is nothing normal about it and this is an ad ven tour everything willl end the same in the end I suppose though" I said, "yeah it will" he said.

I then waited for the day to start so I could have some more fun.

all my friends and I were now in the dining hall eating the begging of the year feast when professor dumbledore spoke up known as my uncle. "welcome back students I hope you all had a wonderful summer now it is a time for a new year and with that, we bring a special event this year, we will be hosting the Triwizard tournament which means one lucky person from each school will have one champion now I will draw the names later today from each school have wonderful first-day students" he said. he then walked away as I finished eating then ran off to charms.

I walked in and saw my professor "hi professor Flitwick" I said.

he turned around and smiled at me "oh Katie I'm so glad you have your voice back are you ready to learn about the charms of 6 and 7 years now" he asked, "yeah I am I can't wait" I said.

I then sat down in my seat and took notes as professor Flitwick taught.

An hour later I had a new notebook full of notes, I thanked my professor for the great lesson as I headed to the courtyard to hear who would be participating in the tournament.

I walked in and sat next to raven as my uncle began to speak "welcome all to this years Triwizard tournament please welcome the other schools Durmstrang and Beauxbatons I hope both schools have a very warm welcome from Hogwarts now we let the goblet of fire choose who shall go to the tournament" dumbledore said.

The goblet then made three slips of paper come out "ah-ha from durmstrang victor Krum, from beauxbatons its fleur Delacour and from Hogwarts it's Cedric Diggory" dumbledore said.

Everyone cheered for each school while the goblet still burned and still had something to say "what's this" dumbledore asked.

The goblet then spit out one last paper and then burned out "well looks like the goblet has chosen two competitors for Hogwarts Cedric and Katie wolf" he said. Everyone then gasped and cheered around us but I mostly heard gasping about me wondering why I was picked but I already knew Voldemort was coming back for me. "Wow Katie I can't believe you get to participate," raven said, "yeah thanks I guess," I said.

I then just walked away before people could bombard me with questions about why I was chosen what made me so special because I was the scar-faced lonely child maybe but hey I didn't care.

I was walking when Harry pulled me aside and smiled at me "harry what is wrong with you why are you smiling at me like that" I asked, "I'm just so happy for you my cousin is going to be in the Triwizard tournament I'm so happy" he said, "well thank you can I go be by myself now I don't want to be bombarded and feel all special" I said. "Well I want to give you all the love in the world you deserve it, after all, we are the same we have no family beside our godfather and your uncle I'm sorry you lost your brother," he said. "Thank you, Harry, for saying that I just want to be by myself I don't want people surrounding me and thinking I'm the special child or 'oh look there's go that scar faces girl she's special she got into the tournament'" I said. "Hey Katie calm down I won't make you feel like that we are the same and I don't care what those people say you just need to show people how special we are besides we are the ones that will destroy Voldemort if he ever comes back," Harry said.

I then just pulled harry close for a hug "thank you harry," I said.

I then moved away as I walked to the forest to sit down and try to relax from all the things that I think we're going to happen soon in the future.

I sat down as I think raven was already there "raven" I said, "yeah Katie" he said, "what do I do next" I asked, "well you go on with life and you start to train for the Triwizard tournament I can help you train for it if you want" he asked, "yeah I would love that do you think you could" I asked, 'yeah sure when is the tournament" he asked, "it starts In 3 days" I said. "Okay that doesn't give us much time but we will work with it also I had a question to ask you," he said, "what question is that," I asked, "will you go to the ball with me," he asked, "I'm sorry I can't I'm going with someone else but we are still good friends right," I asked, "yeah we are let's get started," he said.

We both then got u and trained its all the knowledge we had.

A/n: hi guys I'm back with another chapter and can you believe it I went past 40 chapters I think this book will be at least 100 0r less since I have a lot of stuff in mind for this book and a lot of ideas I want to put into this book. I hope you enjoy and I'll see you guys l8r

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