Chapter 44

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I woke up the next morning I got my robes on and got ready for the day.

I then brought out my wand and transported myself to the last challenge where everyone was meeting as they waited for professor Dumbledore I guess raven was here so I walked over to him. "Hey, raven," I said.

He turned and looked at me "hi Katie ready for the final challenge" he asked, "sure am" I said. Lie not. "Are you here to support me?" I asked, "yeah do good out there," he said.

I just sat down next to him as my uncle showed up "welcome all to the final challenge this one you will make your way through the maze to get to the goal which is the trophy and the first that gets to it wins and is claimed the champion of the Triwizard tournament" he said.

I turned my head to raven "wanna come with me" I asked, "maybe wait for no wait why" he asked, "cause I want my friend there to help me through the maze" I said. "I thought you wanted a challenge," he said, "I do but I think it won't be as fun or challenging without a friend," I said.

He just smiled as I took him by the hand and ran into the maze to maybe get into some trouble hehe.

We ran in as we came to an end "let's try another route" I said.

He just nodded as we took a new route where we weren't blocked this time so we continued down the path until something appeared in front of us "Katie watch out it is a dementor" he said, "don't worry raven I got it" I said.

I pulled out my wand and used the burning charm and set the dementor on fire but then the dementor turned into a boggart "wow Katie you are great so let's keep going" he said.

I just smiled as we continued in the maze turning back and forth every which way since we kept running into dead ends.

We were walking until I saw a cloud of gold dust that we walked through "woah what happened are we in the sky" he asked, "no it must have been that mist we walked through and I guess everything is now upside down" I said, "well can we go back through the mist," he asked, "good idea lets try it," I said.

We then saw the gold mist again and walked through it again as the world turned back right side up "okay now let's keep moving I think we are close to the end of the maze and near the trophy," I said.

Raven just smiled at me as we continued walking to try and find the end.

Raven and I were walking a little farther until something popped up in front of them "hualt there if you want to pass you must first answer my riddle" it said. "Okay give us your riddle," I said, "what goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon and three feet in the evening?" It asked, "oh I know it is a human baby or a witch or wizard," he said, "you are correct you may pass," it said.

We then continued walking "hey R how did you know the answer to that riddle I couldn't figure it out," I said, "well it's very easy a human or witch or wizard baby crawls on four feet in the morning then usually tries to get up and walk," he said, "oh okay I get it to tank you raven," I said.

Raven just gave me another smile as we continued our walk to the end of the maze and the trophy of the Triwizard tournament.  

Raven and I were walking when the final boss as I like to call it came out at us. It was a spider ready to fight,

I brought out my wand and cast flipendo, Maxine, it did a lot of damage and made the splyider move back a little.

The splyider was about to attack as I cast a Barrier around me as I was able to block its attack.

I then cast a giant dungbomb as the splyider was engulfed in a stank mist.

It backed up and ran away like a person or thing just getting sprayed by a skunk.

I smiled as I won the du hell like usual me and raven then continued our walk through the maze.

Finally raven and I were at the goal but Cedric was also there "hi Cedric looks like we both made it to the goal at the same time so do you want to grab that trophy together" I asked, "sure let's do it" he said.

We both just smiled as we each placed one hand on each side of the trophy and picked it up as we were both were transported to somewhere new "Katie no!" Raven said.

I looked up and saw Cedric next to me and also saw that we were now in a graveyard.

But as soon as my eyes laid on the graveyard I saw someone, someone I already knew would be there "hello there Katie" he said, "hi voldy" I said. "Katie looks out its lord Voldemort," Cedric said, "kill the boy," Voldemort said.

I then got in front of Cedric "no one is killing Cedric or any of my friends" I said, "then what do you suggest my dear niece" he asked, "that you take me and I join you and he goes fee," I said, "hmm good offer but we can't have any witnesses," he said.

I then handed the trophy to Cedric "here take this back to Hogwarts and tell of my tale" I said.

He just nodded as he was teleported back "your no fun Katie" he said, "that's what they call me uncle no fun Katie I won't let anyone die on my watch so let's just go so we can start your war" I said.

He just smiled at me as he took my hand as I followed but not behind him but into a white cloud, it was time for me to go home the home I never wanted to return to.

Cedric was breathing hard when he returned to raven "Cedric what happened where is Katie" raven asked, "we need to see professor dumbledore" Cedric said.

Raven just nodded as they ran out of the maze to my uncle to tell him and every witch and wizard around the news.

I opened my eyes and I was back in the cave my cave of my wifferfull "hey Goldie locks you up there" I asked, "yeah I am how are you feeling and please don't say you are going to kill yourself cause I will stop you no matter what" he said. "Okay well it's not that felling its the one where I want to fall on my knees and cry, cry for lui," I said. "Well maybe he'll take you back it has been 4 years," he said, "yeah in arry potter time but it probably only been like 4 months here," I said, "so what just go for it or do what you need to do for your health and your heart," he said.

I just nodded as I brought out my phone.

Raven and Cedric arrived at the cheering crowd "EVERYONE STOP CHEERING VOLDEMORT IS BACK AND KATIE WAS TAKEN" Cedric shouted.

Everyone was then silent as dumbledore came towards Cedric and raven "Are you sure boy?" dumbledore asked, "yes I am sure otherwise Katie would be right here and raven went in with her remember?" Cedric said. "Okay we will take a look at this and see if it is true," dumbledore said.

Dumbledore then went in as Harry followed behind also wondering if it was true or not.

A/n: hi guys I'm back with a lot of plot twists and turns don't blame me that I like to be crazy and put my spin on anything and mostly everything. Also, I'm crazy for lui shirisogi. I don't know why but I am a major fangirling over him and want him in my heart as my number one.

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