Love again maybe

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I brought out my phone and rang his number maybe he would pick up at least that's what I thought. "Hello?" He asked.

I heard his voice his sweet voice that made my heart thump but I couldn't say anything so I hung up "what was that" Goldie asked. "Goldie locks I can't do it I want to love him and hold him close but my heart is worried about rejection gold wolf what if that happens," I said, "okay if it's too painful you don't have to call him or you don't have to see him do whatever your heart tells you to do," he said.

I smiled at gold wolf he was my best friend and knew every part of my dark crazy soul so I brought out my phone and started to text him.

I then called him and left a few voice messages.

I didn't care if he wrote or called me back I just wanted him to notice me see me and hope we were okay.

I mean I wasn't ready and we just jumped into a relationship.

While that happened my uncle went to where Cedric said he and raven saw my other uncle. Of course, he was gone now that he took me but there were signs of feet and the smell of death in the sir "it is true" dumbledore said.

He turned around as he saw my cousin "mister potter please don't worry anyone else but your cousin is gone my little niece was taken to the dark side and Lord Voldemort has returned" dumbledore said.

Harry just nodded as he followed my uncle back to the big gathering of witches and wizards.

I was sitting inside the cave behind the wifferfull when I felt a presence come near "Katie" a whisper through the air came to my ears as I stood up and followed the whisper to outside where I saw him his gorgeous violet eyes with that big teal flaming hair.

I fell to my knees crying he then came over to me as he put a hand on my chin as lifted it to him so I could see those beautiful eyes "Katie please stop crying" he said. "I can't lui you brake me every time I see you just so," I said, "I know Katie I make your whole body weak but you are not weak remember your a warrior," he said.

As he said that my tears stopped as I was now just starring at him as he stared back at me "I missed you" I said, "I missed you too" he said. "How long have I been gone," I asked, "about four months," he said, "I knew it did you you move on I mean find another girlfriend," I asked, "what Katie hell no there is no other woman for me besides you I could never replace you," he said, "then why did you break my heart," I asked. "It wasn't me remember it was you, Katie, you couldn't figure out your feelings remember I was going to give you time," he said, "hmm my heart is still heartbroken though lui only you can fix it," I said, "what do you want me to do exactly Katie you may be heartbroken but we're still together will never break up with you and I will never love anyone besides you, Katie," he said.

I then wrapped my arms around him "do you mean that lui" I asked, "of course I do Katie those are what I feel now what do you feel do you love me the same" he asked.

I looked up at those beautiful violet eyes again and saw all my walls come down as my heartbeat for him for us to be together I wanted him I couldn't escape him anymore or my feelings. "Lui shirisogi I love you so damn much that I want to say it to you a thousand times," I said, "so does this mean," he asked, "yes you big dummy I want you even if my heart doesn't we can do whatever you want," I said.

He just grew a big smile on his face as I slapped him across the face "don't put that creepy smile on your face" I said, "haha I like to see you smile Katie I missed that" he said, "I also missed you lui so what do you want to do now," I asked, "well how much time do you have," he asked, "hmm I can stick around before I go on my next ad ven tour I wanna be with you," I said. "I want to spend time with you too," he said, "well let's do whatever you want lui my ad ven tour can wait so let's have some fun," I said.

He then planted a kiss on my cheek as we walked off to have some fun maybe hehe.

We walked hand and hand with each other until we walked into town where I saw a bowling ally "hey you want to go bowling" I asked, "sure" he said.

We then walked in as we came up to the counter where I saw Sierra she was finally working at her dream job "hi sierra" I said.

She turned around and saw me with lui "oh hi Katie I haven't seen you in forever" she said, "me neither how are you hows your life going" I asked, "good living the dream who's the fella" she asked, "oh this is lui shirisogi my friend" I said. "Okay, so just the two of you bowling today," she asked, "yeah size 10 and what size are you lui," I asked, "a 7," he said, "okay you'll be on lane 10 nice seeing you Katie hope we can catch up soon and if you needed anything doesn't be afraid to ask and I know you, Katie," she said, "haha you know me too well Sierra thanks I won't," I said.

I then grabbed the shoes and lui then ran off "hey" she said. I just snickered.

I grabbed two balls then came back to the lane with lui my lui I hope maybe "so have you bowled before," I asked, "yeah I have with Jimbo and phi and his kids," he said.

My heart then tightened more phi "are you okay Katie" he asked, "yeah" I said.

Lui then placed his right hand on my left and calmed me down "Katie it's okay you have me were together phi has his own family" he said, "yeah I know it's just when you say his name it makes me feel so much more than what I want to feel with you, but you lui can calm me down and hold me close unlike him" I said.

He just smiled at me as I tried to slap it off but he moved this time "now come on I'm itching to beat your butt in bowling" he said, "oh your gonna get it now shirisogi" I said.

He just smiled again as we started to play some bowling.

I grabbed my ball first and rolled a 9 then I rolled a 1 so I got a spare pretending that the pins were lui and phi made me very happy.

Lui then rolled and got a strike which made me mad so I did the same as I came back up to where lui was he was laughing "what are you laughing at lui" I asked, "oh nothing your just cute when your mad haha" he said, "I am not cute I am dark Vader" I said angrily.

He just laughed at me as I slapped him "just go already cheater" I said, "what I am no cheater I am just good at bowling" he said.

He then went as I heard his phone going off, so I answered acting like him "hey" I said in a guy voice, "dude nice going I see you are with that one chic again go bang her," he said, "what do you mean dude I love her," I said, "sure dude tells yourself whatever you need to, to fuck her," he said.

The phone call ended as I snapped my hand was balled up into a fist then grabbed my bag and left that a**hole behind.

I knew I didn't need a man and that just proved it.

A/n: hi guys I hope you enjoy it cause I did enjoy writing it very much hehe don't worry I'm writing one more like this then I get to see my sweet baby Conner

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