Chapter 23

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I ran into the courtyard with Haywood flying behind me as we came in together and saw two of my closest friends "harry Draco!" I shouted excitedly.

they both turned their heads and faced me "Hi Katie" Draco and Harry said.

they then looked at each other like they were going to kill each other "what did you guys summon me for and why do you guys look like you are going to kill each other" I asked.

they then stopped there glaring and walked over to me "we wanted to well I wanted to ask you something very important" Harry said, "what is so important" I asked, "well I wanted to go on a date" Harry asked, "harry we just met I just want a friend" I said. "oh okay well we can still have fun together right" he asked, "yeah we can" I said.

Draco then had a grin on his face now "now don't you dare get any idea's cousin I am not dating you for his sake, not in a million years we are cousins and friends and besides I am already taken, well kind of since I found my true love" I said.

Draco then rubbed the smirk off his face "is that all you idiots wanted was to ask me out I thought we were all gonna get together and play some wizard chess haha" I said.

Draco and harry the just stood still "come on say something you guys" I said.

Draco then just well almost walked when I grabbed his hand "don't go Draco please I would like to chat with you and harry" I said.

he then walked back to me "okay Katie what do you want to talk about" drako asked, "just about you guys and how your hogwarts journey is going" I asked. "well I made two friends that are more like followers and we have almost every class together" drako said, "that sounds great and what about you harry" I asked. "well I also made two friends and we have almost every class together too what about you katie" harry asked, "hmm me I like my classes I have many different classes I have like three or four classes with my friend but i'm doing the best I can" I said. "well when do we get to met the lucky person" draco asked, "hmm I don't know yet but can we do something" i asked, "sure anything what do you need" harry said. "could we set up a time to meet every week and just sit and talk, I think that would be nice" I asked. "hmm maybe" harry said, "no" draco said, "come on draco and harry I want to talk with my friends once and a while" I said. "fine" harry and draco said, "yay well I'm gonna go do wahtever thanks for the great talk guys" I said.

I then ran off with Haywood behind me as we ran off to one of my favourite places.

I walked passed the castle and went to the castle grounds and just sat in the grass and just looked up at the sky "goldie" I asked, "yeah Katie" he said. "what are we going to do now" I asked, "I don't know because I don't even know whats going on right now" he said. "well apparently I am a daughter of a famous family and have two uncles and am now attending Hogwarts for magical witches and wizards" I said. "well then what are you going to do" he asked, "well I'm gonna be the best witch I can be" I said, "then who is this luna" he asked.

I then blushed "hehe that is a love," I said, "but you just confessed your love to lui," he said, "i can have two love lives can't I, plus they both don't know anything about each other," I said. "hmm okay so what is your purpose in this world," he asked, "it is to become the best witch and destroy Voldemort," I said, "okay well what are you going to do for now," he asked. "I don't know I just want to just stay here until nightfall and then go and study during the night," I said, "okay but what will happen when your school gets out for summer," he asked. "I will tell them I have a place to stay and go back to out world spend time with lui," I said. "well okay whatever you say," he said.

I then just sat and stared into the sky watching time go past.

I was watching the time when the sunset and the dark set in.

I got up and started to walk back when I saw two shadowy figures one was a force I knew that was made of smoke and the other was a death eater. "what are you doing her sir" I asked, "Katie what are you doing dont you want to fall in love with a Mafoy" he asked, "no not is that all you wanted to ask" I asked. "no this is your new friend that will follow you around and make sure you Don't get into any trouble" he said, "but I dont get into any kind of trouble" I said. "well then how do I know about the detention note" he asked, "you know about that well looks like the jig is up" I said, "now do stay out of trouble and go for malfoy" he said. "one eww no I dont like him like that, he is a boy in my eyes and I am a young warrior so we are not in the same comperison I have my eyes on someone else hehe" I said, "well well you are a little crazy witch arent you my dear" he said.

I just looked up at the sky and connected the dots to make the little dipper "don't you think the stars look pretty tonight" I asked.

he looked up through his shadow and saw the stars "do you want one" he asked, "nope just like how pretty they are anyways I'll be seeing you voldy" I said.

the death eater then went in front of me "ah ah ah don't call me that and you will stay until the sun comes so I can train you" he said, "but you are not even here with me" I said.

the death eater then lifted me and brought me to a new place of which I didn't know.

I looked around and saw I was in a dark place and right in front of me was voldy, I just smiled as I saw him. "well I'm here now what" I asked, "now draw your wand and we shall train together" he said. "okay well I have a question" I asked, "and what is that" he asked, "why do you want me when I'm the one who can defeat you" I asked, "because my dear it's better to have your friends close and your enemies closer now let's go" he said.

I then brought out my wand and started to cast spells, defence, and fighting but with my hands and my wand hehe.

as soon as I tried to hit the last fight the sun started to rise "uncle it is sunrise" I said, "I know its time for us to part my sweet niece" he said, "will we do this every night or just tonight" I asked, "once a mouth my dear now go before your other uncle suspects something" he said.

I just nodded as the death eater took me again back to Hogwarts. goldie, luna, and lui I'm having so much fun I cant wait to see you again my loves but this is not how my story is gonna go, i'm gonna make voldy so close to me that we are close enough so I can KILL HIM! hahaha then I can take his wand and get my fake brother back. I should ask where all the other versions of me go when I come into each world, or is my name just created when I enter each world, I don't know I'll ask goldie locks later.

I then just stayed quiet as I was taken back to my home.

in the morning I was now where I was at last night in the training grounds where I saw madem haunch getting out the first year brooms "miss wolf what are you doing here so early" she asked. "sorry ma'am I woke up early and went for a quick run am I in trouble" I asked. "no just help me with the brooms and then we can start" she said, "start what" I asked, "you are doing one on one learning professor orders" she said, "why did my uncle say" I asked, "I don't know just do as you are told," she said.

I just got the brooms out and then ran off before madem haunch could say another word to me.

I stormed into my uncle's office "uncle!" I shouted. But I didn't need to shout he was sitting at his desk "yes Katie What is it my dear" he asked, "what are you doing" I asked, "whatever do you mean" he asked. "I mean why am I getting private lessons," I asked, "close the door, Katie," he said.

I then closed the door and return to my uncle and sat on the floor "Katie I know what your doing" he asked, "what am I doing" I asked. "You are turning to the dark side," he said, "what the no way this is apart of my plan," I said, "than what is your plan," he asked, "that I can not tell you," I said, "then I suggest you do the private lessons," he said.

I just nodded and didn't say a word then just left back to madam haunch.

I walked onto the training grounds where I saw my professor "okay I'm ready to learn" I said.

I then grabbed one of the brooms and followed along with my teacher.

A/n: Hi guys I'm back and don't worry my plan is going according to plan don't you worry haha. Anyways I hope you are all okay in this time and if you live in e moo a ca see who the president will be :)

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