Chapter 13

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the next morning I woke up to a bright light it was my friend mister sun haha that meant it was 6 or 7 depending on the time of year the sun goes up earlier in the mornings if it is cold out but no I don't think it is cold out yet cause I didn't see any snow on the ground.

anyways I got up and folded the blanket I used back up and grabbed the pillow I was using and made my way towards the front door of fosters. I could just sit up and do nothing unless I had my book in my bag which I probably had one or two in there somewhere I think.

inside the building, I heard mostly a lot of snoring and imaginary friends still sleeping but I was probably the only one up since that's how it uses; is when i'm home. i'm the only one up when everyone else is sleeping soundly.

I walked to the stairs and went to my favourite place which is my favourite place right now is underneath the stairs for some reason it just feels so cosy and relaxing to me but that just because I love dark things a lot.

I went to my bag and grabbed inside and looked around with my hand really I wanted to not look with my eyes cause I know my own bag by now probably. I looked around what felt like forever when it was only a few minutes until my hand hit a book I think I just pulled it out anyways and saw it was a book. indeed it was my library book that I really need to read (really I should be reading instead of writing but my mind says write since I was away for so long haha).

I started to read for what felt like hours but it was only a few minutes when I heard the stairs above me squeak now who could be up beside me at this time hmm is it blu maybe.

I then got up and out of my little hiding hole and went into the front part by the stairs waiting for whoever or whatever to come so I could see who or what it was.

I waited a few minutes before I heard the noise on the steps again.

I then decided to just go up myself and find out what was going on please be a ghost I really want something crazy to happen.

I was now walking up the berry long staircase and I mean really long cause it went up every floor and this place is huge you could get lost in this place. literary mac and blu got lost in this place once and they couldn't find there way out yet they were able to find endi's room but they were stuck up here for a while before they could find a way out it was hilarious.

I started to walk some more when I heard that squeaky noise again who da hell is making that noise I mean seriously I don't even make that much noise in the morning so who is that.

I then started to wonder more so I wanted to go towards the noise wondering more and more what it could be I kept walking for a while until I felt like the noise was right on top of me so I went up one more story and found the attic. "hello? is anyone there" I called out "hello?" they said. "it's okay please come out i'm not gonna hurt you I swear I am a friend of fosters I live here with my granny," I said. "you do? who are you" it asked, "my name is Katie showco who are you please come out i'm not gonna harm you I would never harm anyone well unless they double-crossed me then yeah but otherwise I wouldn't hurt a fly," I said. "well okay if you say so," it said.

the creature or imaginary friend came out it was probably an imaginary friend but they came out and I was in aw "wow who are you, you look so cute and adorable who are you" I asked, "my name is Freddy" it said.

I was then in shock of what he said his name was "wait for Freddy as in Freddy as in the FREDDY of five nights!" I said excitedly. "what are you going on about who is this Freddy of five nights," he asked. "its a game and there is this character named Freddy and he looks like you with the scary face that everyone thinks is scary but I and my friend really like him and I think is so cute I mean how could you not love scary things," I said. "so you don't mind my face," he asked.

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