chapter 5

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that was the first time I had have ever had sex with someone it was nice but not that nice with phi, maybe it was cause I couldn't love him, no I couldn't love men.

The next morning I got up at my usual time and walked out of my old room and saw all my old friends were asleep all over the living room.

I snuck past them then went for the door, I used the force to bring my bag to me.

I then opened the front door and went out. I now knew something after I and phi did that I cant go back to him or any of them.

I ran like usual having fun until I think I was far enough from him and the others.

here in the garden lets play a game I'll show you how it's done here in the garden stand very still they'll be so much fun and then she/he smiles that's what i'm after a smile in her/his eyes the sound of the laughter.
happy to listen happily to play happily watching her/him drift away happily waiting all on my own under the endless sky counting the seconds standing alone as thousand years go by.
happily, wondering night after night is this how it works? am I doing it right?
happy to listen happy to stay happily watch her/him drift away, you keep on turning pages for people who don't care about you and still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there see that no ones there everyone's gone on without you. finally, news about how the story ends she/he doesn't exist now survived by her/his son and all of her/his new friends isn't that lovely? isn't that cool? and isn't that cruel? and ain't I a fool.

I sang sadly I will miss them, but I need to move on but that is the saddest song in the steven universe movie, well now let's get on with my life on the run.

a few hours after I left phi finally woke up feeling so good about last night. wow Katie was amazing last night. phi then turned his body but didn't find me, instead he found a note. that's right people I left a note for the amazing boy that I will never see again. phi picked up the note and opened it.

dear phi
I am sorry about last night, you tried to love me but I did not love you. I am so sorry please look for someone new, someone who is not me, I have chosen my path of love but what about you? I have no idea where you'll go, please know I will always be your friend and always be thinkzing of you don't look for me, if you have found this note that means I have already left a long time ago. I hope you, fine love, I truly did love you but I could not love you.

phi closed the note and thought of me. oh Katie I am so sorry I never meant to hurt you, I just wanted to love you. phi began to cry and cry hoping and wishing that I was safe and okay.

I was now in the forest being my usual crazy insane self who loved to be outside in the outdoors. I will never go back I swear my life on that, and hey who knows when I will die, and if I do at least it will be now in my world and not in the Beyblade world, I know the time is coming for me claiming me taking its hold.

I ran and ran again until my body was done and fell down on the ground.

I then grabbed my bag and fished around my diabetes things and took my blood it was low like normal, seriously it been low for a long time now.

I then grabbed a snack from my bag and ate it then took my shots, I then got up and walked away to the place I needed to travel to get the materials and supplies I needed.

phi finally got up out of bed after he spent so much time in my bed crying he opened the door and came out and saw some of my other friends awake.

they looked up at him and saw his eyes were red and puffy like how sometimes mine were "oh hi phi wheres Katie" lui asked, "she is gone" phi said, "what do you mean left what did you do" zie asked, "I did something and drove her away" phi said, "I already know what you did" reyo said. "of course you do since your world probably does it like hers" phi said, "yeah it does, don't worry i'm not angry I am just disgusted" reyo said. "I am sorry I let it happen, but my heart just wanted her and I couldn't stop myself," phi said, "I know don't worry it's okay," reyo said, "thank you reyo," phi said.

before phi, reyo, lui, and z opened a portal "well I guess one of us is going home" reyo said, "yeah I wonder who gets to go" lui asked, each man tried to go and only one had left.

One of my best friends I have ever met, I never got to say goodbye, but I hope they know that I loved them and hope they forgive me what I have done in their world and mine "goodbye reyo, bye phi, bye lui" zie said, "bye will miss you right reyo and lui" phi said. "yes we will miss you zie, and the knights will miss him too" reyo said.

phi, reyo, and lui waved goodbye as zie entered the portal and left as it closed when he went in "wow I can't believe that he's gone just like that" phi said, "don't worry you'll see him again remember you are from the same place" reyo said. "I know but I will probably never leave" phi said, "and why ever not phi" reyo said, "cause I won't ever leave without Katie" phi said, "phi what are you talking about" reyo asked, "I don't know, whenever I see or hear her name my heart just pounds a beat as I want her, reyo I can't stop and I won't" phi said. "I know which is why you have to leave us and look for her, wherever she is at," reyo said, "I have too," phi said, "of course you better go before the others awake" reyo said. "will you let them know if they get up cause some of them probably have to go to work," phi said, "yeah I'll let you know," reyo said, "thanks your the best," phi said.

phi then walked away as he left in search of me. "I better text Katie now," reyo said.

I came into the store and looked around until I found the materials and supplies I needed then went to the checkout "good day" she said, "hello miss" I said, "did you find everything you needed today" she asked, "yeah I did, thank you very much" I said. "your quite welcome, your total is $150.29 cash, credit, or debit" she said.

I then put my debit card into the machine and paid for my items.

I then left with the items I bought back to my forest that I loved so much, really I loved the outdoors so much it felt so nice that I got to live in such a wonderful, beautiful place.

I looked for a spot to start my building, but I then heard my phone vibrate. hmm I wonder who dat is.

I then grabbed my phone out of my bag and looked at who it was. oh it's just reyo I wonder what he wants.

I opened the message and read what he sent me "hey kate lookout phi is out looking for you and zie have left this world back to his own" I read. wait what how could this have happened, why now why me I never wanted for any of my friends to leave, but I guess that's how the world works haha.

I then texted him back "well I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles" I texted.

I then started to build my new place, the scenery that I would like to call home. After I got two walls up I took out my phone and dialled a certain number.

Reyo heard his phone ring so he picked it up "hello" he said, "hi R" I said happily. "What the hell Kate," he said, "ding ding ding we have a winner people," I said, "okay what do you want weirdo," he said, "just seeing what you're up too," I said, "really I just told you phi is looking for you and your calling and asking me this," he said. "Yeah, I don't really care," I said, "what is wrong with you Katie," he asked, "nothing just crazy as usual," I said, "I'm hanging up," he said, "no wait please don't look I'm sorry R there's no one else I could turn to, your the only one I can trust," I said. "Katie what is going on with you, just tell me," he said, "I want to hide reyo I want no one to find me again, can you do that," I asked, "Katie you can't hide from me or phi you know that right," he said, "I know but can't you just throw him off for a little bit," I said, "I'll see what I can do goodbye for now," he said, "bye R," I said happily.

A/N: hi peoples, sorry this chapter is short I will bring more to you people next time, I don't know what i'm gonna do today but for now, this is what your gonna get from me. don't worry I'll bring more next time for now just lookout its falling knives. and while that's happening i'm gonna go do some chopping down trees on animal crossing with my beautiful baby axe haha :) XP

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