chapter 7

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a few years later (mow in my world time goes fast but not this fast hah)
I was now free and loving my life I went back to school for my second and last year which was fun since I got to see my friends again, go to work and see my co-workers again, and got to start my new and first college course which was all fun. I missed them dearly since I was 23 now.

I now lived in my cabin in the woods, but not the woods near my home town but in the council bluffs woods which was nice no one bothered me and I had nice quiet space, yet something was missing in my heart like normal. I hate my heart that's why I always punch or hurt it since it still beats for love and desired someone.

I tried going to bars and meeting someone it didn't work, I tried parties, and online dating neither of them worked.

I was now alone which made me happy in my mind, but that's not what my heart wanted to be loved and wished for someone.

I wish I could turn these feeling off but my heart probably wone, even if my mind took over my whole body, even though that would be so cool.

I still had my job at Casey's and I loved it, it made me happy that I got to still see someone, but except for phi I saw him once more before I never saw him again. as soon as I didn't see him again I thought I would never see him again after work one day I spent the whole day crying hoping, wishing, wanting to know if phi had left this world or not. but I would never know I never went back to my friends.

I was at my house when I took out my phone and looked for someone I thought I would never text again until now. I opened the text and started to type. hi reyo its Katie, I am sorry I have not texted you in a few years, I hope you and everyone whoever is left are okay I am sorry I left but I couldn't take it anymore I was gonna have to throw my life away for phi PHI! and I was not going to do that. I am sorry I made you guys either sad or mad at me I forgive you for anything that has happened, just know I am safe and am being my own independent WARRIOR! haha, I'll miss messing with you and the guys, anyways bye. I turned off my phone and just laid on my bed waiting for time to just tick by like normal.

reyo was at the house getting ready for the day when he heard his phone going off.

he opened his phone and looked at the long text that I sent him. what Katie! what is happening where has she been at its been three years now what has happened to her, and she now had the decency to text me of all people when phi is well has been so sad that he had to move on with someone.

he opened the message and read what I have sent him and was in shock at what I had texted "what the, where have you been Katie everyone had been so sad and miserable without you around" he texted.

he then waited for a few minutes before I texted back "oh so now everyone worries about me, what about three years ago, hmm where was everyone then" I texted. "i'm sorry Katie, we didn't think it was that bad three years ago but now it has, can you please come home" he texted. "sorry wrong number please text back later haha no I have my own place away from everyone" I said. "really Kate stop being weird and is it in the forest?" he asked, "a forest? haha no its the woods" i said, "really thats the same thing, well why wont you come back to us" he said. "because i dont want to harm you guys anymore and i dont want to get hurt anymore by phi, what happened to him or where is he anyways" i asked. "hes not here anymore" he said, "what dont tell me hes gone from this world" i said. "no no nothing like that he is just not living at the house anymore, do you think we can meet somewhere so we can talk" he said, "dont you have to work today" i asked. "yeah but maybe i can get the day off" he said. "how R" i asked, "i'll just call my boss and see if he'll give me a day off" he texted, "okay do you want to meet at the mall and talk in the food court or go to a resturant" i asked. "no no the food court is fine i'll meet you there at 1? does that work" he asked, "yeah that works i'm not busy today is my day off" i said. "okay i'll see you later then" reyo texted, "okay that works" i texted.

reyo then closed our conversation and went to his contacts on his phone and looked for his bosses number, he clicked on it and it started to ring "Hello?" he said, "hi boss its reyo" he said. "oh hi reyo how can I help you your shift doest start for a little bit" he said, "I know but I was wondering if I could have the day off today" he said. "why" he asked, "cause I have an appointment and can't make it in since I have to drive far to get it and it's an all-day thing" reyo said. "oh well okay, of course, you can I guess I'll see you tomorrow then have a good day" he said, "you too I'll see you tomorrow bye boss" he said. reyo then got off the phone and went to get ready for the day then wait for the time to strike at 1 o'clock.

I was sitting on my bed until reyo texted me back and we texted each other for a while before our conversation was over, but then it was and now we are going to meet. wow, I haven't met with any of the gang in a while maybe this will be fun, who knows. I smiled at the thought that I was finally gonna get some answers from someone.

I then got up out of my bed and started to get ready for the day, think how much fun this was gonna be today.

after I was finally done getting ready it was getting close, so I grabbed my phone and purse then I went on my phone and opened the Uber app and got a car that would be here shortly to meet reyo.

I waited a few minutes and the car was here, I got in and just enjoyed the ride until we got to the mall. even though it felt forever.

reyo was done getting ready, so he grabbed some money and went to the bus stop that would take him to the mall to meet me.

I was in the food court getting some subway, what its the best sandwich place and I loved lots of vegetables on it. I bought it then went and found a table to eat and wait for reyo to come so we could have a "nice chat" is what I would call it haha.

reyo walked in the mall then walked to the food court and got some food, he then scanned the food court area then found me and walked over to me "Katie" he said.

I looked up and smiled as I saw him "hi reyo" I said.

he sat down across me as I looked at him "so how are you" he asked, "I am fine what about you" I asked, "good how has your life been without us" he asked, "good I've been better" I said. "okay well ready to get to busniess" he said, "sure thing R" I said, "okay well you have run from us, hid from us, and now things have gotten worse" he said, "okay well tell me what has happened" I asked. "well it's me, phi, jimbo, and lui I think that are left" he said. "what that many are left what happened to everyone" I asked, "they all moved on to their worlds" he said. "wow really okay now what else did you want to tell me" I asked, "about phi" he said, "what about phi" I asked, "he has moved on" he said, "what you mean he's dead" I asked shocked and standing up "no, no, no nothing like that sit back down katie he has moved on in his life here" he said.

he then handed me his phone and I saw a not happy phi but he was surrounded by someone a woman and two kids that looked like her and him "what the hell is going on" I asked angrily. "now, now calm down kate its quiet alright he just moved on and fell in love with someone, well actually she found him and fell in love and then it became more" he said, "what do you mean what did I do" I asked, "you pushed him away and then he found someone new" he said.

I then started to cry "why, why reyo," I asked, "i'm sorry kate I hope you can forgive him," he said, "well where is he now," I asked. "you want his address I can give it to you," he said, "wow really thanks R," I said, "your welcome what are friends for," he said. "what we are still friends," I asked. "yeah of course we are," he said, "wow that's great," I said, "here," he said.

he then sent me a text with his address "okay thanks you wanna hang or do have to go" I asked, "no I have to go otherwise I think my boss will catch on" he said, "okay bye reyo" I said.

he then got up and left while I just sat there. wow, phi how could you move on without me you make my heartbreak into teeny tiny pieces and I don't like it.

I then got up and went to the trash and threw my trash away,

I then left the mall and went back to my place and cried to myself and wondering if I'll ever get him back in my arms.

I then slapped my face, for what felt like a million times. get your fucking head on straight girl you don't need anyone and they don't need you, you are just happy da way you are. I then stopped crying and went to find a book or write down something, cause I usually put my feelings into my writing.

A/N: hi peoples i'm back I hope you enjoy sorry i'm not rambling like usual but I am very sweaty and want to stop writing for right now well byes for nows :) XP

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