Chapter 14

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As soon as I went into the front area by the steps I heard something going off in my bag.

I dug in my bag until I found what I needed my phone was ringing with a familiar number I thought.

Anyways I picked up and said hello "hello who is this," I asked, "Katie," someone said.

I then froze as I heard the voice "Lui..." I whispered. "Katie," he said, "Lui" I whispered, "where are you," he asked.

I then hung up and stood in shock "Gold wolf" I said, "yes Katie what is wrong with you" he asked, "my heart" I said, "what about it" he asked.

I then sat down by the steps feeling sad "I miss him gold wolf I would love to see him" I said. "Katie pick yourself together you are an independent warrior you don't need no man," he said, "I know but I miss him he is one of the men I have ever loved," I said. "Whatever you want Katie I just want you to be a happy independent warrior like you always tell me," he said.

I didn't cry all I was, was sad.

I picked up my phone and dialled the number again "hello?" He said. "Lui," I said silently, "Katie," he said, "Lui," I said, "Katie," he said. "I miss you," he said. "Lui stop," I said, "what's wrong," he asked, "I can't be with you," I said, "and why not," he asked, "I can't love you," I said, "why not I love you and you love me," he said. "I would never give my heart to anyone, I would love to be with you but I am an independent warrior and need no one to tie me down," I said. "Haha I know what you are, you are a crazy insane woman that stole my heart and I can't stay away please come to me," he said. "Haha silly little naïve Lui I have chosen my path and you have chosen yours I am saving the would and you a Beyblade Star it was never meant to be," I said sadly. "Katie please let me know where you are," he said, "meet me by the waterfall in three days time and you will know my answer," I said, "thank you, Katie," he said.

I then ended the call "gold wolf you know my answer already I will never love" I said. "They why strong him along," he asked, "I must play with my pray before I can capture them," I said. "Haha you are so dark my evil mistress," he said, "thank you now let's go see what granny has planned for me today," I asked, "Okay," he said.

I then travelled up the steps to granny's room to see if she was awake yet or not.

While that happened Mac was in his kitchen with his mom "make it stop please" he said, "I'm sorry Mac we need to be nice to our new house guest at least your brother likes her" she said. "I know but she's a whiny princess," he said, "Now now all we need to do is think positive and give her whatever she needs," she said. "Where is my breakfast it was due 20 minutes!" She shouted. "I'm sorry endi I'm working on it," she said.

She then went to work on the stove as Mac was trying to stay awake from last night.

"Granny, granny foster are you up yet I'm ready to learn what you have to teach," I said. "In here Katie," she said.

I then walked into the same room as before to see granny in her rocking chair "what are you doing granny" I asked, "I am trying to grab a book to teach you" she said, "here let me help you" I said.

I then went over and grabbed the book for granny "what is this big book anyways" I asked, "my big cookbook your gonna learn em with my help" she said, "okay granny" I said.

I then sat on the rug as granny opened the book "now listen up Katie and you will learn all" granny said, "okay granny" I said.

Serval hours later and many, many, many questions.,.
I had gotten through the whole book with granny but I kind of don't remember it.

Granny went through the whole book so fast that I just went out of the house later and went for a run like my normal horse running in my mind. I was running when I ran into Mac. "Ugh Mac why were you in my way," I said. "I'm sorry Katie I wasn't looking where I was going," he said, "and why's that," I asked. "Terrance and endi," he said. "What do you mean is endi at your home," I asked, "yes she fit at no one else's home so Harrington placed her at my home, I just came to get blues help," he said. "Hmm, can I help," I asked, "don't you have learning to do," he asked, "yes but I don't care for it, I care for fun," I said, "okay whatever you say," he said. "Yah io gets pure auito," I said happily. I then followed Mac to get blu so we could get rid of endi.

It took only a few minutes but we found blu and headed for Mac's place.

I was in front of little ways since I was running as usual since I love to run. It's my new hoppy so the boys couldn't keep up as I ran like my inner wolf.

It took me not that long to run to his place and where my old family well my characters family lived.

I waited at the base of the apartments as I waited for Mac and blu to come. I heard something go off in my bag, but it was just Lui.

I waited for a few minutes even though I think it was a bad idea.

I was waiting when I had a tap on the shoulder. I turned around but saw a shadow character, he or she tried to take hold of me but I dodged, but as soon as I did that someone else grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth as they brought me somewhere.

Mac and blu came to the apartments a few minutes later but didn't see me "hmm where'd Katie go" max asked, "who knows we don't need no sissy's help anyways we can take care of endi and Terrance ourselves" blu said. "Hmm, your right let's do this buddy" max said. I wonder where she went. Mac and blu then went into the apartments to try and get rid of endi.

I was somewhere new now somewhere I didn't know of surrounded by mean and woman maybe. I really didn't know since they were in hoods and masks I couldn't tell who was who well except for one. I could see straight through him the man that had me before the man that looked for me every time I ran. "Next" I heard someone say.

The man brought me forth "aw you again what you bring this time" someone asked, "I bring a child who has a wild rampage spirit that doesn't know how to listen" someone said. "Ah I know just the thing here you go," someone said.

Someone then handed the person that held me something "oh thank oh mighty lord" someone said.

The person was about to take me away from where the person stopped us "leave it with me and the girl" they said.

The other person nodded and handed it back along with me. "Now drink young miss," they said, "I would never take anything from a stranger danger," I said, "drink it or you will die," they said. "Good I'd rather die than take that awful who knows what potion you have," I said.

As I was opening my mouth he poured in and my eyes started to close "what is happening" I asked, "you will soon see young one" someone said.

A/n: Hi peoples I'm back and at it writing all my stories this weekend since I've been laying so much in all of my work. Don't you worry super you know who is coming haha :)

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