chapter 25

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Draco, raven, and I ran into the corridor and sat on the ground around the Coldren that Draco had. "okay so how is this suppose to work" I asked, "just let me mix in the ingredients and then we drink it, or do you just want it for you" Draco asked, "I just want it for me since I'm the only one he can reach but it wouldn't hurt for everyone to do it since he could get to any of us, well besides you Draco" I said. "and why's that do you not trust me" Draco asked, "no I trust you it's just that your the son to one of the dark lords most powerful or trustworthy person" I said, "yeah I guess that's true, so I would probably hear everything from my father, but you guys can take it, by the way, who is this" Draco asked.

I looked over at raven and smiled "this is raven my friend well closet right now" I said.

he smiled back at me "okay well let me finish the potion then you can put it in little bottles and bring it to other people" he said.

I just nodded as Draco finished up the potion by adding the last ingredients and stirring the potion together. "okay it's done now gather it up and take as much as you need" Draco said. "okay one why are you being so nice to me and two are you trying to make me as you like like like you" I asked, "no heavens no I'm just trying to be the best cousin ever" he said, "okay one-stop and eww no you are after something Malfoy so spill it" I said. "spill what" Draco said.

I then slapped Draco across the face "cut it out and tell me what you want now or I swear Draco Malfoy I will kick your but up the wall, you won't be able to play quiddege for a long time" I said. "okay okay sheesh I just want to be nice and maybe be your second in command" he said.

I then grabbed the potion and took raven by the hand and ran off.

In the hallway of the great hall, raven stopped me and I came to a halt "hey what's up" I asked, "why did you do that" raven asked "hmm one I am not going to the dark side, and two I wanted to just do that badly and three he was being a jerk" I said. "well yes I agree with you but are you sure you are not joining the dark side what about all that stuff that you said to your uncle" he asked, "that is a lie" I whispered, "what you say" he asked. I then grabbed his hand and brought him to another spot that we were at before.

in the dark forest I sat down and looked up at the sky and the wonderful sound of the woods "okay so why did you say you swear your life to him" he asked, "because I tell him what he wants to hear" I said, "so you are good" he asked, "yeah I have a plan in my mind" I said. "what kind of idea" he asked, "come on you can trust me" he said, "nope sorry no telly" I said, "fine but are you calm now" he asked, "yeah I am now taking this potion and you will not hear anyone else's thoughts or anyone speaking to you" I said.

he just nodded and drank the potion as I did the same "okay now can you tell me, its just us now" he asked, "sure I plan to get close to him as possible so then I can kill him" I said, "wow that's a great plan" he said, "you think so" I asked, "sure" he said.

I then got up and hugged him "thanks for being a great friend," I said. I then got the wire/mic off of him "who are you raven" I asked.

he then grew a smile on his face "I'm so glad you asked that" he asked. "why is something special about it" I asked, "yeah I'm gonna be the next great ruler of power" he said. "what do you mean you want me to kill Voldemort" I asked, "yeah I do" he said, "why" I asked. "because I will become the next to rule this world" he said, "um why we are just kids" I said, "come on drop it Katie I know you've been here before you are learning things very quickly and that is very suspicious" he said. "hmm whatever do you mean this is my first time being here" I said, "drop it" he said.

I then sat back down and looked up at the sky "hahaha haha haha" I laughed so much. "what is wrong with you" he asked, 'what's wrong with me, no no the question is what's wrong with you how are you so good at reading peoples minds and figuring out people's secrets, when people don't give you any clues or any keys" I said. "that's how I am I find out who my target is and then learn all about them with my mind-reading skills" he said, "you mean your mind-reading potion" I said. "maybe maybe not who knows, I don't know how I got so much information on you but I just do so do you want to come clean-or will I found out for myself" he asked, "Hmph fine whatever you won't come clean and all will be learned," I said, 'really?" he asked, "nope haha," I said.

I then got up and ran off from raven. I know who you are raven or I say R you killed rowan my best friend but I will not let you hurt anyone else that I love like luna, but I will not rat you out either since we are friends.

I then continued to run until I ran into the Ravenclaw commands and ran to my room where I crawled into my bed and tried to block out everything bad and think about the good for right now.

the next morning I saw the sunshine in and heard two things, one was luna getting up and getting ready for the day while trying to wake me up and the other was Haywood signaling she had something.

I just got up and looked at luna and Heywood. "okay so what do you two want" I asked, "what is wrong with you Katie" luna asked, "nothing" I said, "then why are you so grumpy" Luna asked, "I'll tell you later, I gotta get dressed for the day now" I said.

I then got up and put my robes on got my wand and spellbooks. I then went over and kissed luna on the cheek "I'll see you later lu" I said. she just blushed as I walked out of our room and out of the Ravenclaw room and to my first class flying.

I walked onto the training grounds and saw my professor "good morning madem haunch" I said. she turned around and saw my face "good morning miss wolf ready for today" she asked, "of course" I said.

I then walked a little bit until I found a broom and grabbed it then started to clean off the broom and got up on "okay we will be loop da looping today" she said, "okay sounds great" I said.

I then started to practice and learn how to loop on my broom.

after a few times of practice, I got the motion down and moved on to the next thing. I was planning to learn as much as possible. but then it turned black.

I was turning and tossing until I woke up "ahhh! Draco, voldy, raven" I screamed.

I then looked all around and saw I was in the school infirmary. miss Pompey then came into the room and looked at me "what are you screaming about miss wolf" she asked, "nothing" I said, "fine how are you feeling" she asked, "better what happened to me" I asked, "you were flying on your broom when you feel off and hit your head, your lucky you didn't die" she said. "well can I go" I ask, "no you are not healed and rested all the way yet, your uncle will be in soon" she said.

she then walked away and got me some medicine to take while I waited for albus to come in and see me.

A/N: hi guys look at that I finished two chapters in one day. woohoo, who knew I would get this much done in one day. well, I hope you are liking my story don't forget to like share, and comment. also everyone please stay safe right now during this mass pandemic. well, that's it for me I'm gonna go finish my show, get my laundry, and work on my college class homework. I hope everyone is okay and hope you see a crazy person that goes by the name egghead comes to knock down your door with his/her ax. who knows what this person's gender is, I only know that they are wearing a sheep head sometimes and is sometimes wearing a pumpkin head hehe.

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