chapter 9

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after I went threw the portal I felt all dizzy like my head was spinning all over while I think someone was trying to talk to me "hey kid, hey kid are you alright" someone asked.

i then waited for my head to stop spinning and then my eyes came back to normal and i saw someone i knew well actually someone that was a great character "oh sorry about that did i startle you" i asked, "oh no it's quite alright" he said. "oh well thanks for your help, whats your name my name it is Katie" i said. "oh hi i'm mac" he said, "wow nice to meet you" i said, 'you too are you alright i found you laying on the ground passed out i didnt know if you were okay" he said. "oh yeah i'm fine now that you are here" i said, "okay that sounds weird but are you from around here, do you live nearby" he asked. "oh yeah i live nearby" i said,"well whats your last name" he asked, "um hmm i dont know" i said. "okay then let me see your ID card or maybe your library card" he said, "oh no, no way if i give you my library card you will either lose it or make a fine go on my account haha" i said. "what no, look that was a, how did you even" he asked, "i know a lot my dear mac i'm older than i look haha" i said, "okay weird can i see your ID then" he asked. "i don't know can you or will you lose that too" i asked sarcasticly, "can i just see it please" he asked.

I then pulled out my ID and handed it to him "hey we're the same age and in the same school but you're in a different grade hmm it says your last name is showcoson" he said, "please it's just showco" I said. "well okay why are you in a different grade" he asked, "duh did you not get the reference I'm smarter then I look policy" I said. "oh yeah sorry well you want to hang" he asked, "hmm depends are we going to fosters home for imaginary friends" I asked, "what how do you know about that place" he asked. "I don't know I heard it from some of the other kids that live around here," I said, "when did you move here," he asked. "I moved here a few months ago(lie)" I said, "Oh okay sure we can go there you can meet my friend blue he's super cool at times," he said. "I know and maybe I can meet some other friends haha," I said, "okay that's not creepy at all and maybe you can, can I ask you some questions when we get there," he asked, "of course we're friends now mac," I said.

mac and I then walked silently to fosters for imaginary friends.

while that happened in the other world, my homeworld haha. reyo was at work with Jimbo when his boss came over to see him "hi reyo how was your day yesterday" he asked. "good my appointment went well" reyo said, "good for you well how is your day today" he asked, "good how is your sir" reyo asked. "good carry on with your day I was just checking up on you" he said, "okay I will thank you sir" reyo said. reyo then went back to work when he saw Jimbo "hey Jimbo you know I didn't go to an appointment yesterday right" reyo said. "yeah I know cause you are perfectly healthy, so what did you do yesterday" Jimbo asked. "I met up with Katie to talk and we had a wonderful conversation and talked for a while till I went home," reyo said. "wow really is she, okay we haven't seen her in forever," Jimbo said, "I know we haven't and yeah she is great," reyo said. "great now let's get back to work before the boss gets angry at us," Jimbo said, "right" reyo said. reyo then went back to work as did Jimbo.

phi was at his house in his son and daughters room still until his little boy got up "are you finally up steeve" he asked, "yeah papa is Danny awake" Steve asked. "yeah she's been up for a very long time now get up and dressed" phi said, "yes father then may I play" he asked, "no you must do your chores first" phi said. "awe okay" Steve said. steeve then got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Steve was more like phi and his brother hide they loved to play sports especially soccer, Steve was gonna be a great player one day. as for him he was a friendly more fun-loving person unlike his sister and was a little like his mom he loved cooking and was very creative. phi then got up and went downstairs and saw his beautiful wife and his little girl. phi went over to his wife and kissed her on the cheek "how are you honey" he asked, "good how are you" sally asked, "sir is brother awake" Danny asked. "yes he is and is coming down for breakfast soon okay just wait patiently" he said, "okay sir" Danny said.

I was walking with mac until we arrived at the gate "okay here we are" he said.

mac then pulled me aside before we went in "okay before we go in what is your full name" he asked, "my name is Katie M showco" I said. "okay what's your favourite colour" he asked, "well I have several blacks, white, red, yellow, and purple" I said, "okay favourite animal" he asked, "a wolf" I said. "why would you say that is there something wrong with you" he asked, "no my mind is just messed up" I said. "okay anyways what's your favourite food" he asked, "I don't really have a favourite I like all kinds of food, any other questions" I asked, "no I think I covered all my questions" he said.

I and mac then went back to the gate and he opened it while I followed behind him "okay well welcome to fosters home for imaginary friends" he said. I was amazed when I put my hands on the side of my head like a crab and made a squeezing noise "what are you doing" he asked, "I'm thinking" I said, "it looks like your trying to poop" he said, "don't make me lose contact" I said.

I then squeezed some more until I was done "and... done" I said. a creature then appeared next to me "mac meet ham he's half pig, half-wolf, half-dragon" I said. "wow you are insane haha" he said, "yeah I get that a lot well shall we go in" mac said. "sure" I said.

mac and I well me and ham went inside and saw every imaginary friends running around "hey guys I'm back" mac said, "mac!" everyone said.

all his imaginary friends and Frankie ran over and tumbled him, hugged him, or he said hi to him.

Frankie then walked over to me and ham "uh mac who is this" she asked.

mac then walked over to me and ha "oh Frankie this is my new friend her name is Katie she wanted to come with me to fosters is it okay if she can" he asked. "of course she can and who's your friend Katie" she asked, "this is my new imaginary friend ham" I said, "awe" everyone said, "preposterous she can't stay here she must go home" he said, "oh no here comes professor lame" Frankie said, "that's right, wait" he said.

I started to laugh until I was on the ground having a ball "that's not my name it's Mr. Harrison" he said, "okay so bonnie why can't I stay" I asked, "well hey that's not my name either" he said.

I kept laughing as my new friends that I already knew laughed along with me "now listen up!" he said, that got my attention as I stood up and listened to what he had to tell me. "okay young lady you can't stay and that's final" he said, "and why not mac gets to come here and hang with blu, coco, Witt, and Eduardo" I said, "yes but his situation is different, wait how do you know their names if this is your first time here young lady" Mr.harrison asked. "uh I just guess" I said.

I then went over to mac and whispered into his ear "I'll tell you later" I whispered.

mac nodded as I went back to Mr.harrison while I wasn't looking as madem foster Frankie's grandma walked slowly in, I love how long it takes her to get down the steps. "now now bunny wunny whats all the hub ball about" she asked, "madam I am terribly sorry mac a brought a friend and you know the rules every kid finds an imaginary friend and leaves" Mr.harrison said.

madam forester then looked into my eyes and looked to see if I'm worthy or not "little girl to promise to visit every day like young mac does and play with ham" madem forester asked. "oh, of course, I would never want to let my friend get adopted" I said, "okay great" madem forester said, "perfect" I said, "fantastic" madam forester said, "incredible wait what" I said, "haha I like this child continue and please my friends give our new friends a tour of this place" madem forester said, "but but madem" Mr.harrison said. "come on funny bunny lets go so she can enjoy her stay" madem forester said.

Mr.harrison then looked back at me but then walked off with modem forester to his office probably. while I just laughed and stayed with my new friends. "come on Katie lets give you a proper tour of the place" mac said.

I nodded as mac lead the way while all of our imaginary friends and Frankie followed behind.

A/N: hi peoples I'm back and I went really crazy, really I have been thinking, and soon I was gonna come to a writer's block but then I got this new idea that I would go into different worlds and vanquish the evil that lies beneath the good in each world. but don't worry it's not just about me save the world, make friends, then go home and not see them again. no no, I get to go back after a while haha get ready people I'll be back soon with more crazy shit to put out haha :) XP

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