Chapter 21

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Luna was standing next to me as we stood next to all the other students. "Good morning students my name is professor McGonagall and I will bring you to the headmaster and our sorting hat, please follow me," she said.

All the kids then followed the professor into the building.

Inside we all walked into a big dining hall and a man in front.

I pulled Luna to a table and sat down "I hope we end up in the same house" I said, "me too that would be fun" she said.

We all then quieted down as the man in the room spoke up "welcome new students to Hogwarts I am headmaster alibis Dumbledore I hope you all have a wonderful year, now the hat will choose which house you will go in" he said. I think I will be sorted into all of them but the one I want most is one with Luna, don't worry I'll have two love lives here. Sorry, Lui, I love you But I also love Luna and we just met, but it already feels like I'm in love. "Katie wolf," she said.

I then stood up and went towards the professors as they put the hat on my head. "Hmm brave like a Ravenclaw, strong like a gryphon, caretaker like a Hufflepuff, and dangerous like a Syrian I can't figure her out she has so many great qualities that fit many houses," it said. "Miss wolf which house would you like to be in," Dumbledore asked, "hmm I want to be in Ravenclaw," I said, "then Ravenclaw It shall be," he said.

I then went over and hugged Luna "yay we both get to be together," I said, "that's great," she said, "next Harry Potter," someone said.

Everyone then started to whisper about him, well except me and a few others who liked him.

I mean he's not my brother but he will be a great friend I think.

It took a while but after everyone was sorted I was about to go to my new conman room but someone stopped me "Miss wolf," he said.

I then turned around and saw headmaster Dumbledore "yes sir what is it," I asked, "come here," he said.

I then came closer as he pulled me in for a hug "how are you my dear it's been years since I've seen you" he said, "have I met you before sir" I asked, "yes when you were little" he said.

I looked through my mind and remembered the time when I was crying and someone spoke up "was that you fighting with 'he who must not be named' when my parents died" I asked."yes I was about to take you along with Samual" he said, "why didn't you save me back then" I asked, "cause he stopped me" he said. "I don't like him and never will, I mean I'm dark but not that dark," I said, "I know my dear, but now your safe and I'm not letting him have you," he said. "But sir where will I stay during the summer," I asked, "you can stay with me or a friend, after all, I am your uncle, but also that evil riddle," he said, "how are you both my uncles," I asked, "his granddaughter and my grandson were your parents," he said. "What was my parent's names," I asked, "Nancy and Matthew wolf," he said, "okay and what became of my brother," I asked, "he became a minister," he said, "oh okay thank you for telling me sir," I said, "well now I'm glad your here cause I have a second chance," he said. "Thank you, uncle Dumbledore, I cant wait to start my Hogwarts journey," I said, "okay I'll see you in a while my dear stay out of trouble," he said. Haha, I stay out of trouble just wait and see.

I then walked off to find the commands and Luna.

I was walking when I bumped into someone and we both dropped our glasses "oof sorry oh my glasses where are they" we both said.

we both felt on the ground until we both found our well each other and handed them to each other their glasses "here you go" we both said.

we both then looked at each other "hi there" we both said, "who are you" we both asked. "I'm Harry," he said, "i'm Katie," I said, "it's very nice to meet you," he said, "likewise," I said, "what are you doing out here," he asked, "I am walking to my room what about you," I asked, "i'm exploring care to join me," he asked. "hmm sure I'm not doing anything," I said, "wow your so cool," he said.

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