chapter 27

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I came out of the portal and saw my world my home my wifferfull and when I looked a little father I saw him my wolf standing in the distance.

I ran towards him missing him so much "goldie" I said, "katie what happened where you were wasn't I in your head" he said, "hmm no not at all I was in hogwarts magic witch and wizardly school and I just got back from there so where have you been" I asked. "well I was in your head a few times but mostly I was here and I couldnt poof back in your head I was stuck here or trapped in the darkness as you call it" he said. "hey I'm sorry that I like the darkness and have a dark twisted heart but I wish you could've been there to help me though what I like to call hell but hey I had my fair share of schemes and tricks" I said, "well I'm glad you had some fun but now can we get back to normal life where I stay in your head and you go crazy while i pull you in or you come in for our talks" he asked. "of course sir while I call lui and we meet for a romantic date" I said, "yeah just one thing why do you look different" he asked. "what do you mean" I asked, "theres a scar on your forehead nad theres a little image that is a circle with a star on it on there to" he said, "what the bloody hell" I asked.

I then turned and looked in the cool blue wiffer and saw my scar from Voldemort and on the hand, I had the eyes of a doll and the mark of cele from black butler "ahhh!" I screamed.

I then was shaken up by a familiar set of hands.

I opened my eyes and saw those dark beautiful violet eyes that I fell in love with "lui? what happened where am I no wait how did you get here" I asked, "don't you remember texting me" he asked. "no I don't remember any of that all I remember is coming back here and seeing my inner conscience" I said. inner conscience my ass haha."well what did I text you" I asked, "you texted me 'hey i'm back from my adventure and want to see you meet me at the wifferfull I miss you so much' does that sound like you" he asked. "yeah that sounds just like me" I said, "well are you okay" he asked, "yeah just hold me tight please" I said.

I then just sat up and snuggled in close to lui "lui you wanna go on a date with me" I asked, "sure what do you want to do" he asked, "first off what day or month is it and second let's have a pic a nic right here by the wifferfull" I said, "its march 1st and how are we suppose to do that when we don't have any food for one" he said.

I then pulled my bag out and grabbed out my wand and did a charm that I learned "wow how did you do that" he asked astonished, "it just takes practice haha" I said, "okay well let's dig in I guess" he said, "okay so hows work going how are you and Jimbo" I asked. "were good and were making great money right now and saving up enough to pay for that place you bought a long time ago" he said, "that's great" I said.

we made two sandwiches and ate them "how was your adventure," he asked, "good I met some new friends and had some fun you know how I love to have fun in my way," I said. "yeah I know what you mean Katie did you (gulp) meet anyone special," he asked, "haha you are adorable lui no I would never cheat on you cross my heart and hope to die I love you, why would I do that when we just got together," I said, "yeah fair point," he said.

he then came over and kissed me on the cheek that made me blush "lui stop your making me turn bright red" I said, "good cause you're making me feel like jelly" he said.

I then just blushed some more as my heart started to beat faster as he stayed closer to me "lui stop your making me feel so much that I don't want to feel" I said, "well you make me want to just love you more and more" he said.

I then just laid on the ground as lui got closer to me "lui I love you" I said, "I love you more" he said.

he then wrapped his arms around me as I closed my eyes "stay near me lui and don't let go" I said.

I couldn't believe I was saying this kind of mushy-gushy stuff and I'm cheating on lui with luna, LUNA! for crying out loud, I don't love boys and never will I love girls, but when I'm around this man all I want to do is feel love, well let's see how far this goes, but hey at least either of them won't ever find out about this because they will never meet haha.

I then fell asleep as me and lui snuggled close to each other to keep each other warm and safe even though I can take care of myself.

in the morning I woke up and pulled away from lui my lui haha. I kissed him on the head then wrote another note and ran to my cave behind the wifferfull and ran inside I looked at the swirling portal that was calling my name "goldie ready to go on another fun adventure" I said. "yeah sure whatever you want Katie" he said, "what does that mean what's wrong with you goldie" I asked, "I feel like we're splitting apart" he said, "what why would you say that I would never leave you" I said. "even for luna or lui" he asked, "yeah even though they are my true loves I think I am not sure because I love no one as much as I love myself, you know how crazy I am" I said. "Haha yeah I know you are crazy so I guess thanks for the little pep talk Kate you know how to cheer me up," he said, "any time buddy were partners in crime and you are my number one priority and your the one who truly knows how I feel," I said. "yeah I guess we're good for each other in different ways now let's go on that new adventure that you wanted," he said. I smiled like me and gold wolf ran into the next adventure as I like to call it.

lui woke up feeling around for me but couldn't find me, so he got up and instead of finding me he found another note from me hehe. he opened it up and began to read "dear lui, I had another lovely date with you it was great to see you again and I hope we can do it again, I hope you will continue to do great things and great work stay safe my love I'll see after I get back from my next adventure haha -love Katie" he read. "I hope you will be great on your next adventure to have some fun and find or maybe bring home something great for me to see as long as it's not a new boyfriend because your mine," he said to himself.

he then got up and walked away from my beautiful home back to what I like to call "normal world".

I opened my eyes after I jumped into the portal and saw I was not in the arry potter world this time I was in a different world "hello?" I asked, "Katie," someone said.

I looked up and saw a familiar boy "cele" I questioned.

I sat up and looked at him dressed in all black and blue eye with that one eye patch "what is going on" I asked. "what do you mean I turned my back for one minute and your gone" he said, "i'm sorry I don't remember what we were doing" I said, "well we were playing hide and go seak with daniel and Elizabeth" he said, "don't you mean hie and go squeak" I said, "oh yeah I forgot you play with mouse" he said, "okay so going on where are mum and dad" I said, "don't you remember the fire" he asked, "no" I said. "okay well it's just you and me and Sebastion remember" he said, "well who's daniel" I asked, "man did you hit your head or something he's your fiancee" he said, "okay well let's go have some fun I guess" I said.

I then ran off while cele ran behind me. I guess I'm going back to Hogwarts just yet I guess I get to be with cele before he turned into a demon and Sebastion my loveable demon.

A/N: hi guys I'm back and crazier than ever if you have not watched black butler it is da best show and da best thing well one of da best show's I have fallen in love with.

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