Bad Idea

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"Kira I still think this is a bad idea." I shouted over the music. "Stiles and Lydia have this handled we are just protection." she replied assuringly.

"Kira do you not understand the h-u-m-a-n of my existence? Danger is the bane of my existence." I screamed back.

She scoffed and smiled.

Malia was dancing, the kind of way where you don't care what people think. She danced her way over to the corner in which Kira and I stood.

"Hey! Come dance with me you look suspicious just stood there." her hands reached forward.
I grabbed her hand and laughed as she dragged me to the middle of the dance floor.

I shook my body and began to jumped to the beat of the music. Malia noticed my awkwardness and placed her hands on my back, guiding me. My body slowly synced with Malia and the music, our hips moving in unison. My hair got messier as my hands ruffled it to the sounds. Her legs brushed mine as I flung my arms over her shoulders, so close we breathed the same air.

I could feels the hairs on my neck raise as eyes looked our way but I didn't care. I just kept dancing with her, having fun and admiring the view.

The song slowed down and Kira was pushing her way through to us. A worried look spread across her face. "We've been spotted." she pulled out her glowy nunchakus and Malia raised her fists and blew the hair out of her face. I did the same but I wasn't prepared to fight. My eyes locked on the two men with leather jackets heading our way.

The fight begun and everyone around us quickly realised and backed away. I stayed in the middle of them eating a chocolate bar from my pocket until a third man came along. He chuckled at the sight of me and lunged forward fist first. I ducked out of the way. "Well that was rude." he went for a kick but I hugged his leg and, before he could drag it back down, kicked his other leg knocking him down.

I also dropped my chocolate bar.

"Huh nicely done Y/n." grunted Kira as her guy fell to the ground so did Malia's.

We ran out and met up with Scott in the corridor. A grey smoke suddenly sprayed through the ceiling. "Oh Stiles what have you done?" I sighed.

"Wolfsbane! Kira, Y/n... RUN." screamed Scott choking. I ran first, followed by Kira but I soon ran into a strangely tall man who knocked me to the ground. I looked up only to see a gun in his hand aimed at Kira.

"Gah. Ow! You know a warning would have helped Kira." I shouted as he lifted me up effortlessly. "Seriously do you have any weaknesses?" I turned my head to him but his face was steel. I looked at Kira as he dragged us past Scott and Malia. She nodded and I knew. It was talking mode time.

"Hey tough guy. I have a question, well its not really a question more like a statement that requires a short answer. I mean I guess you could call that a question but it really depends on what your looking for. So basically what are you doing man you could be like I don't know a doctor ooh or a teacher but noo you have to be in a gang. You know you would make a great boxer," He threw me and Kira in a cell and dragged the static Malia and Scott in too quickly followed by Stiles.

"Hey wheres Lydia?" He was stood guard by the door. "Ooh I know I will call you.... GG it stands for gang guy." I could tell my voice began to annoy him so I ducked my head out of sight pretending to laugh and nodded at Kira to get ready. "So GG, you bake?"

My hands were through the bars on the door hanging down as he lunged towards me, a hateful look on his face, and grabbed my wrists. His look scared me so I pulled his hands through the bar and jolted my body down breaking his wrists.

"Serves you right dickhead."
"You little shit." he winced.
"Thats me." I said smirking through the bars.

Shouts emerged from both ends of the corridor.
"Well that was pointless." Was all Kira said. They unlocked the doors and pulled Kira and Scott out.

"Ay! If she gets an electric chair when do I get mine." I yelled sarcastically. I clearly sparked a conversation.
"Oh we can do way worse than electric chair."
"Jeez how dark is your imagination." another member replied.

They soon left and Malia quickly regained consciousness.

Stiles quickly kissed her relieved. I looked away. I don't know why.

"I say we jump the next guard and ditch." suggested Malia.
"What about Scott, Kira and Lydia?" she hesitated at Stiles' question.
"The rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends." I chirped up. "Is that what you would do, leave them for dead?"

"If she was weak and injured – yeah" soon adding, "If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her. Then I'd leave."

Stiles and I went silent as Malia tried to listen to what was happening. she only heard bits about Derek and Kira and lots of screams. The lights flickered a lot.

Malia heard one more thing before the music took over: shackles breaking and a name "Kate."

"Who's kate?" Malia asked.

"Very bad person, not good, dead, should be dead. Are you sure thats what you heard?" Malia nodded and Stiles was very stressed.

The doors flung open and we bolted to our feet, except Stiles who was already pacing. We were greeted in the heat by Lydia, Scott and Kira.

Araya seemed to be warning us and a motorbike parked by us but my mind was somewhere else.

I walked blindly to the jeep and sat in the back.

We drove for hours following Braeden, all I did was think zoned out from what was happening.
"Y/n are you okay you've been really quiet?" Lydia grabbed my wrist shocking me back to reality.
"Yeah i'm fine. Why have we stopped?" I looked forward as did she at Stiles attempting to fix the jeep with duck tape.

"Lydia do you mind if we talk?" I asked.
"Of course what about?"
"A-away from these guys."

She helped me out of the jeep and walked me over to the nearest tree.
"I think I like someone. Someone I shouldn't like."
"Well why don't you tell them?" She seemed curious.
"I can't I don't know how they would react. They are dating someone."

"Well tell me I can help. Scott? Stiles? You can trust me, always."
"Okay Lydia your my best friend but I don't think i'm ready." She could tell I was anxious so she backed off and walked me back.

"Wheres Scott?" Lydia asked.
"He went ahead with Braeden. Hey can you hand me that wrench." Stiles replied

"Stiles, budge over, you have absolutely no idea what your doing." I smirked and reluctantly he moved handing over the wrench.

I rolled up my sleeved and started pushing and pulling on bits and pieces that had fallen out of place. "Done!" I sang as Kira and Malia came running back from exploring. "Lets get on the road." and we all hopped back into the jeep as I wiped my hands on my leather jacket.

We sped along the dusty roads trying to catch up before nightfall and when we arrived we were shocked at the sight.

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