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I woke up in the woods. My hands were close to blue and my hair was a mess. I had on some tight clothes and my feet seemed to have been cut by branches.

It looked like nine by the place of the sun. I stumbled through the woods for what seemed like hours until I came across the lacrosse field. I walked towards the players, my hands now numb.

"Like the view coma-girl." Someone shouted. Another wolf-whistled. I continued walking and stopped at the staring boys. I was so cold I could feel myself going number.

"School started an hour ago." Another one jeered. I stumbled forward and fell against some of them who noticed how cold I was and rushed me inside.

"Get me some thing warm and go get Scott McCall." I was shivering and noticed I was in the boy's locker room.

Scott and the boy came back a couple minutes later. The two lacrosse players left the room.

Scott carried me towards the showers in an attempt to warm me up. Lydia and Kira burst in not long after and took over.

"Warm her up, I'll get Stiles and Malia." They pulled all the leaves out of my hair, sat me up and turned up the temperature.

"Y/n what the hell happened?" Malia burst in.
She climbed next to me getting wet in the shower too. "I-I don't remember." I muttered finally getting warm.

I dried myself with a fresh towel and put on Malia's jacket. My hair was still dripping as I walked out of the class and out of school.

We walked to the animal clinic leaving behind Lydia and Kira who went to Tracy's house. Stiles and Scott hugged me as I walked in. Tracy was on the table her lips silver.

"Can't you give her a shot of something?" Malia suggested.
"She doesn't look to be in any pain."
"I meant a shot to kill her."
"I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns upon such measures."

"Malia you know we are not gonna do that."
"How do you know she is not gonna kill us?"
"She makes a decent point." I spoke up.
"Either way eventually I'm gonna have to let my dad know that she was here."

Deaton threw down some mountain ash and trapped the supernatural in the room. Stiles looked at the boarder worried.

"Don't worry Stiles, Tracy wont be able to cross a line of mountain ash. She's not going anywhere."
"Thats kinda what I'm afraid of."

"Well you, Y/n and I will be able to get out of here, but you two, not so much." Malia pushed her hand against the mountain ash.

"Weird." I smiled and pretended to listen as Deaton carried on explaining about Tracy and experimenting. I sat down still wondering what happened last night.

I zoned into Scott and Stiles' conversation as Malia and Deaton investigate Tracy.
"Driver didn't have a stroke or a heart attack, says his body just locked up."
"Like he was paralysed."

"Hey, do you think Theo was right?" Their casual talk turned to whispers.
"I don't know but I think I know what Tracy is."
"Care to enlighten the rest of us?" Deaton interrupted.

Right about what? I was left with my thoughts until blood splattered across the room.
"What the.." I got up to see her spine open.
She jumped up and a tail burst out, paralysing everyone. I fell to my face and she broke through the mountain ash. "Fuck." I groaned.

Scott was the last to fall and it was just my luck that he fell on-top of me. "Ow."

"It wasn't a were-wolf." Stiles yelled.
"Couldn't have said that sooner Stiles?" I prompted. He ignored me.

"Hey Deaton how the hell did she get through the mountain ash?"
"I don't know, it's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross."
"Well Scott did it."
"Once but it almost killed me."
"We should have killed her" Malia finally added.

I was stuck staring at her, I had nothing to complain about.

"Malia calm down it's gonna be okay."
"I cant calm down I cant move."
"It wont last long we will be okay."
Ten minutes of struggling went by and Malia's fingers started to move.

"I don't think she cut me that deep." She struggled breathlessly and eventually managed to get up.
"What happening I cant see? Malia wait for us."
"There is not time."
"Malia, save her."

Theo came not long after and helped us all up. As he helped me I could feel something, like something missing.
"How did you find us?"
"You work here, I heard about Tracy I've been looking for you." Stiles resisted his help but got it anyway.

"Let me help, it doesn't have to mean I am part of the pack. Just means I can help catch her."
Scott and Stiles nodded and we left to find her.

We went to the police station on the off chance she was there. Everyone was paralysed. Scott rushed to sheriff but I turned Stiles' attention to a bleeding Lydia on the floor. Theo takes off his belt and tightens it around Lydia's ribs.

"Stiles', Y/n basement." Scott beckons us.
"She will be alright Stiles." Theo assured.

We go to the basement and see Malia stood over Tracy's body.
"I didn't do this I swear. There were these guys in masks, they were strong and had a weapon."
I hugged Malia. "I believe you."

"She isn't going back to human." Deaton points out.
"You cant tamper with the crime scene." Sheriff interrupted.

I left them down stairs and went to check on Lydia, an ambulance had come and gone. Theo was outside watching it leave. "Hey!" I yelled from the door. "I need to talk to you." He spins around and points to himself as I walk towards him.

"What is the secret you have with Scott and Stiles?" He looked surprised.
"I will tell you but not here." I wrote a note and stuck it on the door.
Gone for a walk with Theo wait for me need a ride.

I walk with Theo to his car and sit shotgun.
"So are you going to tell me?" I pressured.
"Yes." I turned to face him and a fist came flying at my face.

"Ow." I groaned and woke up changed to a tank of green stuff and in-front of me was a metal table with a person on it and three strange doctors.

He yelled as the doctors pulled out his teeth. I looked away as he sat up and in the place or human teeth grew rows of sharp, dark teeth.

A police radio began to play through speakers. "Threats of a bomb at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital."

I struggled against the chains as Donovan explores his surroundings, including me. "Get away from me." I spat. He smirked showing his teeth and raised his hand.

Spirals of spinning teeth broke through his palm. He lowered his hand to my shoulder and I yelled as it ate through my skin. The speakers piped up once again but no police this time. It was a phone call between Theo and Stiles.

"Shes gone. I was walking with her I turned my back for one second and she was gone."
"Lying bastard." I muttered
"W-what. Do. You. Mean. GONE?" Stiles barked. "You were right."
"Right about what." I asked myself.

The three doctors came towards me pushing away Donovan. They injected me with something white and I fell asleep.

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