Try not to kill him

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"You can go back inside but she stays here."
"Wha- why me?" I yelled.
"I can see the gun in your boot."
"Can I at least have some food?" Malia came back out and threw an apple at me and another bottle of water.

I bit into the apple slowly as about a hundred hunters stared at me. "I don't like this." I pulled out my pocket knife and started to peel the apple. One stood close to Tamora raised his gun. I rolled my eyes and threw the knife at his shoulder, it skimmed him and dropped to the floor. "I didn't stab him." I said in defence. "I just cut him a bit, check for yourself."
"Lower your weapons." Monroe ordered. I looked back at the others, congregated inside.

Nolan walked past me and I grimace at his smug face. Soon after Jiang and Tierney are escorted outside to the FBI van. "I'm sober now. Not that I was drunk in the first place." I walked back inside after retrieving my knife.

"You hit him in the shoulder?"
"He aimed a gun at me."
"I'm driving." I took my keys from Scotts pocket.
"Actually my dad is gonna drive me home."
"Okay we'll meet you at the clinic."

Theo and Liam climbed in the back, Malia took her own car. "Liam try not to kill him for now please."
"He won't." Theo guaranteed.

Corey and Deaton were already at the clinic. "That must have upset Mason." I said after hearing what Corey said. "Why do people have to think we've left?"
"Cause they're gonna kill us." I nodded and sat on the chair waiting for Scott and Malia.

I pulled my legs to my chest and yawned, resting my eyes for a minute.
I woke up to bright lights and loud voices. I stood up and climbed between Theo and Malia.

"He- what's going on?"
"Why don't you ask your girlfriend?" Theo said, pushing my hand off his chest.
"What happened?"
"Nothing." I glanced back and forth between them confused.
"Sorry we woke you." Liam apologised for them.
"It's fine."

Mason burst through the door. "You told me you were leaving!"
"I had to."
"You lied!"
"We all did." Liam intervened.
"So this was the plan all along?"
"Sorry, Mason. My dad had to believe we left Beacon Hills. Everyone has to believe it."
"Then what happens next? We fight back now, right?" He asked.
"What did you think we were gonna do... Run?"

"Y/n.. you go with Liam and Theo to the zoo. Mason you get Nolan to follow you."
"Shouldn't be hard he's an idiot." I added.
"Malia, Argent, Lydia and I will break into Argent arms." I picked up my keys and walked to my car, Liam came with me and Theo took his truck.

"We're here. If they do anything to my car I will kill the both of you." We walked to the top level and waited while Liam called Mason.
"Did it work?" He paused as Mason responded.
"Okay, just be careful."

"I'm bored." I moaned.
"Hey. How close is he?" Mason came up the stone steps."
"He's back down the road. Don't look."
Mason hesitated. "Should I come with you guys?"
"His friends shoot to kill. Go home." Theo insisted.
"Yeah, Lydia would kill me if anything happened to her car anyways, so..."
"Don't worry about it. Nolan's gonna do the rest." Liam assured.

He left and I loaded my gun. "I should have eaten breakfast."

"Where are they?"
"Inside the zoo. They're all here. It's not just the two of you, is it?"
"What do you mean, "just?""
"It's not just a pack, okay? There's an Alpha, and a Banshee... They're all here."
"I don't see all of them."
"I don't see anyone."
"I-I saw Theo and Liam and Y/n bringing a car full of food and supplies right here! There were at least six sleeping bags, okay? They're here! They're all here!"

"It's just Nolan and two other guys. This isn't going to work." Liam whispered.
"Where's the backup? I mean, shouldn't there be, like, twenty of them?"
"I mean, they only saw us, and they're not gonna believe Nolan."
"Okay... Then they have to believe us." I stated.

"Isn't that right?" Theo began to shout.
"Why are you yelling?" I whispered.
"You got a problem? Oh, that's right, you always have a problem!"
"What the hell are you doing?" Liam whispered back.
"Shut up!" He yelled again after punching him in the face.
"Yeah, you see that, Scott? Your little Beta can't even take a punch. And what do you think, Malia?"
"Hey, over there..." the hunters shouted.
"What, you think he can take me?"
"Okay, I get it. But did you actually have to punch me?" I chuckled at their cuteness.
"See what I mean, Scott? He's only good in a fight when he's angry. So, let's see how angry he gets."

Liam began to fight back. "Are you done?" I shouted.
"I think they're sold." Theo was back to whispers.
"You ripped my tshirt!"
"Yeah? You broke my nose! Twice! It healed, you broke it again. Two times!" Liam punched him again.
"Three times."

I chuckled as we waited for backup. Eventually I got too bored and walked around the rest of the zoo, staying out of sight. The two boys soon followed me.

"You're the one who picked the abandoned zoo. The hell are we doing in this place, anyway?"
"Because it's like Mykonos."
"Like what?"
"The Greek island. In the city, they built these long, narrow, winding streets that all meet up with each other. Invaders would get lost in them, like they were in a maze trying to figure out which way to go."
"What? I like history."
"I'm impressed. It's a good idea."
"Yeah, only if the invaders actually show up."
"I think they just showed up." Liam growled lowly through the bars.

"Hey, let's go. We're supposed to be decoys, not target practice. You still working on that anger?"
"I'm fine." He clearly wasn't.
"Well, you can be angry at Nolan and stay alive. Come on."
"Fine. Get caught." Theo walked away and I followed closely.

"You still like him don't you."
"Shut up." He smiled.
"You can't leave him." He turned around and I positioned my gun through the bars.
"If you keep looking, he's gonna see you. Get back! I'm not dying out here because you want payback against some kid who kicked your ass, okay?"
"Let go." Theo was pulling him away.
"Calm down!"
"I said let go."
"What's going on with you? This can't just be Nolan. Something around here is triggering you."
"I'm fine." I focused the gun on the closest hunter.
"What is it? The Hunters? You don't like cages? Scared of heights?"
"I said I'm fine."
"They're up here!" Nolan had a crossbow aimed at our heads. Before anyone could say anything Liam lunged at Nolan and went off the wall.

"She wants me to kill you. She'll kill me if I don't." Liam was punching at the wall behind Nolan until Theo knocked him out.
"Run." Theo shouted and Nolan ran away.
"Was that really necessary."
"It felt good."
"Shit someone is coming." I raised my gun as if too scare him but he was too close so I shot him in the leg. "Maybe hurry up just a bit."

Theo threw Liam over his shoulder. "I don't think we're gonna make it to my truck that easily."
"You.. go. I'll stay." I raised my gun at the oncoming Hunters as Theo ran off with Liam.

I shot each hunter in places that wouldn't kill them, only injure. Eventually I ran out of bullets and he'd to leg it to my car and speed away.

I called Theo and Liam on the drive. "You get away safe?"
"Am I meeting you at Scotts house?"
"No but Malia will probably want picking up." Liam corrected.

When I unlocked the door, Rafael, Lydia, Melissa and Chris were congregated in the kitchen.
"How did you-"
"Key?" I noticed Scott and Malia weren't downstairs so I checked upstairs.

Scott bedroom door was wide open and stood in the middle of the room were the two of them kissing. They were too into it they hardly noticed my presence. My heart ached.

I ran down the stairs and through the kitchen.
"Y/n?" Argent seemed to notice the fresh tears.
"I got what I came for, thanks."

I pulled my hood up and slammed the door behind me, keeping my head down incase anyone was there. I launched my keys across the road as a hand with a bad scented cloth, covered my mouth. I fell into their arms almost immediately and felt myself being dragged away.

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