Pineal gland

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I walked to the library the next day and met up with Scott and Lydia.
"It's worth a try, just search it." I urged.
"Okay." Lydia responded.
"Stile: an arrangement of steps that allows people but not animals, to climb over a fence."
"Yeah, somehow I don't think this is the "Stiles" we're looking for." Lydia finished.
"Maybe Malia has found something."
"No, she's taking her makeup test today. Keep reading."

She scrolled through the pages but all we could find were images of steps and more definitions. A coyote howled throughout the school and we knew it was Malia.
"I guess the test isn't going well." We ran out of the library and followed the sound.

We followed Scott to the basement and watched as he tried to calm Malia down. Noah and Natalie joined not long after.
"She is calming down." She had stopped growling as much but Noah still seemed a little scared.
"Maybe you should growl back? Scott, you're the Alpha. Can you just make a little more docile?"
"No." I stopped them.
"What do you mean no?"
"It's her territory and we've invaded it, just back away." I stepped back and the followed.

"Malia?" It had gone quiet.
"It's alright, I'm okay." She walked forward naked and I helped with her clothes.
"You okay?"
"It was just the test." She kissed me and we walked back to the others.

"It's a 'he'."
"Who?" I asked, curious.
"Stiles. It's a family nickname. I never used it, but... my father did." I looked at the others and we went back with Noah to our house to learn more.

"He was an army engineer. He ended the war, one bridge at a time." He started.
"And he went by Stiles?"
"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked getting up.
"Water, please."
"Just a tea, thanks." I walked into the kitchen and boiled tea. I came back with two cups of tea and two glasses of water.

"Maybe he could help us figure it out. Maybe ke knows who we're looking for."
"Is it someone of your age?"
"Yeah... I think he was my friend. Maybe even my best friend."
"I guarantee my father can't help you." Stilinski was adamant.
"Can we try?" Scott was eager to persuade him.
"Scott, he lives in a nursing house three towns over. He hasn't received visits for years."

My phone began to ring so I got up to answer it. "Hey Argent."
"Meet me at the McCall house, I need your help." I ended the call and grabbed my keys.
"Scott, I gotta work. Don't get anyone killed."

"So, why do you need me?"
"You have a key and I don't want to pay for broken windows." I nodded and handed him the keys, following him inside.
"Ooh, yes please." I took the coffee from him as Melissa walked in armed with a candle stand.

"Good morning."
"You know normal people knock." She lowered the candle holder.
"Something tells me you're not here just to make me coffee."
"I need your help. There's a body in the morgue that needs to be examined."
"And you can only sneak into kitchens?" She joked.
"Actually, I wanted your experties about something."
"Your car?" I asked.

He drove us to the hospital and she snuck us into the morgue. On the open tray was a body with a big hole in its head.
"I'm gonna go with with head trauma as cause of death." Melissa looked a little disgusted. As did Argent.
"The skull wasn't just broken. Look here. These are teeth marks." He points at the wound.
"A were-wolf?"
"No, I highly doubt a were-wolf could bite through a couple human skulls." I spoke up.
"A couple?" Argent pulled out a picture of a dead woman and showed Melissa.

"The size and bite pattern appear to match." Melissa was more interested.
"It looks like who did this to Denise, did the same to Mazzara."
"That's odd, even for Beacon Hills. Why biting off the back of someone's head and not take anything?"
"But that someone took something from Denise, her pineal gland."
"Seat to the soul." I added.

"Was something missing from Mazzara's brain?"
"Our report doesn't say. But there's one way to know for sure." She puts on some gloves and picks up a scalpel. "The coroner found damage in both Mazzara's repul hemispheres but he assumed they were sustained by the wound."
She puts down her equipment and reaches further into his brain. "Oh god! His pineal gland is missing."

"I'm gonna set of walking back to yours Melissa, I need my car." I walked backwards out of the room and set off walking.

"Scott I left my keys.." The house was a mess. "What on earth happened?"
"It's a long story do I really have to go into it?"
"Have you had a dream... that is so real, you thought it was a memory? Okay. In this dream, I lay in the bed with Claudia, it's a couple of weeks before we move away from college. And we talk about the future, in kids, and what we call them. And I tell her, if we have a son, I wanna name him after my father. She laughs and says: 'Why would you wanna settle a poor kid a name like that?' Then I tell her: 'Because he's a great father.'. One I wish I had. A father I hoped to be. I nthat point of the dream, she smiles, kisses me and says: 'It's okay. We'll name him that.' But won't matter. By the way, he will be called 'Stiles'."

"I have actually. Similar concept." They looked at me. "It was after Josh, in Eichen. Scott and Liam had gotten me through the gate and Valack had ran off with Lydia. I was panicking because I had seen Josh... Theo and Stiles were there, helping me. Stiles had no clue what was going on but when he looked behind me and saw Josh, he seemed to know immediately and went ahead to attack me. I told him I thought I was pregnant and then I woke up."

"Well I don't think it's a coincidence." Scott threw me my keys.
"Need help cleaning up?"
"No, you go home and get some sleep." He insisted.

I called Argent on the car speaker. "Hey, so what we got?"
"I think that if they are hunting tonight they already have."
"So tomorrow?"
"Yep, tomorrow evening." He ended the call and I called it a night after leaving fifty on the counter.

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