The truth

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Tw. Sexual assault

"So we just climb into these hard to breath in body bags and pretend to be dead?"
"Could I not just go with Malia and Kira?"
"Not if you don't want to be electrocuted." Stiles responded. I climbed in the body bag and was carried into the truck.

"Oh my god. It fucking stinks."
"What are you expecting roses and rainbows?"
"I could have hoped."
"Y/n shush someone is coming, play dead."

"I'll need to log the names off the toe tags." He sounded like a grumpy douche.
"There's significant decomp. They were found in the county tunnels way past rigor."
He opened one of the bags and by the sound of his voice was disgusted.

We were carried into the morgue by three men and put on cold metal tables. When Scott couldn't hear them anymore we all started to climb out. I gasped for air and fixed my hair.
"Oh, my God! Never. Again." Stiles was relieved.

Scott, Liam and I easily climb out of the bags but of course Stiles falls face first off the table.

We snuck to the closed unit and faced a patient, hiding from the guards. "I haven't had my medication! I need to see the doctor! He took Dr. Fenris!"
"Someone shut him up." Stiles kept an eye on the guards.
"I need to see the doctor." He had caught the guards attention.
"Shut him up."

I calmed Scott down. "Don't scare him, look away." I knew that by saying that everyone would look but I lifted my top. All my bruises and scars were on show and I wasn't wearing a bra. The patient was now quiet and the guards had gone so I pulled down my shirt.

The lights soon went off and Kira had done it.
"Five minutes."
"Wheres the card reader?" I pointed at the empty door.
"It should be here. They must have taken it out when the dread doctors broke through."
"Are you telling me that we came all the way down here, just to be stopped by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?" Stiles was anxious.

Scott and Liam started pushing on the door trying to break it down but it clearly wasn't working.
"The mountain ash is too much."
"Hit me." I was confused at Liam. "Hit me! I'll get angry, then I'll get stronger."
"Hit him." I continued. Liam teased him until he punched him, twice. I stepped back as Liam and Scott finally broke the door.
"Go!" I rushed past to Lydia's room where she was tied to the bed.

I was horrified at the bloody drill next to her and the hole in her head.
"Stiles? You cant be here. You'll die if you stay here." Guess I'm just invisible now.
"He's coming." I heard his footsteps.
"We aren't leaving."

I pulled Stiles out and we hid around the corner.
"I've amplified your abilities-- something that might just save the lives of your friends."
"Someone is coming... but it's not Scott."
Theo, Tracy, Corey and Josh cam through the barriers. I turned back against the wall after seeing him and my breathing sped up.

"I can't believe this is actually a medical establishment."
"Now, what would a pack of Chimeras want with a Banshee?"
"I don't want a Banshee. I'm looking for a Hellhound." Parrish burst through on fire. But I could only hear the voices and feel the heat.

"Y/n." Stiles was rushing to calm me down. "Y/n, calm down." The fight continues and I hear wind whistle through a pipe and skid through Parrish's chest. My breathing had gotten louder and I could be seen through the bars on the door frame.

Theo roared loudly. "Stop! Somethings wrong." He pushed through towards me.
"She's having a panic attack."
"Oh, god. Why?" Stiles looked back and seemed to know immediately. He chased after Josh.
"Y/n. Y/n don't think about that. Think about family, Malia, Scott, Stiles, the lives you saved."

I couldn't focus. My mind was full of flashbacks. Theo grabbed my hand. "St-stop." My eyes were flooded. He let go and I curled over, throwing up. He pulled my hair out of the way. As I stopped I leant back against the wall. Stiles was back so I hugged him.

"Are you okay?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"My- my period was due last week." It had only been two weeks since the hospital.

Both of the boys looked down. Ashamed.
"Go find Lydia." Stiles left, contemplating the help of Theo. Scott and Liam came following Parrish not long after so I joined them.
"They went ahead."
"Have you been sick?"
"No." I wiped my mouth discretely as we followed Parrish into some tunnels.

We follow the twists and turns, trying to keep up. Stiles came flying at Scott and just as Lydia began to scream Parrish coated her in a shield of fire. He walked out himself carrying Lydia.
"Where to?"
"This way." We began following Liam and Scott to a gate.  We made it out and were greeted to Stiles jeep. I climbed in the back with Stiles and Lydia.

She screams slightly. "Lydia look at me your gonna be okay."
"But your not." She points out the blood dripping down his ear and I checked mine, blood.

They carried her inside but I waited in the jeep. I wiped away the blood and chewed on some gun from the front. The windows shattered and I ran inside. Lydia was lifeless on the table. Stiles was struggling to wake her but she gasped for breath as Natalie came in.
"Stiles saved me." I smiled knowing they were okay and walked back to the jeep. Stiles followed.

"Tell Malia."
"I-I can't."
"Trust me it helps if people know the truth. It gets easier. I can help if you want." He walked me back inside.
"I'm not paying for the windows." Stiles joked.

Back at the house, Noah and Malia were there waiting. I hadn't seen Noah since the hospital, I just left him money in an envelope and avoided him. He saw my face and was clearly shocked but ignored it.

I hugged Malia briefly but pulled away, leaving one arm wrapped around her back so I could face Noah.
"I need you to get something for me.." I paused and looked up at Malia. "I need you to get me a pregnancy test."
"But yo-? Oh." He pieced together the bruising and the girlfriend and the pregnancy.

He pulled me in for a hug and then I went to bed with Malia.
"Why didn't your tell me?"
"Because I was scared."
"Don't be." She wrapped her arm around me.

"It was Josh, at the back of the hospital. Malia had gone with Scott and Stiles to look for the other chimera. I saw Josh sneaking around and went to see what he was doing. I didn't know what he was or what he would do." I had gotten out of bed to talk to the sheriff.

"He pinned me, face first, against the wall then span me around the face him. When I struggled against him he pinned my wrists to the wall and kissed me to keep me quiet. He was- he had his hand on my his err hand had slid under my leggings. I tried to squirm to get him out of me but he.. kneed me in the stomach. Then he..err.. pushed me down so i was level with his... and he unbuckled his belt. He pulled me back up after and continued but with.. more fingers. He then kneed me again but this time when I- curled over he pushed my head hard against the wall with his hand on my mouth and knocked me out."

I was sat around the table with Stiles, Malia and Noah. "I don't think you should arrest him."
"Why?" He had taken notes on the story.
"Because I think he has what is coming to him."
He slid the test across the table and I took it into the bathroom with Malia.

I peed on the stick and set it on the counter, lying in the dry bath. I must've fallen asleep waiting because I woke to Malia shaking me.

"What do the two lines mean?" I sighed, getting up.
"That means positive." She sighed too and walked me out, setting the test down in-front of the Stilinski's. "I want Isaac."
"I'll call him." Malia left the room to call him.

"So you have your options... you could abort, or keep the foetus or you could even go to court and maybe reduce the cost of your medical bill."
"I want to abort."
Malia came back a little later with news that Isaac was on his way.

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