She promises

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"I'll try calling city hall." I dailed the number and waited for an answer as Lydia and Malia talked. The call timed out and I walked back.
"No answer."
"So far the only thing we know is where it is."
"That's all we need to know."
"Well if you are going to some creepy place then I think I'll stay here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I was gonna visit Argent anyway and Liam said he might need my help with something."
"Okay, love you." I walked out and started to drive to the hospital.

"Scuse me." I ran to the nearest nurse. "Hey, where's the patient from this room?"
"Erm.. I think Melissa took him for testing."
"Guess I should call Melissa." I whispered to myself, pulling out my phone.

"Where are you?"
"We are in the basement." I took the lift to the basement and wandered through the empty halls.
"Totally hygienic." I stood next to Melissa.
"Oh- the nine herbs... your missing honey."
"Honey, it's a binding agent and a natural antibiotic."
"Stay here I'll go get some."
"No need there's some in my car I went shopping earlier." I threw her the keys and stayed with Argent.

"Y/n we need you at the tunnels."
"But I-"
"Tunnels. Now."
"Fine, fine."

I ran past Melissa in the corridors and got my keys. "Gotta run. Don't kill him." I climbed in my car and drove to the tunnels.

"Hey Noshiko."
"If you want to do this, you'll have to do it yourself." She handed us the sword. "Once it's done... whatever happens will be your responsibility."
"Oh.." I realised what I was needed for.

Noshiko left and Liam raised the sword, stabbing it into the ground. "Liam wait-" before Hayden could say anymore Theo was bursting through the ground.

His claws were out and he was ready to fight.
"Theo! We're not trying to hurt you! We're the ones that brought you back." I yelled
"Where's my sister?"
"Your sister's dead. She died a long time ago."
"You killed her, remember?"
"I'm gonna kill you three. I'm gonna kill all of you."
"Okay. Send him back."
"No, wait!"
"You know what this does? We need your power to help us. Then, you can kill whoever you want. But, if you kill us, you're gonna end up worse than ever."
"There's nothing worse than what I've been through." He retracted his claws.
"You know what might make it better..." I pushed past Liam and Hayden.
"Yes." He hugged me and I hugged him back.
"You ever hear about the Ghost Riders?"

"What makes you think this is gonna work?"
"You took Josh's power. You can do it."
"Here we go." Douglas turned the switch and Theo groaned in pain.
"Hey, what the hell?" I helped him up
"That was only a billion joules."
"Well, how many joules are in a bolt of lightning?" Liam asked.
"Five billion."
"Well, I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for your concern."
"You don't have Josh's power anymore, do you?" Liam asked.
"Or Tracy's." Hayden finished.
"Guess I'm back to Classic Theo."
"Maybe you should try some remorse, since you killed them for their powers."
"I just put them back the way I found them."
"Okay. Send him back." Hayden insisted.
"Hold on- I can help. I know about the Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors. I also know about things I'm betting you don't."
"I'm with Ms. Romero on this one. Send him back." Douglas looked scared.

"Who's making decisions around here? Where's Scott? Where's Stiles?"
"You remember Stiles?" I asked.
"Yeah why wouldn't I?"
"Maybe he's useful after all."
"Let just get out of these tunnels." I insisted.

Liam and Hayden climbed in the back while Theo sat in the front. "In the glove compartment there are some wipes and deodorant."
"You smell." I pointed out.
He pulled down the mirror and wiped his face and applied the deodorant.

"Scotts not gonna like this." I said to Liam as Theo walked in the house.
"You know all about the Ghost Riders. How do we get Stiles and the others back?"
"You can't. The Wild Hunt comes, the Wild Hunt goes. That's how it works."
"But they're still here... And they're still taking people." Liam added.
"That's not possible. They're the Wild Hunt. They're not just gonna stick around. Unless..."
"Unless what?" I asked.
"Unless they're stuck."
"What the hell does that mean?"

"You're gonna help us." Liam insisted.
"Liam, I don't know what to do."
"Well, you remember Stiles, so clearly you know more than we do."
"You're gonna help us, or you're going back."
"Let me guess- Scott wasn't a part of this plan, was he?"

Scott walked in, he was furious. "Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out." I stood in-front of Theo.
"Scott... he can help us."
"It is taking all my strength not to tear you in half right now."
Malia was madder than Scott. But she wasn't as strong.
"Hey, Malia... You aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?"
"Malia.." she growled, drowning out my voice.

Scott pulled me away as she rushed forward.
Theo was pinned against the table and Malia was beating him senseless. I pulled away from Scott and stood over Theo, in front of her as she extended her claws. Scott and Liam grabbed her arms and dragged her back.

"Slow down, okay? He's going back into the ground."
"You can't. He remembers Stiles." I shouted.
"Scott remembers Stiles. Lydia and I remember Stiles." Malia argued.
"The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt. He can help us." Liam argued back.
"Or, he could kill us."
"He's my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword."
"It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight." I smacked him on the chest lightly as they all yelled shut up.

"You both are right. If Theo tries anything, we'll send him back to the Skinwalkers. But, for right now..."
"He goes back now." Scott insisted.
"Except Liam's the one with the sword..." I smacked him again.

Scott and Liam walked away.
"Malia..." Hayden stepped in front of her.
"Can you give me a second alone with Theo?"
"Why?" I stepped towards her.
"So I can kill him."
"Okay, look-- I know that there's mixed feelings all around, but I might be your only option to stop the Wild Hunt."
"Let's kill him." I sighed at Malia.

Liam and Scott walked back in.
"I can put you back in the ground any time."
"You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity. I know where to find one, and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me."
Malia growled.
"She promises." Lydia spoke up.
"No, I don't!" She clenched her fists. "We're really gonna do this? Trust him."
"You got a better idea?" Hayden asked.
"I've got an idea. It may not be better... But at least it's not him."

"Liam, Hayden and Theo are coming with me and we will meet you guys there."
"Do you really have to chain me up?"
"It's not my decision."

I drove to the preserve and we walked through the woods.
"This was a bad idea."
"It's not a bad idea."
"It is a terrible idea. I told you where the transformer is. I told you how it works. I don't need to be there when it all blows up."
"It's not going to blow up! They ride the lightning. We can use that to catch one and keep him there until we figure out what they want. It's a good idea."
"You're trying to catch a Ghost Rider. A million things can go wrong. Terrible idea."
"The bad idea was bringing him back. Scott's right. This was a mistake."
"You took a risk. We took a risk. But it was the right thing to do. I believe in you." They stopped and kissed each other.

"You guys want me to leave you alone?" He raised his chained hands. "Oh, that's right. I can't."
"We better hurry." I suggested.

We kept walking to the shed and walked in to see the massive cage in the middle.
"This thing can transmute the energy from a lightning bolt. Even successive strikes." I unchained Theo.
"Mason, are you sure this is gonna work?"
"Well, whatever's inside this cage is shielded from any outside electrical current. So, the Ghost Rider won't be able to use lightning to escape." I walked out and sat outside the door, bored.

The sky started to get dark and I went back inside. Lightning started and the ghost rider appeared in the corner of the room. Hayden ran through the cage and trapped it from one end.

Scott went to slam the gate but it was blocked. Theo rushed to help him but his arm got caught. I pulled him back and Scott growled, strengthening him. "You tryna lose an arm?"
"Well we did it."
"It worked."
"Now what do we do?" I asked.

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