Hole in her head

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"Ms. Martin wants you." They didn't budge.
"Damn I really hoped that would work. How about I rip your throat out instead?" I smiled.
I looked back at Mason who really looked horrific.
"I will blow your heads off!"
"I think you might have to go save your boyfriend." He whispered, leaning down to my height.

When I looked back Nolan was facing Mason at the end on the corridor. "Nolan!" Before I could move any faster he threw a white powder over Corey and Liam. "Bitch!" I stood next to them and leaned against Liam to take the throwing knife out of my boot.

I aimed for the wall next to his head but Liam and Corey grabbed me before I could let go.
"Woah, Y/n. No." Liam is grabbed from behind and thrown on the floor. I follow them into the classroom while Mason is blocked by the crowd at the door.

The boys from the door grab me as I try to intervene. "Get off of me." They pushed me against the wall and I gasped for breath.
"Your mine." My mind flashed back to the hospital as I watched Liam get beaten.
"Get...off." My breathing became heavier and both the guys let go, leaving me to fall to my knees, gasping for breath.

"Y/n!" Mason had spotted me. "Breathe."
"Hey! What the hell is going on? Back off!" Coach has stormed in and pulled the boys off Liam.
"Hey! Get to the principal's office! Now!"
"What the hell is this? Get out! All of you! I can't stand to look at your faces! Come on! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" He pushed everyone out of the doorway.
"Coach." Mason pointed at me in the corner, still struggling for breath.

He knelt down next to me. "Y/n? What happened?"
"They... grabbed me."
"God... think about something, family? Malia?"
I closed my eyes and pictures Malia in my mind and my breathing slowly got normal.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine." I smiled and walked out with the others.

"I get stuck on babysitting duty and this happens. You healed yet?"
"I'm healed."
"Can you sit in the car so we can talk for a sec?" Mason asked. I walked to the front and sat at the wheel.
"You have to tell Scott."
"No. It's not her fault." I tuned out of the conversation obviously about me and turned up the radio.

"It's not my fault." They climbed into the car. "They grabbed me."
"I know." I reached across Liam for the glovebox to retrieve my gun.
"Where is it?"
"Where is what?"
"My gun. I put it in the glovebox."
"Shit." Liam looked around.
"Well. Here's a suggestion. Don't go to school tomorrow."

I started the car and drove the boys back to their houses. While I stopped at Scotts.

"Hey, what'd I miss while babysitting?"
They looked at me questionably. "Oh they told you didn't they? I'm fine, really." I sat on the sofa and picked up the nearest magazine to distract myself. Scott and Malia sat at either side of me. They lowered the magazine and I sat back. "What happened?" Scott asked.
"You can talk to us." I stayed silent, facing the kitchen.

Scott softly grabbed my shoulders and led me against him while Malia grabbed my legs and put them on her lap. I gave in to the comfort and closed my eyes.


Splashes of water hit my face, forcing me away. I groaned and squinted at the bright daylight. "Had to check you weren't dead."
"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up.
"Twelve." I groaned and walked upstairs, I started keeping spare clothes in everyone's houses incase I couldn't go home and change.

"So why was I awoken?"
"Stilinski called. Said he has two werewolves in holding."
"My car or the jeep?"
"Your car."
"Okay and I have some bad news that I just remembered." They stared at me, patiently.
"So someone may have stolen my gun."
Scott sighed and picked up my keys.

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