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My broken scream echoed endlessly through the abandoned corridors. I collapsed into Peter's arms and we slid down the wall. A fly flew from my throat, relieving the choking feeling. He grabbed my hand.

"I-I can't take your pain." I raised my head towards him and smiled.
"Thats because all my pain has already been taken."

"I don't want to die here." I croaked.
Everyone was scared. "Tell me then, where do you wanna go?" Stiles spoke up.
"The roof." My cries worsened as I was lifted and carried to the roof.

Malia sat next to me, and Peter (too upset to watch) walked away. I rested my head on Malia's lap, led on the roof ledge. We watched as the lights in the town all turned on and off.

"I wanted to do it you know, just not like that." My voice was shaky and she noticed.
"I know." She took off her jacket but before she could place it on me my body was going limp and I was slowly rolling off the edge.

She grabbed my wrist trying to stop me falling. "Scott, anyone? Help." She yelled out to the others. I was lifted my body scraping against the concrete wall.

But I wasn't in me anymore. Spirits were all around me; there were dead doctors, patients and older spirits.

"Your dead, you know." A voice from the back emerged, coming into view. "Your a spirit until someone calls time of death, then your dead. And only the spirits can be brought back."

"Bree?" I span around finally recognising the voice. He flew ahead of me following my body, and I followed him.

I was carried to a room with Melissa in it. Chest compressions. Didn't work. She tried and tried. Everyone was crying. "Defibrillator!" It was rushed towards me. "1..2..3...clear."

I felt the shock even in spirit form. "1..2..3..clear. Come on Y/n." She put them down and tried again with the chest compressions.

Suddenly, I felt as though I was being sucked into my body by a vacuum. I gasped finally able to breathe again. I coughed and spluttered as Bree faded away. "Bree.." I passed out again but still alive.

"She's okay lets just get her to a bed." I could hear everything that was going on and it was torture.

I led in bed listening to people come by, talk, leave, fix up my appearance and play the radio once in a while. The same thing, for days. Malia didn't visit once. I missed her.

I was also missing everything else.
"Someone tried to kill Liam, Malia and Scott."
"The benefactor was Meredith."
"The hunt is over."
"Scott was a Berserker."
"Derek is evolved. It's super cool"
"Peter is in Eichen, supervised visits."

Peter visited whenever he could. As did Stiles. And Scott and Kira. And Lydia. I waited for Isaac to come but he never came. Phone calls exchanged between him and everyone else.

Lydia painted my nails once a week and told me all the stories. "There is a new guy in town and I heard that he, is hot."

I was so sick of hearing everything and not being apart of anything I pushed myself. I pushed myself so hard, thinking of everyone and everything I missed. Lydia kept talking.

"We do the senior scribe this weekend, Malia is.." her voice stopped dead as I screamed myself out of the trance. Everyone rushed in, doctors, nurses, friends.

My vision was blurry but I could still see the blinding light from outside.

I calmed my breathing and blinked rapidly, focusing my eyes. The push and the scream tired me out. I attempted to climb out of bed but fell against some people (which made sense since I hadn't walked in ages).

They lifted my back into bed. As soon as the doctors knew I was okay they left me to catch up. Although I didn't need to thanks to Lydia.

I laughed and joked for a bit with my friends still tired. Malia didn't show. Neither did Kira but I knew she was away with her parents.

"Wheres Isaac?" I knew he wouldn't come I just wanted to know why.
"Last we heard he was in New York."
"When was that?"
"Last week."

The room soon went silent. "Well with any luck I will pass my test and they will let me be a senior." I joked.

It was awkward now so they left and let me rest. I couldn't rest though. I was scared. I didn't want to be paralysed again. I just stared out of the window at the rain.

Tap tap tap. The knocks broke the stare and Melissa walked in. "Hey, there is someone here to see you." She opened the door wider and I saw someone.

I jumped out of bed still weak and leant against the window sill. I forgot I was in a hospital gown and felt a little embarrassed.

She walked in. "I heard you almost died." I spoke up, ignoring the awkwardness.

"I heard you died. You okay?" She asked.
"No, not really. You?"
"I almost got set on fire."
"Everyone okay?"
"Basically." It went silent

"I'm gonna go."
"You don't have to." I suggested.
"I should go."

She went for the door but it was locked.
"Why would she lock it?" I asked still too weak to walk.
"Melissa!" She repeated herself but no answer.

"I could break it."
"Please don't I am already gonna have to pay for my stay."
"Why would she lock the door?"
"Maybe she didn't mean too." I prompted.
"You don't just accidentally lock a door."

I paused to think. "Okay well maybe.. she wasn't thinking exactly or wasn't thinking it through. People sometimes do things without thinking them through."

"Then she's stupid."
"No even smart people can do stupid things. You know cause they don't have a choice and it is forced upon them. It might not be their fault. And you should hold that against them, you know, for the rest of their life. Especially because she's didn't have the chance to apologise or explain." The conversation soon changes course.

"Is she gonna ever explain?" She stepped towards me.
"She might."
"I don't have much practice in new things. Some things i'm picking up fast but other things are like..."
"Like math."

"I hate math."
I took a step towards her and fell against her. "You hate me?"
"I like you Y/n. I like you a lot."

I smiled at her response. "Yeah I can work with that." I pushed myself up and kissed her. I was in control this time. Her arms wrapped around my back, mine around her head.

We stopped staring at one another and the door unlocked. I shook my head and giggled. She walked me to my bed and sat with me talking. My stomach soon hurt from laughing.

I yawned, she noticed. "You should sleep."
"I can't." I sighed and pulled her closer, we just cuddled for the night.

I awoke in the morning to her still by me asleep. She jolted awake and helped me get ready.

She dressed me and helped me see if I could walk, which I could.

She helped me set up my test and sat with me timing me. Three hours past and I was done.
"God I hated that."
"I'm sure you did fine." She reassured me.

We put the letter in the post and walked back to the hospital and I called Isaac with the phone which everyone pooled together for.

Voicemail. "Hey Isaac, its me Y/n. I hope you remember me. I'm your sister who was in a coma for nine months." I sighed and ended the call. I stayed at the hospital packing my stuff and eating crappy cafeteria food with Malia.

Senior Scribe tonight. It was still raining, heavily. Malia had left me in the hospital so she could get changed herself.

I took the chance to call Stiles.

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