I have a son...

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Scott was trying to reach his mom but the call only ever ended with a recorded message.
"Scott..." I sighed.
"Your moms gone but she's still alive." Malia assured.
"What do we do now?" Liam asked.
"We can't hide from them."
"Well, what about Lydia? The Ghost Rider was afraid of her."
"It wasn't fear. It's... almost like reverence."
"Doesn't matter. The rift is gone. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills."

Noah walked in.
"I have a son.." we looked at him as he sighed.
"His name is Mieczysław Stilinski... But we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. Not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue... But, uh, the closest he could get was 'mischief.' His mother called him that until..." he paused and looked down. "I remember when, uh... When Stiles first got his Jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time when he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart- always. We're here tonight because my goofball son decided to drag Scott and Y/n, his greatest friends in the world, into the woods to see a dead body."

He had tears in his eyes and I hugged him.
"How did you remember?" Scott asked.
"It started with Stiles' jersey. Then I found the red string for his crime board. Finally, his whole room came back, and all the memories. And then the strangest thing happened..."
"What?" I asked.
"I thought I saw him. It's like something opened right there in the middle of the room. Just for a moment. And then it was gone."
"A rift..."
"I thought there was only one rift. We saw it disappear." Malia added.
"You remembered Stiles, and then a new rift was created."

"If the Sheriff can do it..."
"Maybe we can."
"But that rift closed." Lydia argued.
"Then we'll open it again."
"How?" I asked.
"By remembering Stiles. We have to remember everything."

"Scott. You, Malia and Lydia try to remember. I'll go with Noah and Liam to the station."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, you guys already remember more about him than me and I have to make sure they don't shoot Theo." They nodded and I walked out with Liam and Noah.

We climbed in my car and drove to the station.
"I'll meet you guys in there in a sec." I said as we climbed out of the car. I went behind my car and changed out of my clothes into some fighting clothes. I had on a black sports bra and some leather pants.

"That-that-that's not possible. That's-they couldn't have taken everyone."
"They didn't." Theo shouted from the cells. "Please, please tell me that you brought the key card."
"I also brought my gun." Noah said, seriously.
"And your sense of humor. That is great. But, if we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills, then we need each other. Which means you need me out of this cell."
"We need to trust you." Liam said.
"Then you need to get realistic, because trust is not important right now. It is us against them, and you want a lot more of us, considering how many of them there are."
"I hate to say he's right, but... he's kind of right." I added.
"If I let you out, and I see any behavior that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head, God won't even recognize you."
"I'm an atheist. Fire at will." Noah stepped closer, holding out his key card.
"You're gonna need to be a bit closer than that, Sheriff. Wave it over the card reader. Come on. Right here. Up and down. You can do it!"
"Sheriff, we need him." He was hesitant.

"Tell me something." He insisted.
"Tell you what? What are you talking about?" Theo was confused.
"Tell me about my son. Tell me one thing about Stiles that you remember. Just one."
"You swipe that key card, I'll tell you anything you want." He argued.
"Sheriff! They are coming." Liam yelled.
"One thing. Just one thing!" He started to walk away at Theo's silence.
"He was smart! Smart enough not to trust me." Noah swiped the card and let Theo out.

"They're here." Liam said.
"How close?" I asked.
"Too close." Theo extended his claws.
"How many?" I asked again.
"I heard a couple horses, maybe more." Liam stuttered.
"Five. I-I think five at most." Theo confirmed.
"Four of us, five of them. You ready?" Noah spoke up.
"Wait, are you kidding? Us against five Ghost Riders?"
"We can take 'em."
"Five of them?"
"Four of us."

"Yeah..." Stilinski opened the door revealing what looked like hundreds of ghost riders.
"Aww..." one lashed its whip at Noah and he was gone. I slammed the door.
"Three of us."
"Fucking run." We legged it to the car. "Shit my keys." Theo groaned as we ran to another car.

I climbed in the back as they came closer.
Liam pulled out a box of keys.
"Keys! Keys!" Liam handed him a key but it didn't fit. "Are you serious?"
"Here." He handed him another.
"Give me another."
"Which one?" Liam was scared.
"Any of them! Come on!" He yelled.
"There's a lot of keys here!" Liam yelled back handing him another key.

"I really feel like you're not even trying right now, Liam."
"I'm trying!"
"No. Come on, Liam, give me ano-" Liam handed him a key, hurriedly. "This isn't even a car key!"
"That's a small key. That's too small. Too small!" He sieved through the keys.
"Come on! He's right behind us!" I yelled.
"Okay, here. Take this one." He handed him another key.
"Whoa!" It worked.
"YES! Go, go, go!!!" Liam yelled excitedly.

Theo drove back, running over a rider. We drove along the back road, following Liam's directions.
"Will you two kiss already?" I sighed, lying across the back seats.
"What no." Liam was embarrassed and Theo just ignored me.

"Where does this take us?"
"The hospital." I said, having recognised the roads.
"Hospital? Why the... What the hell are we supposed to do at the hospital?"
"Hide." He looked back at Theo. "Look, we can't outrun them, right? I know every inch of that building- every room, every corner."
"Hide? That's the best that we've got?"
"We just need to keep them away from Scott for as long as possible."
"Why? What's he gonna do?"
"He's gonna remember."
"Remember what?"
"Stiles. He has to remember Stiles." I spoke up.
"What if he can't?"
"Then the rest of us... We get forgotten."

We pulled up at the hospital and Liam turned on the ambulance alarm.
"Don't! Don't turn it off!"
"You want to bring them all here? Every single one of them?" Theo shouted.
"That's exactly what I want to do."

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