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"So... I'm gonna need you to repeat the plan."
Argent sighed and pointed to the points on the blueprints. "You stay in the van. Your communications and back up. If anything happens you come in."
"M-Kay." I set up the computers and he climbed out.

"Pulling up drone feed now."
"Okay we good?"
"Yeah just don't mess this up. We've been tracking these sales for weeks and I have a flight to catch."
"In position."

I watched the soldiers arrive and tuned into the sound.
"Major Delane is my contact at Camp Robertson. I'm surprised he didn't tell me about the change in protocol."
"Well, the Major got promoted and was promptly shipped overseas."
"Huh? Didn't know the Army worked that fast."
"They do when they want to." Harper replied.
"The Major's not Army, he's a Marine. Who sent you? Who's buying all this weaponry?"
"We don't need to have a situation." Harper stated, calmly.
"We already do. See, I don't sell to weekend warriors. You want these guns, you'll answer my question." Argent insisted.
"We're taking the guns, and the ammo, and the crates."

I looked on the cams as they loaded their guns and saw Scott and Malia approaching. I sighed and turned on my mic. "Argent we have unexpected guests, stay calm I'll deal with them." I took off my headphones, loaded my gun and climbed out of the van.

"What the hell are you doing?"
"Backup." Scott said. And before I could do anything he took out Steve.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"
"We're your backup." Scott repeated.
"I had a guy on the inside."
"You're standing on him." I raised my gun at the 'soldiers' and walked in front of Scott and Malia.
"I thought I was meeting you at the airport."

Argent nods at me and I pull out the remote.
"Get down." He yells as I push the button and crawl behind the crates. The lights blew out and the gunfire began. I shot back, reloading my gun every few minutes.

Malia had dragged back Steve and Scott had started to take out men. Eventually Harper was the only one left and had a gun aimed at Malia's head. I shot his hand, causing him to drop the gun and Argent aimed one at his neck.
"Who are the guns for?"

Harper calms his shaking as if to surrender but pulled out a grenade and dropped it to the ground. We ran back and took cover as it blows up, coating the room in thick smoke.

I coughed as the smoke dispersed and soon realised he had escaped.
"For the record, we had everything under control."
"Clearly." Malia scoffed.
"Did you have to shoot his hand?" He asked me.
"He had a gun to my girlfriends head."
"So you couldn't shoot the gun?"
"Well that's no fun." I replied as if it was obvious.

"How did you find us?"
Malia pointed at Scott. "He did it."
Scott sighs. "You left your computer in the bunker."
"Ah. I guess I need a new password."
We walk back to the van and check our stuff. "Ah- I see that I may have left the van unlocked." Nothing had been taken so I sat in the front and took a swig out of my water bottle.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I've been busy. Business is booming, and I'd like to know why."
"Have you made any unusual sales recently?" Scott questioned.
"Like a bullet with a fleur-de-lis?" Malia continued.
"Nope." I said flatly, a little drunk. It wasn't water in my bottle and it wasn't a clear bottle. It was full of vodka.
"Give me that." Malia snatched the bottle from me and I frowned as she downed it to stop me drinking.

"I haven't stamped a bullet since Allison died. Why are you drinking?" Argent asked.
"I have a very good reason. I haven't been able to drink all summer, I can get drunk and I was just told I might not be going to France."
"Someone just killed a Hellhound with one." Scott continued to ignore me.
"Can I see the casing?" Scott reached into all his pockets but found nothing.
"It must have fallen out."
"You don't need the casing, you need the slug. Find that, and you'll find your mysterious killer." I added.

"Guess we are going to look for it then." Scott added.
"Y/n." Malia urged me to follow her.
"Y/n." She said, sterner.
"I don't think she wants to." Argent joked.
"That bottle had hardly anything left and I really don't think you want to deal with a drunk Y/n."
Argent nodded and I was dragged to the other car.

Reluctantly, I climbed into the backseat and stretched across the leather.
"Y/n, drink the water." I shook my head.
"Drink the water!" She shouted.
"No!" I yelled back.

She span in her seat and grabbed my mouth, pouring it in. Before I could spit it out she clamped my mouth shut so I just held it in my mouth. "Swallow." She grabbed my wrist and I swallowed. Scott was laughing his arse off in the front seat, Malia kissed me before sitting back in her seat.

I groaned and rolled off the seat. "Ow." I opened my eyes and saw a small bottle of whiskey under the seat of Stiles' jeep so I downed it.

I was on the verge of sleep when I heard Malia's disappointed voice. "You didn't." I shot up but fell back against the seat before falling again as the car stopped. They climbed out and Scott opened the door at my feet, dragging me out.
"No I wanna stay." I groaned.
"Someone was shot and killed we aren't leaving a drunk you alone."

I stood up dizzily as they watched me. "This is torture." I mumbled as we stumbled to the location.

"Okay, I'm not good with subtlety. What the hell happened last night?" Malia asked.
"Yeah. I get it, I freaked out. Which you freaked you out."
"So you admit that you freaked out. Wait a minute, I didn't freak out." She realised.
"You haven't been trying to get me to talk because you're freaked out that I freaked out?"
"No, I've been trying to get you to talk because, you know, I'm Well, I'm worried about you."
"Uh, I'm okay. Thanks."
"I was hunted by my dad."
"I was hunted by my girlfriend's dad."

They laugh for a moment before going back to seriousness. "Does that fear ever go away?"

"What if I told you I saw a red laser sight right now?"
"I'd say that you are seriously...not paranoid." He turned around as Argent released himself from the shadows.
"Relax, it's just me. Is she still drunk?"
"Hammered. Do you have to use that thing?" Malia asked.
"To determine the trajectory of the bullet, yes. Show me where you found the body." They point to the ditch in the ground and look around.

Chris shines his gun at Malia and Scott before wandering it around.
"Take it easy, safety's on. Got it. Scott do me a favor. Glow your eyes, tell me if you can see it, too."

I leant backwards as if to lie down on some leaves but forgot the ditch so I went straight down. "Ow." They ignored me and I stayed in my position, getting comfortable.

"I see it."
"That's because it's made from an element with a higher heat signature than regular metal. It shines infrared, like your eyes, because it's silver."
I scrambled to my feet and started to silently walk back.

"How come no one's saying anything? Silver, copper, lead. Who cares what a bullet's made out of? Don't they all do the same thing?" Malia complained.
"Well, there's a myth that a silver bullet can kill a werewolf."
"Silver's too soft for bullets, they don't fly straight."
"If you didn't fire it, then who did?"
"I'm tired." I moaned.
"Someone who doesn't know what they're doing."Scott added.
"Someone dangerous. A new hunter."

I sat down and leant against a tree. "I'm gonna-" I yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap."
"No you don't." She grabbed my arm to pull me up but I didn't budge. "God... your.. so... heavy... when.. your... drunk." She said in between heaves. She sighed before turning to Scott. "Can you help?" He laughed an picked me up, carrying me back to the jeep.

I nestled my head into his arms as he carried me and finally fell asleep.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now