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She guided me backwards into the girls locker room, kicking the door shut behind us. I smirked as she pushed me against the wall kissing me roughly.

We kissed and kissed, all period. Nothing else. We walked out five minutes before the bell, all flushed.

The rest of the day was similar to first period. Except Malia got mad more than me. After school we met with Stiles, Scott and everyone else. Stiles had a look on his face that said 'no' and it scared me.

I walked home with Malia, Isaac left a not back for me.
Gone shopping, coming back I swear x

I smiled and went upstairs with Malia. She stopped me outside me room and told me to close my eyes. I did and she guided me through the door then stepped back.

"Ta daa!" She sang as I opened my eyes.

The room was coated in rose petals and every scented candle was lit around the room. The blinds were shut and the bed was freshly changed. My mess of a room was no more.

"Listen, I am not good with romance and change, I mean I had my first time in a basement. But, but you deserve something better." I walked forward kissing her and kicking off my sneakers.

She span me and led me against the bed I took off her shirt and she unbuttoned mine. She placed me on the bed properly and jumped on-top making the petals fly everywhere.

She kissed my lips, then my neck, and my chest leaving a trail of kisses to my pants. She undid her pants and I mine.

Her warm hands stroked my waist, guiding my underwear down and flinging it across the room. Her warm breath caressed my skin as her tongue slid across my pussy. It slid back and forth as I gripped her hair, pulling her closer and moaning loudly.

She pulled away and pulled her lips to mine making our tongues dance in each others mouths. I grabbed her shoulders and climbed on top still in the kiss. I slid my hand under her panties and teased her opening.

My fingers slid in and out caressing her insides, she broke the kiss and moaned into my mouth. Her hands massaging my boobs.

She dominated me. Our bodies were mangled and hot as she continued to finger me.
"I think I'm going to.." I was breathless but she kept on going until I did. I came on the bed and she collapsed next to me.

We led next to each other, clothes-less under the sheets.

I woke up at two a.m to three figures standing in my room. I covered myself with a blanket. The middle figure, guarded by two taller figures, threw some clothes at my face and raised a finger to his lips.

"Put the clothes on." He whispered I recognised his voice almost immediately.
"Put the clothes on." He repeated, sternly.
"Turn away." I insisted. He chuckled shaking his head and the other figures stepped forward and raised their swords.

I climbed out of bed, not disturbing Malia, and I put on the shirt and the shorts. The top was tight and you could clearly see everything. He picked up my phone and called it from his. Then he hid it in the hallway and the figures opened the window.

"You first." He guided the way with his hand. I looked down, trying to step back but instead walking into the guard dogs of his. I stepped out and slid down the drainpipe. He jumped out followed by the guards, who in the moonlight looked like evil doctors.

The doctors gripped my shoulders tightly and suddenly we were in the woods. I was near a bridge, Theo's car was there. The doctors had roped me to a tree and I was stuck, helpless.

"Guess your wondering why you are here? Well that is a secret you will never know." He listened for a moment.

"Aw, we have some nosy guests. Stiles and Liam. I will be back." He turned to the doctors. "Shut her up." One held a hand to my mouth, the other a sword to my throat.

I heard rustling of leaves and a muffled conversation between him and Stiles. He soon came back and the sword backed off.

His chuckled at my anger and presented to me three syringes. "One, makes you lose the ability to speak. Temporarily of course. Two makes you forget everything that has happened tonight between us, and three," he paused to stare at the third one which was a red colour compared to the white. "Three kills you."

He injected the first into my throat and the hand backed off. I tried to scream or yell but nothing came out. "And my personal favourite is number four. Because that one makes you angry. Angry enough to kill someone maybe."

"But since you aren't going to remember anything, here is the plan. I told Scott and Stiles to be suspicious of you since you aren't a wolf, did the Nogitsune really leave you? Then I make it seem like you are. The suspicion isn't on me anymore. You know my third friend." He pointed at the two behind him. "He is out making some trouble."

I was freezing in the cold autumn wind and the sun was on its way up. Theo held up his phone to my ear.

"Y/n, Y/n where are you?" Malia was screaming around the house.
"Hey whats wrong?" Isaac.
"I-I woke up, Y/n was gone and the window open."
"Call Scott!" The door opened and slammed shut.

"Scott, Scott. Y/n is gone, she is missing."
He pulled the phone away from me and ended the call.

"Sound interesting." He smirked. "Stay here, inject two and four and then untie her at eight." He left with the third syringe and gave the others to the sword-y one. They did.

It injected the liquids into a vein on my arm and cut me free. I fell to the ground and they were gone.

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