Locked up

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"You guys don't have to come you know, these are violent people." I suggested as we passed the steel gate.
"Girl, we made it this far." Avis chimed.

"Okay we will go to Scotts house, they have Valack's book they are gonna wanna read it."
Peter shivered at the name.

We walked through the streets, keeping our hoods up and staying in the shadows. We hid by Scotts house and I called Malia.

"Hey, we are outside. Stay quiet and come meet us." I ended the call and she came out not long after. She joined me and Peter behind the car and kissed me.

"You said I love you." She paused as I nodded. "Well I love you too." I kissed her again with more passion.

She opened her mouth to speak but I shushed her. I pointed at my ear and the window and she understood. She looked around at the other people hidden and she questioned me but I shut her down. "Go back inside." I whispered in her ear.

She went back in and left the door open. I signalled at Peter and the others to stay outside but Peter insisted on coming in.

We snuck past the door and up the stairs. He snapped out his claws. I burst into the room and headed straight for Theo, pinning him to the wall, my forearm at his neck. "Hi honey."

"Y/n what are you doing?" Scott was furious.
"This dick needs to pay." I pushed harder against his neck and he snapped out his claws. Peter came towards me but I backed him off.

"Peter?" Everyone was confused.
"Put. Away. The claws Theo." He looked scared.
"Theo!" I was madder. He dug his claws into my shoulder wound and pushed be backwards onto the sofa.

He leant over me and breathed against my neck. "I could do this to her if you want." He winked at me. "Naked." Scott pulled him off and I sat up.

"I am not possessed. He took me in the night and made me forget."
"How on earth would I do that?"
"It's true." Peter spoke up. "Use the claws, Scott."

I nodded and he sat next to me on the bed. His claws dug into my neck and he explored my head.

"She's right." He whispered, although it was undetectable. I stood up and looked out of the window. Everyone else had scattered and a van from Eichen house was outside.

"Who called them?" Peter asked.
"I don't think that they are coming for you Peter." I stared at Theo who was standing closer and closer to Malia.

I pulled Scott's lamp from his bed side and threw it at Theo out of rage. Isaac flinched. I scared him. I stopped fighting.

"Read the book." I said as they tried to drag me away. Malia was stopping them and Theo was holding her back. A needle felt it's was into my neck and I lost consciousness.

"Oh I am going to KILL YOU!" I heard Peter yell as I fell out of it.

I led on the floor of the room, lifeless. A single tear fell from my eye as Marin was guided in. I turned my head but not my body. "Psych evaluation." She said, sweetly as I stared.

"No." I couldn't think of anything.

"Your friends called them again?"
"He wasn't my friend. But since I am stuck I here and you aren't. I need you to tell them that Theo is working against them." She nodded and left the room.

I turned my head back towards with window at the too of the room. I could do this to her if you want. Naked. His voice echoed through my head like a bullet.

It didn't help my emotional state anymore that I was on my period. I got up and knocked on the door asking for a shower. The curly haired woman led me out of the room and to the showers. "You have ten minutes."

I got undressed and turned on the shower. She didn't look away. I stepped under the water and damn it really was cold. A man comes in and whispers to the woman then leaves.

"Alright get dressed you're out of the quiet room." I dried myself and got dressed. She led me to the cafeteria and I sat and stare out of the window at the steel gates.

The therapy session was next and I just sat on the chair, my knees were pulled close to my chest. "Today we are talking about guilt."

"Y/n how about you?" I didn't respond. "Okay then, anybody else?"
"I threw the lamp." I spoke up.
"What lamp?" Her voice was sweet and soft.
"Scotts lamp. At Theo." A tear fell past my lips. "I turned into my father."

She ended the session and I stayed put. "Y/n, they know. They are safe."
"Isaac was afraid of me." The tears stopped.

Each day was the same. Emotions- none. Speaking- none. Thoughts- endless.

"Imagine. Imagine death. Now imagine dying over and over again. Feeling that pain, that bad rush flow through your veins. It needs to escape through anger or-or sadness but it can't. It's trapped within." I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

"Can I go back in the quiet room?" I wanted escape.
"Why on earth would you want to?"
"Solitude." She nodded and took me down to the quiet room.

"Your stay is over. Grab your stuff."
"I don't have any stuff."

I went to use the phone before I left so I could call for a lift. "Malia, I need a ride."

She came to pick me up but she was driving Theo's car. I sat in the front and stayed silent.

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