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I woke up zip tied to a metal fence. "Hi." I said.
Tamora stepped out of the shadows. "I told them not to but they did and now your here."
"Huh. Maybe you could let me go." I joked.
"You shot our men."
"They would have shot me. Multiple times. 'Till I wasn't anything to shoot." I defended.
"They are in the hospital. You put their families in debt."
"I'm in debt." She frowned at me. "I can keep going."

"I think I'll leave you to their families." Two men stepped in front of me, one throwing their fist at my face. I coughed as the blood spread from my gums. "Ow." I groaned flatly, raising my head. "I think I'd be found, you know."
"Really?" He lifted my car keys.
"We playing a game of grand theft auto now?"
He sat down and the other man picked up a

He turned the dial to one and looked me in the eye while hitting the button. I screamed and clenched my jaw tight as the electricity flew through my body.

"How much can a wolf stand?" I gasped.
"Jesus." The fan behind me blew cold air on my back.

He turned the dial up to three and pressed it in short burst every minute to keep the pain flooding my veins.

After what seemed like hours I saw Monroe again. She was bringing in two others.
"Oh- I really can't deal with these two now." I was cut down and tied to a chair with twenty layers of rope.

Monroe douses them with water as they wake up.
"You've heard of me? You've heard of me?" Ethan said mockingly.
"I thought it was a lacrosse thing, okay?"
"What do you want with Scott McCall?" Monroe snapped.
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I supposed to know who you are? Or be impressed by this little show?" She shocks them on the 8 dial.
"What. Do. You. Want. With Scott McCall?"

"Actually, I've got some questions for you." Jackson said. She shocks them again turning up the dial.
"That's not how this works."
"Really? Because it seems like you need us more than we need you. Or you'll never actually find out what we were gonna tell Scott McCall."
"Why are you killing Werewolves in London? Why did you send Hunters to chase us down? Huh?" She shocks them once again.
"She didn't." I spoke up. Both of them looked confused at my presence.
"As I said, this is not how this works."
"It already did. He talks, I listen."
"Yeah, we're getting pretty good at it." She shocks them for a final time before exiting the room.

"...Happy anniversary." Jackson said.
"Well I have to say I never pictured this." I chimed in.
"Why are you here?" Jackson murmured rudely.
"Do you think I chose to be here?"

A man came in as a said that and held my phone to my face. "What's the password?"
"Your 'friends' keep calling you."
"Oh well that makes ev-" he jabbed my stomach with a taser and I screamed in pain.
"What the password?!"
"092412." I cried.
"There we go. Now what do we text Theo, Scott and Malia. How about we start with the ex? Yes that's right, we know everything that has happened to you. The strong little girl who's now here-" he leant into me before whispering the word weak.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, the tears filled my eyes but were too scared to actually fall. I noticed Ethan and Jackson look at each other in concern.

"'Stop texting me, I need sometime alone'." He paced around the room. "'Scott, stop calling me I don't want to talk'. And finally, 'Theo, you know what they did. I want to be alone. Let me be alone'."

He set my phone down on the table in my view.
Y/n it didn't mean anything, come back home. -Malia.
You can't escape all your problems Y/n-Scott.
We need you. -Theo
I cried as the text kept exploding my phone.

Jackson was knocked out and dragged out of the room. Two men untied me and grabbed me. "No... stop. Get off of me. No!" I yelled and tried to wriggle out of their grasp but I was tied to the fence next to Ethan anyway.
"I think we're expecting guests." I groaned, finally recovering.
"Your not wrong." Tamora walked in.
"You can't shock us both. She's human." Ethan snapped.
"The maximum she can handle is five. Which is the minimum for pain for a werewolf."

She sat down and looked through the messages on my Lock Screen. "Y/n.. what happened to you?" Ethan whispered.
"Boys." Tamora interrupted. "Like any other time it's always boys. Boys who touch. Boys who steal. Boys who aren't men." I looked down and away as the people were brought in.

She shocked us repeatedly as all the normal scared people watched. As each shock subsides I look between Ethan, who was partially transformed, and the crowd, all people I once knew.
"Take a good look. We keep that current of electricity coursing through them because otherwise, he'd break through his bindings. Because otherwise, he'd break them both free and kill us all."
"I'd start with you." He growled. She turned the dial up a notch and we both screamed in pain as the volts hit our skin and coursed through our bodies.

"The people who came before us used arrows and crossbows to fight them. This is all they had to protect themselves- a sliver of wood." She turns to Ethan and grabs him by the wrist.
"While he has claws that can cut into bone, and fangs to tear us apart! He's stronger, faster, and his ability to heal can only be described as extraordinary."
"What about her?" Sydney asked.
"This little huntress has experienced enough pain to make a crowd of ten grown men cry. And all it does is make her stronger every time. She could kill you blindfolded and weaponless."

"Bite me." I snarled in her face.
"What's your name?" She turned back around to Sydney.
"Sydney..." she was nervous.
"You've seen them up close. Don't be shy."
"There was a lacrosse game... We got trapped in the library."
"And what did you do?"
"Nothing. All we could do was hide."

"It's okay, Sydney. I did the same thing... Until I got tired of hiding. Tired of being afraid. And I decided it's their turn to be afraid." She took two arrows and dove one threw Ethans stomach and the other through my arm.
"It's their turn!" Everyone muttered in agreement, ignoring the human part of me.

"Their turn to hide. Their turn to feel alone! Their turn to be hunted. I was alone when I killed that Hellhound- a creature they said couldn't be killed. You know who else was alone? Nolan." Nolan was pushed towards her and turned face the others.
"You wanna know what Nolan did? On his own, late at night, he risked his life to try to take out Scott McCall- the Alpha. And he got us Y/n. This sixteen-year-old boy put enough bullets in that house, I'm surprised it's still standing!"

I chuckled knowing it wasn't even Nolan but the boy who pushed him forth.
"Thanks to Gerard, you have an armoury- guns, weapons... And, most of all, you have each other. I don't wanna pretend that this will be easy. I know it goes against our nature as protectors. But, you're going to have to be like Nolan and Sydney. Keep their bravery in mind as you step out tonight and do what you know you have to do."

She stepped back towards us and pulled the arrows out of us. Both of us yelled in pure agony. Where Ethans wound had healed, mine hadn't. Blood was dripping down my arm. I bit hard on my sleeve and pulled it tightly to try and tourniquet myself.

She pressed the remote a final time, causing me to finally give into the pain and pass out as the keys were handed to Sydney. "Ethan..."

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