One in four hundred

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"Isaac." I sighed and ran into his arms.
"I'm sorry." He was crying.
"It's okay."
"Y/n, I have to go meet Braeden, are you okay to stay with Isaac?" I nodded and Malia left the house.

Stiles had also left because Parrish had flamed out. "Isaac, I'm sorry I scared you."
"You always scare me." He joked. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Noah took some notes I'm sure he'll let you read them." He got up.
"Just some fruit." I led in the bed but soon fell asleep waiting.

"Y/n, wake up its time for school." The bruise on my face had mostly faded but could still be seen. I stayed in bed, wanting to go back to sleep but the covers were pulled off me.

I changed my clothes and brushed my hair. I put fifty dollars on the counter and walked out with Isaac. "Your coming to school with me?"
"Should I not? Stiles you don't mind do you?" He shook his head no.
He climbed in the back and I the front.
"When was the last time you even went to school?"
"Well after Paris I was kinda being hunted so.. a while."

He walked into school and sat in every single class of mine. "You don't have to protect me." I was shoving all my books in my locker because I had the rest of the day free.
"Yes- I do."
"Isaac.. I'm fine. Nothing can happen to me at school. Now I'm going to the library."

Lydia, Stiles and Scott were already there and Liam came behind me.
"With frequencies?"
"No, by shifting. The frequency is just the trigger. The important part is when it shifts into the werewolf."
"Like Peter, he got stronger after every full moon and all the burns healed."
"So the dread doctors want the beast to be as strong as possible and as fast as possible." Liam chimed.

"Uh, we've got one clue to go on. This came from the hospital-- whoever's lurking inside the Beast is wearing a size-10 of indeterminate make."
"And in all the four hundred size tens in beacon hills there is only one with Parrish's blood on it. Like a needle in a haystack." Optimism is my thing.

"So, are we going to try to get the game cancelled?"
"No. No, we're going to play, but we're just going to hope really hard that it doesn't turn into a blood-soaked massacre." And sarcasm was Stiles' thing.
"Okay, but, umm... Aren't we kind of missing out on a chance to catch this thing? We don't have the 'who,' but we have the 'where' and the 'when.'"

"There is too many people." Scott was still considering it.
"And it might not actually happen.." we all looked at Lydia in disbelief. "It could just be a regular lacrosse game."
"That's absolutely possible."
"So, we're still getting the game cancelled."
"We're getting the game cancelled." Scott confirmed. We all left and I went with Scott and Stiles to the station in hopes if cancelling the game.

I stayed in the car while Stiles was talking with his dad. "Scott I need to tell you something."
"I'm pregnant." His face went blank and he reached for my hand.

"We are going to get coach." We drove out to Stepping Stones Rehabilitation Centre and found coach staring into space. Stiles waved his hand in-front of his face but no reaction.

"Stand on his foot." Scott stomped on his foot and still no reaction.
"Coach, you're in rehab. You didn't have a lobotomy."
"I'll try." I leant forward to whisper in his ear. "I'm pregnant." He turned his attention to me.
"Really? I always picked you for a gay ty-oh." He saw my face and shut up quickly.

"You're checking out of this place now." Stiles was adamant.
"Not a chance."
"Dude- we know your fine." I added.
"Shhh. I have a debilitating disease." I stared at him still in disbelief. "It's called, 'I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach'-phobia. Look it up!"
"Nobody's shooting arrows at anyone, okay? We just need you to coach the charity game." Stiles was getting annoyed.

"Charity? Not. A. Chance."
"How exactly have you been conning them into letting you stay here?"
"I, uh... I have relapses. It's... It's serious. I've had seven of them."
"So.. once a month."
"Yeah! You see, uh, every time they are just about to discharge me...I relapse."
"And no-one seemed to notice that pattern?" Stiles looked at him incredulously.

"I have phenomenal health insurance. So, why don't you guys get the hell out of here? I hate charity games. They're meaningless."
"I don't think the charities would agree..."
"What's it for this year?" Scott was getting seriously impatient.
"For or against?" Stiles scoffs at this.
"Against, Coach. Deeply against!"
"Yeah, okay. Well, I'm deeply not interested. I will never coach there again."

"Well thats good cause we don't actually need you to coach."
"We need you to forfeit." Scott finished. Coach looks at us like we're crazy but agreed.
"There we go, all we're asking."

We left coach to get discharged and drove Scott to the game.
"So who do we think it is?"
"We don't know." It kinda downed Scott.
"Well.. who is around during the day and gone at night, every night or is gone while the beast is around?" Stiles asked.
"A lot of people we can't stalk everyone."
"Mason." Made sense.
"What? No. He isn't a genetic chimera and he's human he has to sleep." Scott replied.

I looked at Stiles. "Do you want to respond to that Stiles?"
"Wha-I sleep!" He was offended.
"Not recently you don't."
"There is too much stuff going on right now."

"Scott, are you and Kira okay to play the game? I mean you haven't played in forever and Kira is still kinda possessed by a spirit." I changes the subject.
"Yeah we're fine." Something felt wrong as he got out of the car.

We laid eyes on the many news vans parked in the dark. We snuck past them and went into an empty classroom.
"Mason, you know your part?" Scott asked.
"Corey and I break into the Devenford bus and search their shoes." Mason confirmed.
"I take out the TV vans." Malia added.
"Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game. The rest of us are looking for a size 10 with a bloody sole." Stiles finished.

"Just out of curiosity... What if it doesn't work? What if we have to go up against this thing? I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories, but Scott's still healing from what Theo did to him..." we were all thinking the same thing.
"No, he's not." We looked at Scott as he lifted his shirt revealing the completely healed chest.
"I healed when we got Lydia out of Eichen, when we were a pack again. We got this."

"Wait what do I do?" I felt left out.
"Err.. make sure everything goes right." I knew it was last minute but I accepted.

Everyone had packed into the stands and it was time for the plan to be put into action.
"Hey, coach? Now is the, uh, time to forfeit the game..." he ignored me and stare straight ahead at the players setting up on the field.
"Now's the perfect time to forfeit the game..."
He cleaned his whistle and crossed his arms.
"You gotta..." it was clear it was purposeful. "Coach? I will walk onto that field and strip in-front of the camera's."
"Lahey, I have never forfeited a game. And I never will, but please, keep your clothes on."

I sat on the bench next to Isaac who had just arrived and shrugged at Scott. "Malia has to get those cameras down." I rubbed my hands and shivered in the cold, leaning against Isaac for warmth.

"What is Kira doing?" Isaac pointed at the trail of bodies the was leaving.
"That girl is damn serious about charity." Coach muttered.
"Fuck." I got up and walked to Scott and Liam on the side of the field. "Go with plan B." They ran to Brett and mid game he tackled Kira.

She tackled him back and was sent off the field, speaking in Japanese. Lorilee had followed her but she was taking ages. "Hey Isaac? Can you hear Kira?"
"Yeah, she's fighting." He got up and went inside followed by Scott who also heard.

Coach called time out as we were losing badly. "Stiles!" I yelled and he came towards me.
"I know this job is completely fake but seriously stop sucking. You have to score. Get the ball to Liam." He left and discussed a plan with Liam before running back onto the field.

Liam scored twice and fast while Stiles was checking peoples shoes. I watched as he was kicked in the head and toppled to the ground. I helped him up and iced his head. "You aren't supposed to get donkey kicked in the face." I fixed his hair.
"I was trying to check her shoes." I could tell he was seeing two of me because his eyes were flicking left to right.

A high pitched sound burst through the field and everyone covered their ears. "It's here."
"Liam. Liam wait!" He was launching himself at the buses where the beast has come flying.

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